Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Grand Wizard Donald J. Trump

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell.

    The Reichwing’s media demagogues are out in full force. Rush Limbaugh is a perfect example.
    This neo-fascist moron believes the New Zealand shooter is a leftist who likely is a Green New Dealer, when actually the shooter is a White Supremacist—“eco-fascist”, and gave a shout out to Donald Trump in his manifesto. In the manifesto he illustrated that he is a full-blown white supremacist and gave praise to Trump by saying that he is “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.” This Muslim hater believes, as Trump does that Muslims are bringing about an “invasion” to his country. Trump fantasized a full out ban against Muslims from entering the U.S. until he “could figure it out”. He also said that Muslims “hate us”.
    White racists are not lefties, but rightwing haters. Their desire is to bring the country back to when whites were the majority of the population. They fear being overtaken by people of color. This is a Reichwing belief. Hitler feared the Aryan race being diluted by Jews, Gypsies, and others who were not blond and blue-eyed. This is not a liberal perspective, but a Reichwing Republican White Nationalist party point-of-view.
    Limbaugh tries to spin reality to fit his propagandistic dialogue that he feeds to his listeners, who will believe his poisonous rants.
    Trump has elevated his toxic White Supremacist message by saying that “there were fine people on both sides” following the White Supremacist attack against protestors in Charlottesville, Virginia. Following the New Zealand murders, Trump said, “I think it is a small group of people” who are White Supremacists wanting to attack innocent people. Trump’s damage controlling Brownshirts are insisting that their boss--Trump, is not a White Supremacist enabler. KellyAnne Con-way insists that her boss---The Cretin, condemns hate and evil and bigotry, and will continue to do so.” I guess she has a deaf ear when she listens to her husband who believes Trump is mentally ill and fits the DSM-5 definition of a pathological narcissist.
    Trump, after hearing that he is suffering from a serious mental illness that fits the medical-psychiatric definition of ‘pathological narcissism’, lashed out at him calling him a “loser”. Is it possible that Trump’s unconscious brain is actually reflecting the “loser” response back at himself? His mirror ego reflecting back into his unconscious self. Has Trump’s overly deluded and falsely elevated ego been at serious odds with his unconscious self that continuously tells him that he is a loser, a liar, a failure, a weak and dependent little boy who couldn’t make it in life without his daddy’s massive financial support? And, that the only way for Little Boy Donnie to be rich like his daddy was to cheat, manipulate, lie and con his way to wealth. Trump’s unconscious brain continuously tells him that he is a grifter and an incompetent businessman, a failed student, and a dumbass without the intelligence to be successful on his own. Could it be that his unconscious self reminds his ego that because of his stupidity, and incompetence he became Putin’s Idiot Asset? This might be why Trump has such a thin skin and cannot take any criticism whatsoever, and feels he must lash back in such a way as to boost his damaged ego and interrupt additional truth telling by his unconscious self, which tends to cause the ego to fire up anger, paranoia, and fear of being unmasked for the fake he really is.
    The Christchurch shooter calls himself an eco-fascist or an eco-naturalist, which are code phrases for white nationalism. He aligns himself with the ideology of China, which arrested thousands of Muslims over the years.
    The Republican White Nationalist party, which includes people like Rush Limbaugh, Jeanine Pirro, of FOX News fame, who called out Muslims for wear hijabs and following Sharia law, which she believes is antithetical to the U.S. Constitution, (Does she also believe that Jews that wear yarmulkes and follow Torah law antithetical to the U.S. Constitution?) as well as Trump, McConnell, Congressman Steve King of Iowa, Lindsey Graham, V.P Pence, and many, many more people that stand behind Trump wearing their Stormtrooper uniforms ready to defend their White Nationalist president, who cannot bring himself to condemn hate, and White Supremacists, who have become the white armed insurgency, a white form of ISIS, behind the Republican party.

    Anyone who supports the Republican party, or backs the Republican party are actually standing with an abomination that has morphed away from an Ike Eisenhower, and a John Heinz Republican party, but toward a Republican White Nationalist party, which is unbendable and stands firm with their mentally ill Cretin freak of a president.

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