Monday, April 27, 2020

"Ooo, have another hit of fresh Lysol, Ooo, have another hit of Clorox"

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

   Jennifer Rubin, from the Washington Post, asked a very important question, “Is Trump a ‘Stable Genius’ or a dangerous ignoramus?”
   She opens by quoting the Death Cult president saying,

“and then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out, in a minute. Is there a way we can do something like that? [Question directed to Dr. Birx, who retreated back up Trump’s ass after giving a very meek response.] By infection, inside, or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. You’re going to have to use medical doctors, right? But it sounds interesting to me.”
   Then the “stable genius” said, “I would like you to speak to the medical doctors to see if there’s any way you can apply light and heat to cure. You know? If you could.” “And maybe you can, maybe you can’t…I’m not a doctor.”
   At that point, Dr. Birx said, “Beam me up, Scotty! NOW!”

   She then answered, “No, that would not be a treatment.”
   Since the Devil Donnie has been hoarding hydroxychloroquine for himself, he is now decided that Lysol is the next best thing.

   If one could go back in time to the 1800s, we would likely see Trump standing behind his covered wagon selling his snake oil tonic to gullible Tin Foil hat wearing townies in Oklahoma, or Nevada, or Kansas, or Kentucky.


 On S.N.L., a Dr. Fauci parody showed a clip of Trump saying that a vaccine will be here “relatively soon”. The phrase “Relatively soon” in comparison to the overall age of planet Earth might be how Trump was thinking when he said it. Two years when looking at the millions of years the planet has been around, would be a very short time. But if it is in comparison to when your partner says to you that dinner will be ready ‘relatively soon’, and your partner gives it to you two years from now, you might realize that there is a disconnect to what ‘relatively soon’ really means.
   If he thinks American will believe that he was sarcastically joking during this televised dialogue exchange, then they should stop drinking Trump’s hydroxychloroquine tonic immediately!
   Dr. Birx made the excuse, while speaking to Jake Tapper on CNN, that Trump was just having a dialogue with his experts throwing out ideas that had been floating through his very, very tiny mind and it wasn’t meant to be a real solution for treatments. “He was just talking out loud.” WHO is Dr. Birx trying to kid? Is she as nuts as her boss? She is proving to be a real moron and should be put out to pasture. If HER BOSS was just having a “talking out loud moment” with his medical experts, then have it in private and not in front of the American people and the press. She knew the truth, but was trying to give her imbecilic boss some cover. He REALLY did believe that he had a brilliant and YUUGE game changing idea.
   There are reputable experts saying that once you develop antibodies protecting you from a second exposure to COVID19, being immune is not a definitive fact. Bill Maher had on Dr. David Katz, who believes there is antibody immunity once you are over COVID19. And, Bill naively believed him. The data and research is still developing on antibody immunity. Someone needs to tell Katz he is not telling the truth.
   In Bloomberg News, Patrick Henry [Now that’s a name to trust] wrote on 4-25-20, “W.H.O. Warns You May Catch Coronavirus More Than Once”. “There is no evidence people recovered from the disease are safe.” This information should be worrisome to the nearly one million people who had or have had COVID19, and are about to venture out of their shelter-in-place environments. We all may not be safe from the loosening of state quarantining restrictions.

   Here is an article detailing Trump’s outrageous responses to the coronavirus. Read it HERE.

   There is research studying the human waste flowing into sewage treatment plants to study just how many non-symptomatic and symptomatic people are dumping the virus into the treatment systems. The results are startling. There are many more people recovering from the virus at home and non-symptomatic people shedding the virus through their poop is more than estimated. There is a company, Biobot, is doing research in New Castle county, Pennsylvania.

   For all those Republican White Nationalist governors gnawing at the reopening halter bit have no idea how many people in their states are walking around spreading the virus. Herd immunity, the idea that everyone should get the virus then we will have protective antibodies, is not proven. It could be the beginning of a viral tsunami, destroying the nation’s economy spiraling it into a full-blown Second Great Depression. We need a vaccine and facts and proof, and solid research before we are really safe.

    When you walk into a Walmart where the wearing of a mask in the store is a requirement, and you see people not wearing the mask, then we may be looking at the next Hot Spot. Walmart---“enter at your own risk” should be posted outside the store.

Here is a Randy Rainbow parody of Trump's Lysol / Clorox COVID19 treatment.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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