Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Fake Melania Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    In an earlier blog post, a crazy, out-there theorizing viewpoint made the case that Melania Trump is a Russian asset assigned by Putin and the Slovenian military police to ensnare the porn star loving, gullible, horn dog, and prostitute madam swinging moron Donald J. Trump. This assignment to marry this dumbass business grifter was agreed upon in order to save her father, living in Slovenia from doing prison time.
    Her job was to get inside of The Trump Organization in order to learn of the shady, corrupt and vulnerable business practices, then pass those details to Putin to further his control over his Idiot Asset.
    Let us theorize that during the Putin-Trump private summit meeting, Putin told his Idiot Asset (as explained by Malcolm Nance in his book The Plot To Destroy Democracy) that Melania was HIS spy/asset used to get inside The Trump Org and if he ever hurt her, then he would unleash an arsenal of indictable information that would take down his entire family and destroy his businesses, which could likely lead to prison time.
    Now fast-forward to the latest Melania rumor that she has a body double used even at the most open or intimate of moments exposing her to photo shoots.
    The question might be why? The answer could be what was imprinted upon the back of her infamous military style jacket,
                       “I don’t care. Do you?”
    One might suggest that she hates being in Washington, D.C. and having to parade around as The Cretin’s first lady. This is where this shorter, differently shaped—faced woman is used as Melania’s secret stand—in.

    So, what might Melania be doing? The secret service agents have to hide her from public viewing while her dumbass husband continuously plays president.

    Possibly she is sick of having the orange, spray tanned and ridiculously blond comb—over moron embarrassing her in public view. She might be biding her time until the custom fitted orange jumpsuit is delivered by Amazon.com.

    Just this week Joy Behar from the television show called The View brought up the Melania body double conspiracy theory with compelling photos.

    This juicy story fits the porn star president’s profile. This is a great tabloid drama. The next conspiracy theory might be that Mike Pence is a DARPA humanoid robot or one of the few gay conversion therapy inductees.

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