The Trumpty Dumpty Report
Ivanka-the grifter-Trump
claimed ‘increasing the federal minimum wage and guaranteeing jobs to everyone
in the U.S. is not what most Americans want’, spoken by a person who was born
with a platinum spoon stuck up her privileged and snooty nose.
“I don’t think most
Americans, in their heart(s), want to be given something. People want to work
for what they get”, spoken by an elite, spoiled Trump brat, who was given an
elite education, a job within the Trump Organization and handed money to
exploit foreign workers to manufacturer her fashion line employing many, many
foreign sweatshop workers in foreign lands instead of American workers in cities
and towns where jobs are needed. She is a con-artist grifter, who has spent
years polishing her con upon many gullible investors who want a piece of the
smoke and mirror Trump dream.
Brat-Girl Ivanka didn’t
work for what she was given by Daddy Trump, just as Daddy Trump was given
millions upon millions of dollars from a very early childhood age by Freddie
Trump. Brat-Girl was supported by Daddy Trump so she could get what she wanted
to further her own ambitions, just as her father was handed a moneymaking shell
game of a business called The Trump Organization. This family is a KKKlan of
grifters performing their con-job circus act upon would-be investors.
Brat-Girl told the American
people that an increase in the minimum wage was a bad ideal. An approximate
$15.00 minimum wage would boost the economy because such earners would spend
most of what they earned circulating those dollars in local communities, which
in itself creates new jobs.
Mitch-the cowardly
turtle-McKKKonnell said, “…as you might expect, now that an incident of very
real voter fraud has become national news and the Republican candidate
seems-seems-to have benefited, these long-standing Democratic talking points
have been really quiet.”
Does The Disgusting Turtle
ever make any sense? What is he talking about? Isn’t Kentucky a bit embarrassed
to see this clown from their state speak total nonsense and support a fool of a
president who doesn’t give a hoot about the people of Kentucky? Just as Michael
Cohen has stated, ‘Donald Trump only cares about Donald Trump. He doesn’t care
one bit about the country; only his own ambition and to profit off of his
position as president.’ The Kentuckians who voted for McKKKonnell and Trump
have gained very little from their wealth gathering Washington representatives.
The two of them have made promises that have gone unfulfilled. Guns and Bibles
don’t bring jobs, quality health care, quality education, and prosperity to the
suffering people of Kentucky.
The fact is that Republican
Mark Harris of North Carolina committed voter fraud. McKKKonnell has to twist
reality. Hey Mitch, your boy committed voter fraud! It has nothing to do with
Yes, Democrats have pushed
to make voting accessible to every eligible voter. Republican White
Nationalists don’t like that idea because they would likely lose elections if
everyone voted. The Koch brothers, who support these Republican White
Nationalists, agree with the idea of restricting and limiting voting rights.
Democrats opposed the GOP’s plan to restrict voting rights, such as requiring a
voter I.D. Hey Senator Turtle, voter I.D. wouldn’t have stopped Mark Harris’
voter fraud.
McKKKonnell’s brain isn’t
working very well these days. He appears to be losing reality. He supports Trump’s
actions even though when Obama did the same stuff, The Turtle opposed those
actions, such as the use of executive powers to go around Congress. Mitch needs
to go back to his swamp in Kentucky, from out of which he crawled.
Now, Mark Harris has decided
to pull out of the new congressional race, which had to be redone because of
Harris’ voter fraud and illegal misdeeds.
The scum filled Republican White
Nationalist party members continue to spew their thoughts and actions to
support their disgusting criminal mobster wannabee leader pretending to be
president proves and illustrates their profound ignorance and betrayal of the
United States of America!
On a final note, the Trump-Lil'Kim play date in Hanoi, Vietnam is nothing but a photo shoot and a BFF hug fest for two losers who desire a massive amount of attention. Trump says, "I love him." It is a cry for legitimacy. Lil'Kim wants to be accepted by the leaders of the world. He is playing a game and using the United States and The Cretin as tools to achieve a level of legitimacy around the world. He has no plans for disarming his nuclear ambitions, nor ending his oppressive human rights violations. He is a murderer of his own people and that won't end. Trump doesn't care. What Trump does see are "beautiful beaches where resorts and hotels will one day be built." If that doesn't tell you something, then nothing will.