Sunday, April 5, 2020

Trump Lives In His Own Fog Of War Story

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.


    Viral droplets, when indoors, can spread further than 6 feet resulting from a sneeze, a cough, talking and just plain breathing. These droplets, which are clustered together, become trapped in a cloud of air falling upon surfaces or stay buoyant. At that height, you can walk right into it breathing in those viral droplets. YIKES!! This cloud can travel up to 26 feet!!! This cloud is actually a gas that moves. One can walk through this cloud where you suck in these pathogens into your lungs. A cough or sneeze can travel up to 20 feet with a single expulsion.
    One can spray up to 3000 droplets that can glob together creating a mass of around 40,000 droplets of virus. This becomes a cloud of virus!! This is a strong reason to cover one’s face while indoors with other people you don’t know.  This cloud of viral droplets, which is called an aerosol, can linger suspended in the air as a result of air currents. Spaces such as Walmart can be a hot spot for catching the virus. This “aerosol” of virus becomes a suspension of floating droplets, which can remain viable for MINUTES!!
    There is a concern that these clouds can get trapped in air circulating systems in buildings. All these factors create a greater risk of catching the TRUMP VIRUS. This may be the reason why some people don’t know how they caught the TRUMP VIRUS.
    Being in the fresh air, such as a park or bike trail, the wind currents and  breezes will break up and force these droplets to disperse. Opening window helps a great deal.
    The Southern states need to brace for a serious outbreak!! Since we have governors of states drinking the TRUMP VIRUS COCKTAIL, they are ignoring lock down warnings, putting their citizens at serious risk of contracting COVID19.
    We are seeing this happening in Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, South Carolina, and Virginia. Some of these coastal communities are ignoring staying at home recommendations by the Surgeon General, which will put people at risk of exposure.
    Their hospitals are totally unprepared and vulnerable and under-equipped. Many of these hospitals have only ONE doctor on staff. This is a clear reason to kick the bums out of office in November. We don’t need Republican White Nationalist officials running government. They don’t care about anyone but themselves. They have put their constituents at risk of dying or becoming seriously ill.
    Another reason to rid our present day Three Stooges from government is because Trump and Kushner want to do favors for those who support Devil Donnie. Creepy Kushner and Devil Donnie were contacted by a financial lender they used to finance and re-finance their business loans. This company, Apollo Global Management, asked these Two Stooges if they could relax the rules on the coronavirus relief money program so they can get a piece of the free money pie.
    Creepy Kushner, and his evil father-in-law minimized this request by saying that they get hundreds of requests from people, but when a business partner is deeply tied to the Trump Organization and Kushner Companies then a red flag is raised with Conflict-Of-Interest printed across it.

    Today COVID Donnie said during his Daddy Needs Love press conference said, “I’ve heard from many hospital administrators telling me they are thrilled with where they are.” Is he taking some sort of mind-altering drugs? He is living in a psychotic altered reality. Read it HERE.  

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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