Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Truth Must Come Out-The Mueller Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Donald Trump has escalated his level of insanity. He is after Democrats for doing their jobs. Their job is to investigate any attempt to steal our elections, subvert our democracy, and uncover if an elected official is a foreign asset working for a foreign government. But when a Republican sees such scrutiny focused on their own president, they call foul play. 
    In Andrew McCabe’s recent book, he wrote about his time as an FBI agent working on Russian crime organizations in the United States. Russian criminals working as assassins, extortionists, counterfeiters, or money-launderers occupied Queens, New York. One criminal lived and worked out of Trump Tower. Malcolm Nance wrote how Russian oligarchs laundering their criminal enterprise money through Trump Tower properties, in the 1980s, during a time when Trump was facing bankruptcy. He calls Trump a Russian Idiot Asset.
    With Trump’s history with Russian oligarchs, kleptocrats, and money-launderers, all connected to Putin, it was no surprise that during his presidential primary campaign, red flags were raised by government intelligence agencies when he called-to-arms for Russian hackers to release Hillary Clinton’s emails, and then promised they will be rewarded for doing so. Additional red flags were raised when Roger Stone told us that something was coming that would boost Trump’s political support when, days later, Wikileaks released Democratic campaign personnel emails. This illustrated that Stone was privy to secret foreign asset information. Then, there was the Trump Tower meeting with members of the Trump family and a Putin related Russian asset who allegedly had dirt on Hillary Clinton, was willing to pass it on to the Trump campaign in secret.
    The Buffoon President has filed a case in court to eliminate Obamacare in its entirety. Then he said, “Let me tell you exactly what my message is. The Republican Party will soon be known as the party of health care. You watch.”
    This Cretin would shutdown health care for around 20 million Americans hurting many who voted for him.
    Trump has never worked a day in his life. He has been a pampered, spoiled “Prince”. He’s had others do his dealmaking for him, while he played the Manhattan Clown. He opens his mouth and “bad, very bad things” come flopping out.
    His latest buffoonery to drop out of his mouth oozing from his demented brain is the elimination of Obamacare without a single sketch plan that would replace it. His Republican White Nationalist Party has had a decade to formulate a solidly, workable replacement plan, yet they have not been able to come up with a darn thing! They, too, are buffoons. They continuously throw darts at the ACA without a plan to offer to Congress and the American people. ReCons can win elections, usually because of cheating and redistricting maps, but cannot govern or develop ideas that work for all Americans.
    Also, The Cretin proclaimed a full release of the Mueller Report to all, yet Turtlehead McConnell gave President Buffoon cover by passing a vote to keep the report from the American people. Why is this happening? No doubt, the reason is that there must be damaging information indicating that Trump obstructed justice showing evidence, although not strong enough to indict The Cretin beyond a shadow of a doubt, that can prove to be incriminating and embarrassing.

    Yet Trump believes he has been exonerated. He has no clue!! He continuously shows us he is stupid and incompetent.

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