In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a
revolutionary act- George Orwell
are learning more and more that The Cretin is, no doubt, certifiably mentally
ill. His behavior leads us closer to identifying him as a full-blown
psychopath. The Cretin cannot identify with the 99% who had a life as a result
of hard work, and study. When raised with an “entitlement fund”, which made
sure that this moron wouldn’t go hungry or homeless, and didn’t have to work
for any successes, he fell into mental illness.
Trump cannot relate to such people that get up everyday, wake the kids,
prepare breakfast and school lunches, drive them to school, soccer practice,
and help with homework, while spending the day earning a living. A great many
Congressional Republican White National Party (RWNP) corporate welfare
recipients are just like The Cretin—out-of-touch with the 99% and their
everyday lives and struggles. Many more Democrats, liberals and progressives
feel a part of society and the natural world. They understand the 99% because a
great many of them are embedded in the world that makes up the 99%. They aren’t
Koch brother bottom feeders.
Those who live amongst the 99% understand that we are part of the planet
and need to care for it, as well as those who live and struggle to make a life
within it.
RWNP believes they have a right to take whatever they want. They believe they
don’t have to contribute or make any sort of sacrifice to make sure that the
natural world and the people within it can live beyond their parent’s lifespan
with inherited tax free wealth.
1%, such as the Moron-in-Chief, believes they are the major recipients of the
entitlement class. They blame low income, retired, and the working class as the
undeserving entitlement class, who use government programs to help support
their modest or hand-to-mouth lives. The 1% entitlement class want to see the
government serve their more important needs, such as eliminating the
inheritance tax so they can pass their millions and billions of dollars to their
offspring who get into colleges or universities by paying millions of dollars
so their kids can receive a Go-Right-To-The-Head-Of-The-Class acceptance
letter, such as Jared Kushner.
entitlement class, or one might say the privileged class, are so removed from
an understanding of the natural world and those who live as a integral part of
it that playing a round of golf and a soak in the hot tub is what they call
communing with nature.
we continue to allow the 1% entitlement class to continue to destroy our
precious and delicately balanced natural world by allowing the extinction of
animal species, polluting our air, water and soils, the rapid escalation of
climate change, the extinction of our crop pollinators, and the poisoning of
our food supply through the toxic tome titled “better living through modern
science”, then we allow these dangerous people to remain in power.
Trump runs the country like he ran his businesses---“very badly; very
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