Wednesday, December 19, 2018

8 Days Until Christmas And The Cretin Is Still President

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    How long will it take to find President Grifter unfit to sit in the Oval Office? When will the Congressional White Nationalists, formerly known as Republicans, stand up and confer with the Cretin’s cabinet secretaries to get him out of Washington, DC?
    How many more reasons are there? There are 8 days until Christmas and the right wing Christian deserters have remained silent and complicit in allowing a serial corruptible conman to disable the components that will make America a leader, once again, as the nation, and the world, face serious and life threatening problems to solve.
    As Patty Davis said so clearly-- we have a child acting as president. The president is an immature spoiled brat filled with anger and tantrums with very little coping and higher level thinking skills. We have also heard from Rex Tillerson that Trump is an idiot. That he has no attention span, and doesn’t read anything.
   This idiot in the White House has been there too long. The New York Attorney’s General ordered a ban forbidding the Grifter Trump family from serving on any non-profit’s board of directors because they used their own non-profit as a personal slush fund.
    They’ve surrounded themselves with swamp lizards that were used to elect Trump. They were used to pay off porn stars, and to meet or attempt to secretly meet with Russians for purposes of spreading propaganda in order to manipulate voters. They encouraged Russians to spread propaganda through social media to corrupt our democracy. They were complicit in a new kind of war against America.
    Trump used Russians to haul his rump out of bankruptcy, which then snared him into becoming Russia’s Idiot Asset. He owed them! Later, he attempted to negotiate with Putin to build a Moscow Trump Tower, which would likely have left Putin with a free penthouse worth $50M.
    Even further back the Trump Cretin’s devised a plan to cheat renters living in their apartments, and taxing agencies in order to further skim profits for themselves and to make sure the dumbest Trump son, Donald, was taken care of.
    Why don’t the WNP care about seeing Cretin’s tax returns? They don’t seem to care enough that Russians invaded our country to influence the outcome of our presidential election. They’ve lost their respectability and violated the pledge they made when they were sworn into the Congress pledging an oath to the country. They’ve attempted to block the Special Council’s investigation. And now, because of the WNP elf’s disruptive and obstructive history, 20 million Americans might just get lumps of coal from their health care providers this Christmas.

   Ho, Ho, Ho.

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