Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Mueller Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    The Mueller Report was finished and delivered to A.G. Barr. Now, we’ll know if Barr is a Trump Stormtrooper or a servant of the American people. Let’s hope we get a full non-redacted document for all of us to examine.
    The Cretin is waiting to learn a critical understanding of himself---is he a corrupt criminal elected by people who got conned by a grifter with narcissistic personality disorder, or is he just a totally incompetent Idiot Russian asset?
    Many know that he is both! The Mueller Report defines a narrow scope, yet it has tentacles that are reaching beyond the report. The current indictments still have to play themselves out, and the Southern District of New York office is formulating their indictments and their path toward prosecution, which could ultimately fit Ivanka, Jared, The Cretin and da’Boyz with orange jumpsuits.
    Currently, The Cretin has exploded with high octane incompetence when he said, “Put the windmills up and watch the value of your house, if you’re in sight of a windmill, watch the value of your house go down by 65%.”
    The fact is windmills do NOT affect property values by any significant amount; yet, if you find yourself and home becoming neighbors with a natural gas fracking pad with several drilling rigs being built on it across the street or down the road, then you will watch your property values sink into the groundwater. Once a windmill is built, they don’t need fracking related fluid and brine trucks driving up and down your roadway at all hours of the day and night; they don’t need to burn off days long worth of methane gas reaching ten stories into the air with a hot, intense flame making the sound like a jet engine taking off behind your house for days on end; they don’t destroy the landscape with pipelines laying on top of the ground heading in every which direction along with tracks of mud, torn up earth, and deep tire imprints alongside those pipelines.
    Now, The Cretin has been played the fool—twice—by his BFF, Lil’Kim of North Korea. He finally realized that Lil’Kim isn’t going to shutdown his ambitious nuclear fantasy projects. So to push back, The Cretin will reverse North Korean sanctions, which The Cretin lifted after his failed Fool-Me-Once experience when the two idiots exchanged action figures of themselves at their first hugs and kisses fest, followed by his failed Fool-Me-Twice-Shame-On-Me waste of time "Distracto-Fest".

    The Cretin decided to send back his Lil’Kim action figure to his one-time BFF. He was overheard saying as he packed up his play toy into a shipping envelope giving it once last hug and kiss, “I’m sad, very, very sad. I thought we had a very good shot at being successful. We had a lot of good things happen, and a lot of bad things happened. He wrote me beautiful letters. They’re great letters. We fell in love. I’m very, very sad.”

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