Monday, March 11, 2019

"Lock Him Up!"

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

   The Cretin and his Stormtroopers in the White House have bragged about their job creation successes over the last two years. They have missed one significant factor, and that is that Americans are watching their overall net worth collapse since 2007 when the bottom fell out of the economy.
    What this might mean is that the jobs created under The Cretin’s worthless presidency are low paying and part-time jobs. As we saw during the government shutdown that the government employees that were furloughed by The Cretin had very little money in their savings to float their families while the boat was sinking. These were full-time workers who had to go to food banks, and seek support from friends and families to cover their expenses while they sat home waiting for the Democrats to solve the crisis. No one in the Republican White Nationalist party gave a damn. Their motto is “I’ve got mine. Too bad if they don’t have theirs.”
    “The cheerleader for the porn star president”, V.P. Pence, a self-proclaimed Christian didn’t seem to care that hard working American government employees were suffering as these two morons were pushing for Trump’s legacy--vanity border wall project. The Putz pretending to be the vice president is the Little Cretin and is not living a true Christian life. He is a fake. He is Christian-In-Name-Only, CINO.
    The fourth quarter of 2018 saw the largest drop in household net worth, since the financial crisis. This is why The Cretin has been selling the nation’s working class Americans a bill of goods. Falling stock market prices were so volatile that it eroded middle class American’s household wealth that hold their investments instead of day trading them as the wealthy do. A decrease of $4.6 trillion beginning from the third quarter and on into the fourth quarter evaporated. This means that retirement savings, college fund savings, and housing values deteriorated.
    The stock market acted just as The Cretin acted---volatile, and unstable. The Moron-in-Chief is unstable and incompetent and it was reflected in the stock market, and in the housing market.
   It has been reported that 40% of Americans do not have $400 in their account(s) in case they suffer a crisis. Young Americans are over their heads with $1.53 trillion in educational debt. Many do not have a job, are working in a low wage job, or a part-time job, and do not have the resources to start a family, or purchase a home, let alone pay down their debts. 40% of Americans must work a second job. Childcare expenses cut deeply into family expenses.
    This is not the case with the wealthiest Americans who were the major recipients of the Republican White Nationalist party majority tax cut.
    The Cretin and his Little Cretin pledged a future of affordable health care and lower drug prices. None of this has happened. These expenses erode the average American’s wealth. If a family member suffers an unexpected serious injury, they then often quickly realize that their health insurance only covers two weeks of inpatient care, and are sent home with a “Good Luck” packet of exercises for the family to execute on their own. A family crisis impacts family members who must cut back their work hours, negatively affecting family wealth, in order to act as rehab caregivers.
    The Cretin’s voter base is the very people who are getting kicked in the rear by the very person they voted for as their shake it up, drain the swamp president. He sucker punched them. He told them lies in order to get their vote, and they continue to support him even though they are falling further and further behind, while the richest among us get further and further ahead. The Cretin and his Little Cretin are working for the 1% and not the 99%.
    Americans need to wake up fast!!!!! It is time to pick a Democrat and support that person for president. We MUST send The Cretin and his family of grifters back to Moscow, and send the Little Cretin back to his cave.

    The Cretin MUST join the ranks of one-term presidents, such as GHW Bush, and Jimmy Carter and Jerry Ford. We must send him to a tailor so he can be fitted for an orange jumpsuit after the Southern District of New York prosecutes him and his family of grifters for tax evasion, tax fraud, charity fraud, and whatever else the prosecutors can layout in order to        “LOCK HIM UP!”

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