Friday, April 24, 2020

Donald J. Trump Is Actually Dr. Frankenstein

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

Breaking News...Breaking News

Are we living in an episode of the Twilight Zone? The Death Cult president said this during a COVID19 press briefing, while his experts pooped their pants, "Suppose that we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that it hasn't been checked and you're going to test it. Suppose you can bring the light inside the body." "Then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in one minute. Is there a way we can do something like that by injecting inside, or almost a cleaning...It would be interesting to check that." Read it HERE.
Dr. Donald J. Frankenstein decided to offer up his healing solutions to the viral contagion. Then he whispered to Mike- Da Putz -Pence, "I play a doctor on television, so I AM a doctor. I play doctor in the White House Oval Office Daycare Center, so I AM a doctor."
Dr. Birx got her scarf wrapped into a tizzy when she had to correct Dr. Frankenstein by telling him, "Not a treatment."
Then Dr. Frankenstein rebutted with his insane comment, "a great thing to look at."
What would be a great thing to look at is to enact the 25th amendment allowing those surrounding the president to remove him because he/she cannot perform the duties of the president putting the country at-risk. Now that would be  a great thing!!!
What is worrying people in Wuhan, China is a second wave of contagion as people slack off on their physical distancing rules and gather in groups. When reopening happens too soon, a second outbreak can happen. See the report HERE
The Death Cult president doesn't believe in science. He believes in nothing but craziness. He has no embarrassment when he speaks his crazy, foolhardy, ridiculous thoughts. When he does he says, "I was joking." His brain is like a child's toy in real time. He pushed unproven drugs as being a "game changer". Dr. Rick Bright, who led the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority said, that "government [should] invest the billions allocated by Congress to address COVID-19 into safe and scientifically vetted solutions, and not in drugs, vaccines and other technologies that lack scientific merit." He was the authority who was suggesting that chloroquine be given Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA. After that suggestion, the Death Cult president for weeks that followed was saying that doctors should give hydroxychloroquine a try as a "game changer" drug. "Dr. Bright suggested that the leadership of the Health and Human Services Department was not committed to following science and wanted to fund drugs promoted by Trump's political allies", Stephen Collinson wrote for CNN, in the link you can read in its entirety HERE.
Governor Kemp of Georgia was overheard saying in private to Dr. Frankenstein over his phone,  "Let's go bowling! I'll bring the Corona beer. You bring the masks!!"
A big fear for many is that the trillions of dollars allocated for helping small businesses and their employees, as well as for helping city hot spots where the virus had a horrible impact will end up going to the corporate plutocrats who will use this bailout for stockholders, bonuses, and stock buybacks, as was witnessed during the 2008-09 bailout. These Corporate-Market Leninist plutocrats are about enriching themselves and not about saving the country's most affected by this pandemic. Small business makes up the structural framework of our economy. You can read a summary of Lil'boy Bush's Great Recession bailout and the worries of our current bailout HERE.

A research report has come out that says that around 20% of all Americans are positive for COVID19, and there are those people who been tested and given a result of being negative, which could likely be a "false" negative result. This means there are those with the virus yet were told they did not have the virus because the test result was wrong. This data indicates that a possible second and third wave of viral outbreak is a big concern. So, reopening without adequate testing and antibody testing is a big mistake.
In a piece written by Dr. Michael Osterholm, an infection disease expert, worries that we may end up with 800,000 American deaths. He believes we must have a nationwide long term plan. He believes that when we test with nasal swabs, "you have to extract specific material out of that swab. So, if you don't have the chemical reagent to do that, you can't run the test. You just can't have a swab and walk into a lab and say, "Test this." For each test, there are chemicals required to run it, and it varies by which kind of test you're talking about." "The CDC's absence in this pandemic in the United States has been, I think, a tragedy." "There are 320 million people in the United States. If half of them get infected in the next 6 to 18 months, that's 160 million people. The 50% rate of infection over the course of the pandemic is at the low end of my colleagues' consensus on what we can expect to see given the infectiousness of this virus." "...about 80% of these cases will have asymptomatic, mild or moderate illness but won't need professional medical care. About 20% of infected people will seek medical care. That's 32 million people. Of those, about half will be hospitalized. That's 16 million people. Of those who are hospitalized, about half will actually require some form of critical care. That's 8 million people. About 0.5 to 1% of the total number of 160 million infected people will die. So you have the possibility of at least 800,000 deaths in the US over the next 18 months. This is the number of deaths I'm expecting. If you don't like the numbers I just used, go ahead and change them however you want. Just provide your justification. We have a long way to go with this pandemic. We just need to make people understand that this is going to be bad until we get a safe, effective and widely available vaccine. It's a sad commentary about our state of affairs that the number of people who die from Covid-19 in the US ranks as one of the top daily causes of death -- on some days it's been ranked higher than heart disease, cancer and accidents. Six weeks ago, it wasn't even in the top 60 causes of deaths." "I've seen this idea expressed by a number of people in the past few days. They believe that we just need to have a kind of system where we see if you have been infected using antibody tests. Right now, Covid-19 virus and antibody testing in this country and in some other parts of the world is nothing more than the Wild, Wild West. Before we can launch on any kind of an immune status national program, we have to understand two things. One is what the test results really mean. Does a positive antibody test mean someone has immunity or not? I think that's a big challenge. In a low prevalence area for previous Covid-19 infection, which is most of the country, a positive antibody result could be a true positive or a false negative." You can read the article in its entirety HERE. 
When the country has a person in the Oval Office who is a total moron, a completely dangerous ignoramus and has no reason to be there, especially during a time of a pandemic, he needs to be removed immediately. But, unfortunately, he is part of the GOP Death Cult. The cultists want him there. The Corporate-Market Leninist plutocrats want him there. The American fascists want him there. The White Supremacists want him there. This guy, in spite of being a dumbass, is all they've got. But, the rest of us must get him out of office. 
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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