Saturday, April 11, 2020

America Reaches 20,000 Trump Virus Deaths

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

    The United States has become the country with the most COVID19 deaths and related deaths. Today, Saturday April 11, the country passed 20,000 deaths.

   Hechuvah Job Donnie and Putzy Pence!!

Devil Donnie is wishing all of you Christians a “Happy Good Friday”. Good Friday is a day of reflection and it’s not a happy day for Christians but a day not to celebrate but to reach in one’s soul and understand that Jesus took on the “sins” of others. One could say he offered up his full compassion to God for all the fallibility and frailties of humanity. He became totally selfless as he suffered on the cross for all of humanity.
    But Dumb Dumb Donnie, a person with absolutely no compassion, wishes those praying and reaching within on Good Friday a “Happy Good Friday”. As America closed in on 20,000 deaths that could likely have been much smaller had the Devil Donnie prepared the nation of this pandemic, a pandemic that HE KNEW WAS COMING. That failure makes him an evil person.
   The fascists at Trump’s State T.V., FAKE FOX NEWS, have been feeding him talking points, and in return they reinforced those same talking points once The Demon Devil Donnie spoke them. The traitors at FOX are Hume, Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham all march in lockstep with Trump as they lie to their viewers, sadly causing some to believe their lies and ignore the facts about their COVID19 symptoms resulting in their deaths. They were told time and time again that this virus was just a common cold, or the common flu and no worse than the flu. This purposeful propaganda should be considered Negligent Homicide!
    Now they are telling their catatonic viewers that the pandemic is over and let’s all get back to our old ways. Get out and party!!! They want their pre-existing-condition viewers who have been told lie after lie: the death toll is actually lower (these people didn’t die), the pandemic really wasn’t as bad as we were told, and it is time to begin shaking hands, once again. It is not really as bad as the doctors, nurses, EMTs, and scientists have told us. Next they will tell us those mass graves in NYC are really Fake News graves.
    These are the American Fascists Trump listens to. We have The Putz, formerly known as Pence, following the fascist playbook by being Trump’s Nazi-like field general speaking for the sinking Titanic Task Force demanding that his experts keep their mouths shut when out in public. Pence can be a reminder of the Nazi Colonel Klink, from the vintage television show called Hogans Heros. He was a dumb, inept guy who thought he was someone of importance, but everyone knew better.
   Even BillyBob Barr has to get in the act. He doesn’t want to be left out. He has to put his fat, jowly face into the story by saying it is time to get the economy rolling again. These fascists don’t believe in science, medical experts and research. They run with propaganda not unlike historical fascists who spread lies and propaganda to their citizens.
    All The Cretin can say is, “I’d love to open with a big bang, one beautiful country and just open.” It is amazing that he believes his simpleminded ideas are brilliant. “We’re looking at opening in sections or open up everything at once.” WOW Donnie, you are brilliant!!!
    The FOX News Fascists are continuing to push unproven drugs as the miracle cure and then, The Cretin pushes it, too!! The Cretin has no mind of his own.
    Demon Devil Donnie decided to instead of appointing a logistical general expert to coordinate the purchasing and distribution of medical supplies and equipment to where they are needed the most, he gives the job to the kleptocratic corporate elite CEOs running the major medical supply companies. The American people are paying for the supplies and equipment made by manufacturers, which is then sent to these Trump chosen companies who then distribute the stuff to hospitals and other locations. These companies take orders directly from fascist Donnie shipping product to where he wants it to go. He is picking and choosing where the stuff should go instead of having a not-for-profit manager with military logistical experience. This is exactly what dictators do.
     Mark Hamill of Star Wars fame, called out the Demon Devil Donnie as “The Thing”, a monster from the 1982 classic horror film. The Thing, a scary monster, took on the characteristics of humans, while embodying the human form. Mark Hamill said that The Thing did the transformation into a human form better than the form Donald Trump has taken on. The Thing is a monster, as is Trump, who is a braggadocio monster. “The Thing imitates human behavior far more convincingly than he does.” Mark Hamill’s insight is spot-on. Trump is a sloppy, disgusting, low-life monster.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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