Monday, March 25, 2019

Trump Supporters Want Him As Their Dictator

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

    Trump supporters have proclaimed that they want him to be their dictator, their forever leader. His committed White Nationalist base are desperately holding on to a slippery grasp of Trump as their Grand Wizard of The United States and return America to its historical white majority.
    Back in 2016, a Tweet-ster wrote a parody thread comparing Trump to Mussolini. Trump must have read or been told about the parody and thought it wasn’t one, but a loyal supporter of Trump as America’s first dictator as president.
    Trump retweeted a quote spoken by Mussolini, “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.” (@iduce2016, which translates as “the leader” in Italian and was known by Italians as “Il Duce”.) Apparently, Trump, or the advisor who passed the tweet to Trump, didn’t know the origin of the quote, which Trump said, “It’s a very good quote.” “I didn’t know who said it but what difference does it make if it was Mussolini or somebody else—it’s a very good quote.” “No, I want to be associated with interesting quotes. Hey, it got your attention, didn’t it?” What does it mean? Does it mean that by quoting dictators it gets the attention of his fellow white supremacists, those who want Trump to follow in Mussolini’s wake?
    Does it mean that Trump is either incredibly incompetent and stupid, or just an autocratic wannabee with corrupt and criminal roots? It is probably both.
    When speaking about Kim Jung Un, “He’s the head of a country and its strong head. Don’t let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”
    The Cretin was taking lessons from Lil’Kim and said, “I got along with him great. He is great. We have a great chemistry together. That’s a good thing, not a bad thing.” “He’s a tough guy. Hey, when you take over a country, tough country, tough people and you take it over from your father—if you could do that at 27-years old. I mean, that’s 1 in 10,000 that could do that.”
    When reading these quotes one could realize that Trump cannot speak in full and clear sentences. His sentences are full of the words, “great, good, bad, thing.” His language is not unlike that of a child’s thoughts formed into his limited written language. The question begins, is Trump suffering from pre-dementia symptoms and cognitive disorders?
    Egyptian President Abdel Fatah—al Sissi had his opposition murdered, not unlike Lil’Kim and Putin, yet Trump praised him for doing a “fantastic job”. Trump’s action figure toys, which he stores in his special toy bucket, includes Putin, Dutarte, Erdogan, and Prayuth Chan—Ocha from Thailand. Trump mailed back his BFF Boy-Love action figure of Lil’Kim now that they are back to fighting.
    Trump demagogues the media as an “enemy of the people” and the disseminator of “fake news”. The Cretin’s behavior resembles that of a dictator—he is autocratic, rigid, demands loyalty oaths, no tolerance for criticism, and shows prejudice. He preys upon the weak and vulnerable, as well as those he feels are below his throne.
    The Washington Post’s John McNeill indicated that Trump was a “semi-fascist”. Trump has fired federal employees if they don’t pledge loyalty to their “King”. This is how dictators do the government’s business.
    He proliferates terrorism by wanting to ban Muslims from entering the country. He believes “alternative facts” are legitimate. He has spread conspiracy theories to stir white nationalist support.

    The people of this country need to know Mueller’s full report. We paid for it! If there is nothing to hide, then why hide the content? Barr’s 4 page summary is a joke and an insult. What is Barr hiding? Congress has already spoken for full disclosure. If collusion was happening all around him resulting in 37 indictments and convictions, then Trump is either an incompetent puppet and idiot, or was shielded by those surrounding him from knowing information that could lead to impeachment, which again means that he is an incompetent president who let others take control. Michael Cohen feels that all roads go through Trump himself. We need to know the obstruction of justice piece of the report, as well. It is very clear that Trump committed the impeachable act of obstructing justice by trying to interfere with the Mueller Report process.

 More insane comments by Trump:

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