Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Donald J. Trump's Great American Swindle Is Killing Americans

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

    Donald J. Trump cares more about catering to the needs of corporate America than sick people, and our real heroes---our first responders working directly with sick and dying Americans.
    America is in deep trouble. Americans are dying. Doctors and nurses and techs, and the others are over-worked, over-extended and under-supplied. They are in serious need of ventilators, respirators, masks, gowns, gloves, and shields. But, The Cretin is out there asking why do these hospitals need so many supplies? Where did their supplies go? Well, Idiot Trump, they got used up!!
    Is this what the Bible talked about when God would destroy evil? Trump is evil. He is the worst kind of evil—stupid evil. Dangerous evil. Psychotic evil. The Bible referenced that God would return to destroy evil. Let us hope that happens in November!!
    COVID Donnie has been playing politics: Republicans versus Democrats; the rich against the rest of us. He pits one American against another, instead of bringing all of us together during a very scary time for many of us. This is what Hitler did. He pitted Germans against the scary OTHER.
    The National Defense Production Act (DPA) is NOT being invoked because the evil monster in the Oval Office doesn’t want to make demands against the 1% running America’s too-big-to-fail corporations, that enjoys zero percent interest loans from the Federal Reserve. This is corporate socialism. Now, many are eligible for tax relief, tax cuts, tax deferments, and more. This is corporate socialism. They get more benefits than most Americans.
    He doesn’t want to piss off these corporate elitists, who are gambling on Wall Street as the economy falls into a recession, and possible depression. These Corporate/Market Leninists told Trump to ease off the DPA trigger, and if he talks nice to them, and eases off EPA standards, then maybe they will make some stuff to sell, at inflated prices, for our first responders. Gee thanks guys for being so nice to us!!
    How does an automotive manufacturing plant that is filled with oil residues, plastic and metal fibers everywhere make sterile and clean medical equipment? This is a scary thought!!
    This is how sick and vile these Corporate Leninists are who run our biggest corporations.
   23% of COVID19 cases are teens and children under the age of 19. If you have diabetes (32% of patients), heart disease (29% of patients), asthma and chronic lung disease (21% of patients), and chronic conditions including hypertension and cancer (37% of patients). 40% of people hospitalized in the U.S. were 55 years old and younger. And, 20% were people ages 20-44. 60% of cases were from people with no documented chronic conditions. [From Allison Aubrey, NPR, “Who’s Sickest From COVID-19? These Conditions Tied To Increased Risk”.]
    What is required is that the DPA be invoked demanding every fabrics company in the country to make masks; every machine company to make ventilators and respirators; for every clothing company to make gowns; for every plastics company to make shields and gloves----- immediately.
    The New York Times published an amazing article written by Zolan Kanno-Youngs and Ana Swanson, titled “Wartime Production Law Has Been Used Routinely, but Not With Coronavirus”. You can read it HERE.
     The Cretin believes that nationalizing America’s industries is BAD. Doing what he is doing is GOOD. He is playing politics over human lives. This is pure evil!!! And, the Republican White Nationalist Congressional goons are looking the other way. In other words, they are complicit in this evil. Therefore, it is a conspiracy to commit evil. Where are the Christians? Where are the Jews? Where are the Muslims? Evil is happening right before your eyes and you ignore it by keeping quiet. Do you all hide your Bibles and Korans as evil kills your brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers? Where is your outrage? Here at this Blogspot, we are outraged!!! Enough is enough. It is time to throw the bums out!!
    Yes. It is time for you to go to your windows, and open those windows, and lean out and yell at the top of your lungs 

“I’m mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore!”

    The DPA has been invoked numerous times, actually 300,000 times in a year’s time reported by the Defense Department, to benefit the military, but when America is dying at home, right now, and our first responders are putting their lives on the line every moment of each day, Devil Donnie is playing politics and has ignored this pandemic for over a year.

“I’m mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore!”

         From the film, "Network"

     Our nation and the rest of the world, has been invaded by a life form, a novel virus, and it is called COVID19. Its weapon is infection. It destroys one’s lung tissue. It is a killing machine. It suffocates its victim. Its artillery is toxic cells that can kill its host.
     The Devil Donnie calls himself a “Wartime President” but is afraid of actually declaring war on the enemy. The only way he can declare war is by invoking the National Defense Production Act in order to get the “weapons” to our front line first responders who are caring for wounded hospitalized Americans, and to provide testing kits to manage the assault against the enemy. Then we need to go “Nuclur” (As Lil’BoyBush pronounced the word Nuclear.) by having a vaccine to protect the country and the world from a later sneak attack.
    Devil Donnie used the DPA “to place hundreds of thousands of orders to ensure the procurement of vital equipment, according to reports submitted to Congress and interviews with former government officials.” 
    So, it’s OK to invoke the DPA for the military industrialized complex when not at war, but when he declares being a “Wartime President” it’s not as critical.
    He said, “You know, we’re a country not based on nationalizing our business.” The DPA “includes a range of authorities including issuing loans to expand a vender’s capacity, controlling the distribution of a company’s products and the more commonly used power compelling companies to prioritize the government’s order over those of other clients.”
    Does this sound so scary when our country is “at war”? The Defense Department said that the DPA “has used the law’s powers 300,000 times a year.”
    This is about corporations telling government what they can and cannot do when it comes to their profits, supply chains, and shareholders, as well as their autonomy. Corporations dictate the rules to government through their proxies—lobbyists.
    In today’s world, as we recall, the United States Supreme Court ruled that “Corporations are People, TOO!!” (Citizen’s United law.) This law needs to be revoked when the Republican White Nationalist Congressional goons are defeated in November.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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