Friday, April 10, 2020

This Is All Donald Trump's Fault

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

    Comb-over Corona Donnie said at his press briefing, “We have the best testing in the world. We’ve tested millions of people.” Dumb-Dumb Donnie cannot hide the facts. This pandemic won’t allow it. To-date, we have only tested one million people. Our testing falls behind other countries. There are too many sick and dying to “Fake News” his way out of his blundering, bloviating and bungling mess.
    There are more reporters writing how Devil Donnie has turned the country into a dictatorship. You can read another one of these articles HERE.
    Trump called all and any reports written that warned the White House of the coming pandemic and our under-preparedness as a “Fake Dossier” and playing “politics”.
    It is written that the Supreme Court has been part of the White House’s dictatorship plan for the country. The Republican White Nationalist Supreme Court majority judges need to rule on cases before them that are either Trump Organization related or voting related, which addresses mail-in/absentee voting, which would likely kill off the Republican Party for a long time into the future.
    One writer said, “Where are the Republicans?” The Republicans are deep within the corrupt Trump fascist White House design plan. The Republicans are foot soldiers in the neo-fascist corrupt government.
    As David Frum said in The Atlantic, “This Is Trump’s Fault”. Trump’s colossal incompetence has put the country on this horrible trajectory of “more sickness, more dying, and more economic harm from their virus.”
    Trump has said he has done “a very good job.” “I don’t take responsibility at all.” Instead, he blames past presidents. He now calls himself a “wartime president”, yet he has failed at taking on the enemy with both barrels. He looked away from every warning since January 2019.
    He recruited FOX NEWS, or The Republican’s State T.V. network, to lie for him and spin his failed agenda.
    Frum said, “Trump failed, He is failing. He will continue to fail. And Americans are paying for his failures.” Americans will not be able to move forward without widespread testing.
    Senator Chris Murphy said, “They aren’t taking this serious enough.”
    On February 27, Trump said, “We’ve done an incredible job because we closed [air travel to and from China] early”, which was done on January 31. But now, researchers who have been doing genome testing on COVID19 in NYC and in Washington State have learned that the virus was here back in November 2019, and possibly earlier. So, shutting air travel overseas was a bit too late to stop the spread of the virus. These researchers have documented COVID19 genomes of two patients: one in Washington State and one in NYC dating back to 2019.
    “As soon as I heard that China had a problem, I said, “What’s going on with China?...I closed the borders early.” In fact, Trump knew about China’s infection in December 2019, 5-7-8 weeks before he closed the China border.
    Trump’s travel ban to China was really FAKE NEWS. “The ban only applied to foreign nationals who had been in China during the previous 14 days and included 11 categories of exceptions. Since the restrictions took effect, nearly 40,000 passengers have entered the U.S. from China, subjected to inconsistent screenings”, as reported by the NYT.
    On February 11, The Cretin tweeted, “BEST USA ECONOMY IN HISTORY!” On February 15, Dumb-Dumb said, “ Our booming economy is drawing Americans off the sidelines and BACK TO WORK at the highest rate in 30 hears!”
    Limbaugh believed that COVID19 was just the “common cold” reinforcing Trump’s talking point.
    On February 27, The Cretin said,  “If we were doing a bad job, we should also be criticized. But we have done an incredible job. We’re doing a great job with it.”
    As we reach 500,000 COVID19 infections and nearly 15,000 deaths, Devil Donnie believes he has done a great job and needs no criticism. His profoundly stupid incompetence is beyond belief.
    David Frum wrote, “Yet responsibility falls upon Trump, whether he takes it or not. No matter how much he deflects and insults and snivels and whines, this American catastrophe is on his hands and on his head.” Read this excellent article HERE. It tracks the virus’ chronology and timeline, along with Trump’s incompetent handling of the pandemic.

     We are experiencing a new normal. It is a normal where we have limited our consumer spending and our travels. We are limiting what we do for fun. Our dependency on corporate capitalism will be pulled back even when this pandemic begins to subside. Being locked down will shutter a great many businesses as people realize they don't need to submit to the corporate consumerism culture. As businesses close up for good, property developers who own the buildings will lose money and some will go broke. Unemployment will remain higher than before the virus hit our shores. There will be a shrinking of our economy and it will not go back to what it was before the pandemic. As many of these property REITs begin to show lower revenues and earnings, the overall stock market will shrink, as well. Shopping malls, strip malls, and community stores will shutter their doors because sales will shrink as people realize they don’t need to shop as they were doing before the virus took over. Suppliers will cut back or disappear. Those businesses that return, their profits will likely shrink as people become reluctant to shop as they once did. That means less merchandise will flow through their doors. We will be living in a less-than consumer culture. Our economy, which is 70% of GDP, focuses on consumer spending. This will change. We will be living in a new normal.
   As David Frum [Read it HERE] wrote this change falls on Trump’s failure to respond to the pandemic as he needed to do. He failed. He will fail. He will continue to fail. He failed to respond to reports that documented the coming pandemic and how the nation needed to prepare for it. He failed at that. He ignored it. He fired the “Crimson Contagion” team warning him of the coming pandemic in 2019. He ignored the WHO warning in December. He ignored the warnings in January and February of this year. He called it a “hoax” and “no different than the flu”. He is nothing more than a stupid, profoundly incompetent, and incompetent foolhardy man-child.
    This new normal in the economy is his legacy. He will be known as the worst president in America’s history. He always wants to be the best at everything. Now he will be the best-worst president ever!!!

She is actually saying, "I Don't Care. Do You?" "We both don't care about YOU!"

Listen to Chris Cuomo's commentary on Trump's latest bogus cheerleading press briefing. LISTEN HERE.

    “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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