Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Donald Trump--The Death Cult President

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

   As was written by, Mike Lofgren on Common Dreams, Donald Trump and his party of rightwing GOP radicals have become a “Death Cult”. As describe in the media, there are individuals and groups protesting against the preservation of life. They rally for death and the sacrificing others in order to accomplish their Market Leninist principles over everything else. Business at any cost above the health and safety people’s lives.
   We have heard the Lt. Governor Dan Patrick of Texas proposing those who have worked their entire lives to create an economy and standard of living Americans have valued to go out and get the economy moving so those younger can shelther in place protecting their health from the virus. This fascist called for seniors to do the work required to open the economy so those younger can shelter-in-place. Dan Patrick should volunteer in a Texas hospital overwhelmed by COVID19 patients. Apparently he has a lot of extra time on his hands.
   We have watched governors of Red States fail to call for a shelter-in-place order permitting their economies to stay open even if people contact COVID19 while some might even die from it. Those governors are part of the “Death Cult” created by the White Nationalist Republican Party.  This chaotic economy illustrates Trump’s life!!
      It may have been Trump’s plan, as collaborated by the coven of blood thirsty Republicans, such as Moscow Mitch and Lindsey Graham-Cracker, along with The Cretin’s White House militia of Death Cultists, like The Putz, formerly known as Pence, Mnuchin, Kushner and others. This could have been their plan since 2019! Currently, we have nearly 900,000 people with the virus, and 43,000 deaths due to COVID19. And these are just reported cases. There are those who have the virus and are dealing with it at home. There are those who die at home, but have another reason for their death written on their death certificate other than COVID19, which was likely the reason for their death. These people have other serious medical conditions, yet COVID19 was the actual condition that ended their life. It may not be reported that way.
The idea of Herd Immunity is just another way of spreading the contagion throughout the country, which would over tax our health care system and hospitals, allowing hundreds of thousands to millions of people to catch COVID19 and die.
   Apparently, Trump asked Dr. Fauci about allowing the virus to run unbridled throughout the country infecting everyone and anyone it touches. Apparently, Devil Donnie thought this was a great idea. This is how he thinks of the people of the country. He wants it opened up without the millions of required test kits and a masked distancing plan. People are now walking Florida beaches in groups risking the safety of others and risking a huge strain upon our hospitals and the first responders. These beach bums walking along the water and lounging in the sand without masks can spread their viral droplets because humid air holds the virus intact and the breezes will blow those viral aerosols several feet into the faces of others. It’s all about Melania Trump’s First Lady motto:

             “I Don’t Care. Do YOU?”

   We have witnessed sloppy and negligent food processing manufacturers allowing many of their sacrificial employees to become infected with the contagion because of the failure to protect the workers. Now those plants are shut down reducing our food supply. This is the complete incompetence of Corporate Leninists cultists. Business as usual at any cost.
   These bands of fascist death cultists led by the freaks at Infowars and other organizations likely funded by White Nationalist Republicans, such as The Freedom Caucus, the Koch Foundation, and Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos. These are idiot Tea Party kool-aid drinkers who feel that allowing their fellow citizens to get the virus, which would drain hospital protective equipment, as well as over taxing our health care system, is just fine! If these protesters catch the virus, let them call Mike Pence for help, or just stay home and suck it up.

   If you question Trump about his total incompetence handling the contagion crisis, he lashes out. See it HERE.

   These Republicans, who proudly declare themselves to be part of this fascist political party, and that includes Trump voting senior citizens, should get off their pompous, self-righteous asses and volunteer as hospital orderlies, van drivers, nursing home aides, hospital aides, custodians, food deliverers or grocery baggers, just to name a few essential jobs, if they believe the economy should be opened up no matter the consequences; or, they should just shut up and get out of the way of common sense!!
   It is reported that 5 million tests are needed by June in order to open the country safely. It is likely that we now need two million tests to allow those impatient Red State governors to reopen their state economies safely. We are learning that once a person gets the virus, the infection affects each person’s body very differently, especially after experiencing the need for a ventilator. The medication used to sedate the person in order for that person’s body and nervous system to accept the very invasive procedure of placing a tube down one’s throat. Once recovered, some people experience PTSD, others experience compromised breathing issues, others have strange affects occurring in the brain. 
We all have to be concerned about all the other critical medical conditions that Americans use our emergency rooms during a time when COVID19 patients are filling them up. What about the people who had a heart attack, bowel obstructions, workplace injuries, appendicitis attacks, or a stroke at home and need to be moved to a hospital's emergency room? Read more HERE.
Apparently, this is just fine with the Trump Death Cult. They are not concerned that our doctors and nurses are catching the virus and some are dying while trying save others. These very selfish, Market Leninist GOP cultists apparently don’t care if they become infected or that others may get infected. Their motto is: “I don’t care. Do YOU?”

If you want to know mild symptoms of the coronavirus, then check out this link HERE.

Here is a reason for mail-in voting. 7 died from in-person voting during the Wisconsin primary election. Of course, the GOP Death Cult objects to mail-in voting because they know, as Trump already expressed, would kill the Republican White Nationalist Party for a long time to come. Read it HERE.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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