Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Climate Change Denier-in-Chief

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    The Cretin cannot address the American people without lying. He has spent his entire life lying to whoever would listen. He has lied about his affairs, porn star connections, over inflated wealth, business skills, college grades, and that he has become Putin’s Idiot Asset. He lied about his relationship with Russian oligarchs, and his relationship with both Manafort and Cohen. He has lied about his associations with White Supremacists, and White Nationalists. He lies so easily. It is second nature for this moron. He is unable to discern truth from lies, fact from fiction.
    Now he is lying about the seriousness of climate change and how the changes will impact the nation’s national security and overall safety and its economic impacts. He perpetuates fake news. He is the face of fake news. The Cretin made the false claim that Patrick Moore, a climate change denier, was actually a co-founder of Greenpeace, which would give some sort of credibility to debunking climate change, since Greenpeace is an organization concerned about the planet’s climate health. The fact is that Moore was nothing more than a member of the Canadian chapter of Greenpeace and NOT a co-founder of Greenpeace International, as was claimed by The Cretin. Moore appears to be nothing more than a guy who loves to create a false persona about himself. He and Trump are brothers from another mother. Moore is less. Both liars love to get attention through being fakes. The only people that give Moore attention are Trump’s state television personalities on “Fox and Fiends”.
    This fool said on “Fox and Fiends”, There is no climate crisis, there’s weather and climate all around the world, and in fact carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.” No kidding Sherlock, there is weather and climate everywhere. Wow. That took some serious thought to come up with that amazing deduction. I bet he had to do a great deal of research to figure that out. I bet the folks on Fox and Fiends thought that statement was the most profound thing they heard in weeks!
    The fact remains that too much CO2 is damaging to our atmosphere. This chemical is warming the planet at a faster rate than ever before experienced. Just as too much sugar or fats are bad for our health and bodies, too much CO2 is bad for our atmosphere. If Moore was a scientist, then he would know this simple fact. But he was less than more.

    The Cretin latched on to a kindred spirit. Even the Pentagon is concerned about climate change and rising sea level changes. They see it as a national security threat. It is too bad that the Republican White Nationalist Party led by The Cretin is a denier of climate change, among the many national security concerns they continue to deny.

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