Thursday, March 7, 2019

Senator Lindsey Graham - Check Writer At Large

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    What does Trump have over Lindsey Graham-Cracker? And, what is wrong with this moron? After the Michael Cohen hearings, Graham commented on Cohen’s response to the payment method by Trump when reimbursing cash paid to Stormy Daniels’ regarding their sexual affair while Melania was pregnant with her son, Baron. The payment was in the form of a written out bank check, which was written while Trump was playing president.
    Baron is defined as, “a person who held lands or property from the sovereign or a powerful overlord; an important or powerful person in a specified business or industry.” WoW!! How apropos. The Cretin and his Be Best misses decided to name their kid after their delusional representation of themselves: property owner, overlord, powerful business person. It is like naming their kid ‘Lil’Godfather’.
    Graham said, “No one uses checks anymore.” What was Graham-Cracker saying? Was he saying that Cohen and Trump had an automatic pay arrangement between them like one might have with their cell phone company? Is this how Lindsey operates with his payoffs? Is he inferring that those who might be extorting or paying off another party will use automatic pay arrangements to and from their accounts? Is this how Lindsey operates his payments? So, Lindsey Graham-Cracker doesn’t use bank checks at all. How does he pay his bills? Or, does he have his lawyer-accountant do that for him?
    Graham was trying to dismiss the fact that Trump, his lord and savior, doesn't write checks to his business associates or use them to pay bills or settle accounts. He was trying to say how ridiculous it would be that The Cretin, who is such a high falutin' business tycoon, would use such an outdated method of paying clients, bills and to settle accounts using a bank check. Funny isn't it! You made a funny Lindsey. I guess he believes The Cretin settles such scores with a big wad of cash, just like the gangsters in the movies would do. 
    I do believe this moron has been in the Congress way too long and has lost reality by sitting among his privileged right-wing Congressional class. In the world of the working class, people use checking accounts, as in the world of business to pay their accounts billable and to receive their accounts receivable.

    Graham has been in government since 1992. Don’t the people of South Carolina believe this is long enough? Isn't it time that the voters of South Carolina put this guy out to pasture? He has never been married and has no children. So, who pays his bills? If this moron doesn’t write bank checks, then are all his bills auto pay? Or, maybe he walks around with a big wad of cash to settle his scores and to shut up those he might be keeping behind his veil of silence. Apparently, so.

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