Friday, March 15, 2019

Trump Is Insane!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    Donald Trump is insane! His impulsivity, lack of coherence, over inflated sense of self, and the inability to often speak in complete and understandable sentences, as well as his lack of intelligence, short attention span and the inability to comprehend day-to-day reality illustrates his insanity and mental instability.
    Currently, The Cretin criticized Beto O’Rourke for his hand gestures. “I think he’s got a lot of hand movement. I’ve never seen so much hand movement. Is he crazy, or is that just the way he acts?”
    What is Trump talking about? I guess he has not seen the videos of his rallies and his own insane and crazy arm and hand gestures. His excessive upper extremity movements are beyond what mentally sane people do when they use their arms and hands to help them communicate. Trump’s movements are frantic and over-the-top. The Cretin has no idea of his own actions. This guy lives in an alternative universe.
  Paranoia can be a characteristic of someone suffering from insanity. The Cretin is suffering from paranoia. Trump has put many journalists on a watch list if they have written about the imprisoning of migrants and the separation of families from Central and South America. He fears journalists that write stories that criticize his policies and agenda. This is what fascists do. This list prevents American journalists from entering these countries, or Mexico, from reporting on the border crisis.
     Furthering the discussion of Trump’s insanity, Jared Kushner, and Trump, along with his Stormtroopers, are embracing the murderous dictator of Saudi Arabia. Kushner, a Jew, has cozied up to an authoritarian leader who imprisons women who have been protesting for the right to drive a car. No doubt, Kushner would have sold out his soul to Stalin or Hitler hoping to save his own skin. He has no moral code. He pretends to follow the Torah. He is a Jew-In-A-Name-Only (JINO). He fits right in with the Trump administration. He doesn’t stand up for human rights and the oppression of the Saudi women. This blog has posted pieces illustrating Kushner’s stupidity and incompetence. Trump is stretching his executive powers into authoritarianism. His pals are dictators and autocrats, as well as corporate kleptocrats, and not our allies upholding democracy. Trump wishes he could rule as a dictator.
    America has a history of presidents who supported murderous dictators, which caused the United States to be disrespected around the world. This view of the United States is reinforced under the Trump presidency.
    Trump appears to be a supporter of a corporate form of Leninism, where the state and government are ruled and controlled by the corporate elites who control the overall population. He acted this way by leading from behind when the Boeing Max 8 airline crashed and was grounded by the world’s countries flying this plane in and out of their airports. The world’s leaders quickly decided to ground the Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft following two deadly crashes. China, and other nations, acted quickly to ground these planes. It took President Xi to yank the Putin dog collar strapped around Trump’s neck so that he would ground the planes, as well, instead of putting corporate interests ahead of human safety.
    Trump is a corporate Leninist. He doesn’t support or want to uphold our democracy. His Republican White Nationalist Party is behind him. The Republican White Nationalists, such a Senator Lindsey Graham, and Mitch McConnell are from states that depend on government making decisions that support clean water, air, and soils, as well as stabilizing climate change. The inaction of curbing climate change will drastically and negatively impact the agricultural economy is those states. When the temperatures and weather patterns impact the growing season serious changes will harm fruit trees, and the planting season, as well as the amount of ground water available. These states will become much hotter and drier, while other states will become more crop productive. These inept, lazy, and damaging Republican White Nationalist party seat warmers need to be dumped from office. These people are harmful to our country and its survival.
    Finally, these Republican White Nationalists and their party leader, Donald Trump, give a wink and nod to White Supremacists and hate crime evangelizers. The murderer who killed over 49 people in New Zealand raised the American White Supremacist flag as he shot and killed Muslims in their mosque. In his manifesto, he gave a shout-out to Donald Trump.
    It is time to begin listening to our children. They are telling these horrible Senators and House Reps that continue to support this president and the policies that have driven the Republican White Nationalist party to flourish and ruin the country. It is time to send the Koch brothers to Moscow because they appear to idolize corporate Leninism. It is time to investigate FOX News to uncover their intimate relationship with the president. They seem to be broadcasting the government’s message.
    Trump and his Stormtroopers have legitimized extremism bringing such hateful acts and behaviors into the mainstream. What we have in America is a creation not unlike the Muslim extremists called ISIS, which could be called White ISIS.

    If America is to survive and build a sustainable society, times must be a changin’.

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