Friday, March 8, 2019

Representative Ilhan Omar

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

   “Israel has hypnotized the world.” “May Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” Support of AIPAC and Jewish American citizens’ support for Israel elicited the following comment, “…all about the Benjamins baby.” “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is O.K. to push for allegiance to a foreign country.” “I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve to serve my county in Congress or serve on committee.”
    These comments came from the Democratic side of the House of Representatives’ Ilhan Omar, elected by a Somalian community from her Minnesota home district. She has been seriously criticized for being an anti-Semite, with little movement to back away from being labeled as one. Her words do matter. Just as words matter when The Trump Cretin opens his mouth when dog whistling to his anti-Semitic, Nazi, and White Supremacist base. Many Republican White Nationalists have been shown to be critical of Israel and Jewish people. Just listen to Iowa’s Rep. Steve King’s comments as he embraces Nazis and White Supremacists. Omar is being lumped into the cesspool of haters, hate speech, and racist and bigoted beliefs that lives deep in the Reichwing of the Republican party.
    When Omar made the “Benjamins baby” comment, she was referencing AIPAC, American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s lobbying on behalf of Jewish American’s support of Israel. It’s a reference to the passing out of $100.00 bills. This conspiratorial meme has been around for decades, which makes reference to Jewish contributors buying off American politicians to support the country of Israel, which is the only democracy in the region and an ally of the United States. David Duke, the white-sheeted KKK mouthpiece has come to support Omar’s comments when he said, “ Omar is right…about Israel.” Other Reichwingers have come to her side. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) Tweeted when he offensively criticized Rep. Jerry Nadler, a Jewish Democrat from New York for pointing out the , “…Tom $teyer’s…” comment made by Jordan, Nadler has a Jewish father. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy posted a Tweet accusing Tom Steyer, and two Jewish Democratic billionaires, George Soros and Michael Bloomberg who he accused of buying a midterm election. In addition, back in 2016, Trump supported a campaign ad that dog whistled his anti-Semitic base by featuring speech footage of George Soros and Janet Yellen, both Jewish. The ad posted the following comment by Trump, “For those who control the levers of power in Washington and for the global special interests, they partner with these people that don’t have your good in mind.” What we have here are Reichwingers planting their feet alongside the anti-Semitic line in the sand made by Ilhan Omar. Words matter, and Omar quickly learned this lesson.
    The Cretin has called for Omar to resign her congressional seat, yet he has been silent for other anti-Semites and haters in the Reichwing of the Republican Party to also resign. Trump has been shown, over and over again, to be a hater and bigot, yet he still sits in his Oval Office playroom pretending to be the president of all the people.
    The Jewish Insider publication quoted Deborah Lipstadt, a professor, and respected scholar of anti-Semitism, teaching at Emory University. The quote was, “She [Omar] may think she is only criticizing Israel and its policies. But one cannot ignore the fact that she is relying on traditional anti-Semitic tropes to do so.”
    Omar is being tagged a “Corbynist”, referencing Jeremy Corbyn, the British center-left-wing and pro-Palestinian Labour Party member who criticizes Israel and “Zionists”, and has called Hamas and Hezbollah, a terrorist organization, his “friends”.
    Omar’s insane comment, “I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve to serve my county in Congress or serve on committee.” She is saying that American Jews have a greater allegiance to Israel than to the United States. What a fool!!! She isn’t any better than the Reichwing’s anti-Semites. Jews have fought for the United States. They have died for the United States. They have contributed to the successes of the United States.       
    A Jewish person can serve and show loyalty to the United States, while wanting Israel, the historical homeland of the Jewish people to remain strong and a safe place, following the Holocaust, for all Jews to live who had to leave a country willingly or by force. One can criticize the political agenda and policies of Israel, while understanding that American Jews can, too, question the governmental policies of Israel, while, at the same time, support Israel with their financial contributions. She seems to have ignored that there are Jewish people inside Israel and in the United States who want peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
    “I thought yesterday’s vote by the House was disgraceful because the Democrats have become an anti-Israel party. They’ve become an anti-Jewish party.” “And I thought that vote was a disgrace. And so does everybody else if you get an honest answer. If you get an honest answer from politicians, they thought it was a disgrace.” Trump, who heads the racist, White Supremacist, and anti-Muslim party is the pot calling the kettle black. Wow!!! From where we all are sitting, The Cretin said after the Charlottesville violence brought about by the White Supremacists, who hate Jews, blacks and Muslims, that there were bad people on both sides, and that was good people on both sides. That was a dog whistle to his base that it was OK to attack Jews, Muslims and black people. There are many more Democrats that support Israel than Republicans. But, The Cretin seems to speak before thinking. The Cretin is not capable of clear thought. He is a demagogue. What did The Cretin mean when he said, "If you get an honest answer from politicians, they [Democrats] thought it was a disgrace." Is he saying that Omar's remarks were honest and not a disgrace? More dog whistling by The Cretin to his hateful base.
    Ilhan Omar has shown to be an anti-Semite, while American Muslims have been attacked over and over again by the Reichwing Republican White Nationalist party. She is burning bridges and goodwill among her colleagues. It appears that Omar cannot see the forest through the trees.

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