Saturday, April 25, 2020

Trump Finds The Pandemic A Joke

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

  The country is suffering. Americans are under stress for various reasons: money, work, isolation, fear, and getting infected with the Trump Virus—COVID19, a highly contagious and often debilitating virus that kills, and for those who survive riddled with either temporary or long lasting side affects from where the virus settles in the body, such as the lungs, or brain,  or from the drugs used in treatment.
   We have been crushed by nearly one million people who have contacted the Trump Virus, and over 45,000 of human souls dying from the Trump Virus, mostly all alone, in isolation away from those close to them. But recently, the guy in the White House, the Death Cult freak leader of a cowardly, and dangerous coven of sack filled slime Death Cultists formerly known as Republicans, listened to their leader say to the American people, while standing on stage pointing his short, fat fingers flanked by medical experts and his coven comrades, that he would like his medical experts to prove that his brilliant idea, a “game changer”, to inject patient’s lungs with disinfectant and douse them with penetrating heat and ultraviolet light, which would magically kill the virus in only a miracle minute. He even had a back and forth with Dr. Birx when she said “NO” to him, that his idea is “not a treatment”. Then he pressed her to see if it would work! Now there is talk to reduce the number of performances Trump has before the press at his press briefings or to just give him a Fish Cracker and have him go play with his action figure toys of Lil’Kim and Vlad.
   He sounded very serious when proposing his brilliant idea. He clearly spoke like he really believed his idea was from the mind of a “very stable genius”. He said that disinfectant killed viruses on surfaces so why shouldn’t it work if it was injected into the human body.
   “Dr. Frankenstein, I presume.” Sure, it’s time to mainline your favorite disinfectant. “Hey bartender, pour me another shot of Clorox. No make that a Lysol highball.” It sure gives the Sanders slogan a new meaning---“Feel the Bern.”
   But after tons of backlash and a press release from the makers of Lysol stating that their product should NOT be taken internally, The Cretin backed off and said, “ I was only joking. I wanted to see what the press would do after I joked about it.”
   So now we know the truth---this virus—The Trump Virus—is just a joke to him. As we watch brave doctors, nurses, techs, custodians, and medical support, suit up everyday in battle gear, not willingly supplied by our federal government, donning suits, gloves, shields, goggles, masks, at times purchased on their own, putting their lives on the line to save sick and dying American citizens, Donald J. Trump jokes about the virus and kids about fake treatments. He makes the states and cities bargain for what they need as ordered FEMA to outbid them in the marketplace so he can pass out the stuff to his overzealous, Republican Death Cult governors.
   Our first responders, working long, exhausting hours get no thanks or respect from Devil Donnie, the Death Cult president. All he wants to do is, as reported, lay in bed until noon watching television in his Space Force jammies, dream about golfing at Mar-A-Lago, and laugh about the worry-warts about catching the virus or a loved one with the virus, and when all his lackey governors should reopen the state economies, in spite of the fact they don’t have enough tests or reagents to read the test, swabs, and antibody tests.
   As this happens all around him, small businesses grovel for a financial lifeline of cash, while America’s kleptocrats running billion dollar corporations Hoover up the free cash by the millions laughing all the way to the bank, and flash their booty at shareholder meetings, while Jerome Powell, the Fed Chairman, and Secretary Mnunchin look the other way and hope for a cushy job once Trump is sent back to Child Care at Mar-A—Lago all alone. He will wave as Melania goes off with her boyfriend, and Jared and Ivanka go back to New York City in shame fearing the New York DA’s plan to go after them and the Trump Organization for tax fraud. This will be Donnie’s Happy Ending. Very likely his plan for a Donald J. Trump Presidential Library will be one of those Tiny Little Library boxes set up at the entrance to his retirement golf course home by the ocean.
  What we are witnessing is Market/Corporate Leninism playing out in real time right before the eyes of suffering unemployed working Americans, while the 1% make huge sums of cash on Wall Street manipulating the algorithms in their favor.  Let them eat stale cake, is what we hear from inside the White House, and the penthouses in Manhattan. The percentage of Americans out of work equals the number of people who lost their jobs during our Great Depression of the 1930s. This is Trump’s legacy. What we have here is a failure to communicate!!! Trump came in with record job growth. The economy grew under his watch, while he did everything he could to destroy it---tariffs, tax cuts, border walls, immigration barriers, and finally, ignoring the red flags and the warning voices all around him by those he distrusted the most---career government medical expert employees, or should we say the dark forces, The Deep State, he feared were out to get him, that a worldwide pandemic was about to invade the country resulting in hundreds of thousands getting sick and tens of thousands of human beings dying bringing the economy down to its knees not unlike the flagship Titanic’s maiden voyage resulting in the ship crashing into an unseen iceberg and sinking to the bottom of the ocean because the captain was too drunk to pay attention to his trusted charts. Wow! This sounds exactly like Donald J. Trump to a tee.
   This is all happening as Trump jokes about the seriousness of this catastrophic pandemic, as he claims.
   He can pretend he was only joking, but in fact, it was no joke. This complete imbecile was serious. And as Dana Milbank wrote in his excellent darkly satirical piece, just maybe Trump has been taking hydroxychloroquine to protect himself from the virus. The writer said that he shows all the signs of hydroxychloroquine overdosing: confusion, paranoia, aggression, unsteadiness, severe mental shifts, severe mood and mental changes.
   And as Frank Bruni wrote in his NYT piece, “Injection of Bleach? Beams of Light? Trump Is Self-Destructing Before Our Eyes”, that basically Trump’s new reality is to isolate himself from the world outside. We must not lose sight that this guy may win the election, but what we are hearing from him are the “ramblings of a dejected, disoriented and increasingly desperate man.” “As Katie Rogers and Annie Karni reported in The Times, the president feels isolated and embattled and is panicking that he’ll lose to Joe Biden in November.” “…only 12 percent of Americans said that the social-distancing and shelter-in-place directives where they live went too far, while more than double that number—26 percent—said that the precautions weren’t stringent enough. Sixty-one percent said that they were on the mark.”
   Trump did not have a press briefing today. He said he didn’t feel it was forth his effort. This was his way of pouting. He took his toys and went home.
   What this is telling us as Americans is that Trump is desperate. He is not getting the praise, and accolades he so needs to feed his childish ego. He is hoping that his Republican governors, who are desperate for his return for four more years, are his only hope of a successful economic state reopening. It is a risky gamble for both Trump and these overzealous governors who just might find themselves reopening their Linked-In accounts, once again.
Here are some strange, yet real signs to watch for regarding the coronavirus symptomology:

1. It is called Covid Toes. Purple, blue or red lesions on the feet, toes, and sometimes fingers.
2. Fizzing. It is a fizzing sensation. An electric buzzing feeling on the skin.
3. Loss of smell.
4. Loss of taste.
5. Digestive Issues. This may include diarrhea, upset stomach, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and vomiting.
6. Pink Eye.
7. Confusion. This may include the loss of speech, declining recall over a period of time, or forgetting one’s own name over days.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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