Tuesday, March 5, 2019

CPAC-Clowns Parading Around Conference

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

“They’re gonna take away your ice cream because they want to do away with cows because they pass methane gas.”

Trump said the following quotes while bloviating at the 2019 CPAC:

“Unfortunately you put the wrong people in a couple of positions, and they leave people in for a long time that should not be there and all of a sudden they’re trying to take you out with bullshit.” Trump must be talking about himself and Pence, along with the rest of the Cretin's Cabinet.

“Right now we have people in Congress that hate our country. And you know that and we can name every one of them if we want. They hate our country.” The people who hate the country are the Republican White Nationalist party members and Trump himself as they fantasize an autocratic-style government as detailed by the Koch brothers and their think tank consultants.

“No planes. No energy. When the wind stops blowing, that’s the end of your electric. Let’s hurry up. ‘Darling, darling, is the wind blowing today? I would like to watch television, darling.’” I can hear it now. "Darling. Kellyanne, my T.V. is not working. Help! Help! It must be the wind."

“We got our great people back. And that includes our beautiful Otto. Otto Warmbier, whose parents I’ve gotten to know, who’s incredible. And I’m in such a horrible position because in one way. I have to negotiate. In the other way, I love Mr. and Mrs. Warmbier, and I love Otto. It’s a very, very delicate balance. He’s a special young man, and to see what happened was so bad.” It doesn't appear that the Warmbiers feel the same way Trump feels toward them. They are upset that The Cretin covets his Lil'Kim action figure and professes his love for his BFF.

“Mothers who love their daughters give them massive amounts of birth control pills because they know their daughters are going to be raped on the way to the Southern border.” Where did this come from? Of course!!! There are birth control dispensaries along the migration route. "Step right up. Step right up. Get your birth control pills here."

“Today I’m proud to announce that I will be very soon signing an executive order requiring colleges and universities to support free speech if they want federal research dollars, and we give it to them by the billions, they’ve got to allow people to speak. Free speech.”

Sebastian Gorka said, “ They want to take away your hamburgers. This is what Stalin dreamt about but never achieved.” Gorka hates Stalin but, no doubt, loves Lenin and admires Putin. Get in line behind The Cretin!!

    The Republican White Nationalist party conference called CPAC met to showcase the idiot moron-in-chief and his fellow Brownshirts as they spoke nonsense to each other proving that much of what they criticized was actually a reflection of what  and who they are and what they believe about this nation and its future.
    The Cretin spoke like a dumbass dictator pontificating before his fellow brain damaged lieutenants who needed their badges to identify one another by name even though they see each other on a daily basis.  The Cretin spoke about his love for Otto and his parents. HUH? Sociopaths are incapable of loving another person. They are unable to love their own family let alone someone they don’t even know. Trump is one of these disgusting people. He loves no one but himself. He doesn’t love his wife or his children, let alone the nation or democracy.
    The attendees at CPAC—Clowns Parading Around Conference—don’t believe in this country’s future. They are so stuck up each other’s asses that being full of shit is their place in history. The nation and the world are technologically advancing so quickly that these morons can’t handle this advancement as it swirls around them. These clowns parading around the conference, in their costumes donning their MAGA clown hats, flag pins and long red Putin ties, live in an alternative reality, which is an ancient virtual world where climate and weather is the same thing. They cannot comprehend the difference where rising CO2 is only a joke. Their leader and Grand Wizard clown -Trump believes he is doing great things for the country and only those who stand with him must be loyal to his incompetence, and they are the only nation loving Americans.
    The fact is The Cretin has not made a single “deal” that has improved the quality of life for Middle Americans. The moron is an incompetent dealmaker and his Brownshirts believe he is their magician. He is a magician of deception.
    He is demanding free speech. We have free speech, Trump. What he is really saying is he wants to allow hate speech rallies on campuses to further his base’s agenda of White Nationalism, and fascist speech. Trump has no base if these haters, racists, and anti-Semites stop supporting him. Our nation’s future cannot compete or make advancements without college and university research. The Cretin is threatening to reverse progress and our future by cutting off these government grants unless these institutions further hate speech. This is our Republican White Nationalist party at its best. They embody Melania’s ridiculous Be-Best program.
     The Cretin made fun of the wind and its ability to create sustainable energy!! He has no idea, nor his Stormtroopers, that wind is always blowing at some level and wind generators can function with even a light wind. Wind energy, as with solar and geothermal energy, can be stored up through batteries, and used when the generation process is slower.
    The Moron-in-Chief is still stuck in his ancient virtual reality world where burning fossil fuels are an endless resource, and it makes the country safer. In reality, it makes the nation weaker and more vulnerable to dictatorial and tyrannical forces that can interrupt the fossil fuel supply chain.
    The clown conference was just a big waste of time, which did not address real national concerns, or generate solutions with any honest seriousness. This sums up the contribution these Republican White Nationalist party members are offering to the future of Americans. They are being left behind while forces propel the country into the 21st century. These governmental dinosaurs are so afraid of a future that doesn’t resemble the 1950s where the United States was the world’s greatest power controlling it all. They cannot handle the new momentum where technology, medical advancement, and the remaking of a food and agricultural future, to just name three, has moved beyond their small-minded capabilities.

    Which makes it worse, is they hold onto a president who has become impotent, and lame duck. He is being thoroughly investigated for likely engaging in corruption, fraud, collusion, obstruction, and whether he is a figurehead within the Trump Organization's crime syndicate. How shameful these Republican White Nationalists have become to the country. They have become the Left Behind Party, and they are afraid of the consequences.

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