Wednesday, April 8, 2020

2000 Died In America From The Trump Virus In One Day

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

    Creepy COVID Kushner and his behind the scenes coronavirus fascist-lite task force came up with a plan to create a surveillance database, which would track all patients coming in and out of hospitals who have been treated for COVID19.
    This is how the Three Stooges want to spend valuable time and resources to conquer this pandemic sweeping the nation and killing, in the last few days, 1000 per day. Sadly, we observed today 2000 die in one single day. We are deep in a crisis where doctors and nurses and EMTs are risking their lives treating people and saving lives without all the needed supplies and equipment, yet The Three Stooges want to focus on surveillance by tracking people and storing their data about their health and the virus. Read it HERE.
    An article written on Huffington Post basically was titled, ‘Trump is handling the pandemic just like a dictator’. Read it HERE. This data collection and surveillance of sick people fits right in to that agenda.
    Devil Donnie believes he can reopen the economy for business in May, while we are not getting tested in order to corral the virus and its locales. The Cretin believes that opening up areas that have very little exposure to the virus would actually make a difference in the overall economy. Unless we are able to open up our financial havens throughout the nation, there will be no flowing economy. He doesn’t know what he is talking about just as his Republican White Nationalist governors who have refused shelter at home recommendations.
    Since this virus is extremely contagious, our southern states are a pandemic waiting to happen. The Cretin said, “This is a monster.” No Dumb-Dumb, YOU ARE THE MONSTER!!!! It is YOU who are killing Americans because of your total incompetence.
    Former defense secretary Jim –Preying- Mattis was critical of his former crime boss for firing the Pentagon inspector general, Glenn Fine. Is Mattis smoking crack? Yes, the Man-Child’s firing was the act of a desperate fool, yet Mattis should have spoken out over the Idiot-in-Chief’s incompetence and the complete failure to get ahead of the pandemic and his failure to prepare the nation for it.
    Dumb-Dumb Donnie said that "We are working on why the African American community are more vulnerable than other races of people." This is not rocket science. But clearly it is for the Three Stooges in the White House. People with pre-existing conditions, obesity issues, poverty, limited access to health care, and who are not used to daily exercise are vulnerable to die from this horrible virus. People who do not eat a whole food's type diet, i.e. Mediterranean-type diets are at risk. People who eat a fast food diet are extremely vulnerable. Is this another stupid project that stupid Kreepy Kushy Kushner will form a task force to analyze? Just give Kushner a stack of coloring books and leave him alone for the next several months.

    Now, the evil Devil Donnie is railing against mail-in voting because he knows that mail-in voting would wipe out Republicans from the landscape of government. He spreads his Fake News propaganda by saying that dead people will vote, foreigners will vote, and unborn children will be voting. There is no evidence of any voter fraud. There is no proof that his fake claims are real. He is afraid of his horrible legacy getting worse. His legacy will read, “The End Of The Republican Party Occurred On His Watch”; “The Worst President In American History”. This is something he could be proud of. He loves to be the bestest. And now, he can be the bestest at the worstest.
               John Prine
In honor of one of America's greatest singer/songwriters. He died yesterday from complications of COVID19. He was a guy who struggled with cancer, and moved on from it only to die from COVID19. Totally unnecessary. He was singing poet; a minstrel with a guitar. A most amazing musician.
You can listen to one of his songs, called "Hello In There".

Chris Cuomo's COVID video diary. Watch the latest HERE.
He talks about the reoccurring fever.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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