In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a
revolutionary act- George Orwell.
Trump thrives on chaos. His
brain lives in chaos. He is the chaos president. He thrives on chaos in his
personal life. While Melania was pregnant, The Cretin was screwing around with
a porn star, or two, or three.
Now, The Cretin displays
his White Power fist salute for the cameras to show his base he is a White
Supremacist, too. It’s his way of saying, “I’m with stupid.”
Putin is a chaos president,
too. He loves to kill his enemies. He loves the U.K’s Brexit chaos. He loves
that the E.U and the U.K. are in turmoil. Putin, as well, is a white
supremacist. He has allowed American white supremacists to gather in his
country for hate sharing. Media white supremacy stars, such as, Steve Bannon--
former Trump advisor, Congressman Steve King—Iowa’s Grand Wizard, and the N.R.A
officials have made the trip to Moscow.
The only problem that The
Cretin is not prepared for is the eventual exiting from Trump’s clown car
before the RNC convention. Also, he isn’t prepared for the unification of the
Democratic Party. As House Democrats investigate the Trump business practices
and foreign involvement in Trump’s campaign fundraising relationships, we will
learn more about Trump’s mobster-like practices.
Now, The Cretin is digging
up from the failed Reagan supply-side economics crypt, his own version of
supply-side economic failures in his new budget. The Cretin must be receiving
secret marching orders from the Koch brothers to issue another round of tax cuts,
while raising spending on infrastructure projects, and a military expansion, to
just name two items.
The Cretin took an economic
recovery from President Obama and allowed it to expand, but because of the
Trump tax cuts, stagnant wages, and other factors, the economy will find the
GDP shrinking possibly into a recession.
The Cretin runs the country
like he ran his businesses—“badly, very very badly”. The Moron-in-Chief wants
to further his entitlement programs to the 1%. How will The Cretin pay for his
‘very bad, very sad, very bad’ plan for another round of tax cuts? The
Republican White Nationalist Party has become the national debt- raising gang
of thieves. They line up behind The Cretin’s budget plan.
As Robert Mueller begins to
end his investigation, The Cretin continues to try and convince us that there
was “no collusion”, “witch hunt”. He said in his three year old speaking style,
“I have no idea about Mueller report.” “Man gets appointed by a deputy, he
writes a report.” “Big hoax.” “No obstruction.” He doesn’t seem to understand
that some 35 indictments and/or convictions have been doled out to people who
worked with Trump in some sort of capacity.
Of course he is in denial.
He suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder.
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