Saturday, December 15, 2018

Court Decision To Kill Obamacare

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    The White Nationalist Party (WNP) of Wisconsin led by the governor, Scott Walker, who signed the fascist legislation to destroy democracy, cut minimum wage scales, along with paid sick leave that had been supported by a ballot initiative. The WNP governorship has now been replaced by a Democrat--Tony Evers. The Wisconsin state WNP fascist legislators voted to weaken the soon-to-be Democratic governors political powers and restricts early voting options.
    Walker’s sour grapes, and hate toward Democrats and those who voted against him, rejected the WNP’s agenda. Walker’s fascist viewpoint came through when he said, “ We’ve put in deep roots that have helped the state grow. You want to talk about legacy, to me, that’s the legacy.” Scott Walker is deep in the pockets of the Koch brothers who fund the WNP agenda. The Koch brothers don’t support democracy, and do support a Leninist Russian type of government. (Nancy Maclean’s book, Democracy in Chains.)
    Right, Scottie Boy! Your fascist and hateful legacy brought about your defeat for the third term and now, you want to punish voters who decided to dig up your fascist roots and pull up those poisonous and toxic weeds that you planted in your legacy garden. Why didn’t you plant a flowering and healthy garden? Oh yeah, that wasn’t your plan.
    Now, your fascist fellow governor in Michigan, Rick Snyder signed billed to slash the minimum wage and sick leave in light of your actions. Oh how these fascist political figures rejoice in hurting and destroying democracy and damaging the lives of working people. Another fascist is the Texas judge who ruled against Obamacare making unconstitutional slashing healthcare from 20 million working people with health care needs and pre-existing conditions. Trump rejoiced over this ruling and spoke out in favor of it. Trump’s Viagra side effect of having an erection for over 4 hours is dangerous has been in attention for over 8 hours. It’s been a real problem as he walks the falls wearing his Space Force jimmies waving his MAGA hat.
    Snyder followed other fascist Brownshirts in Michigan, such as Rich Studley, president and CEO of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, and the DeVos family that has residency in Western Michigan. Betsy, another of the fascist movement to destroy American democracy works in the WNP, formerly known as Republican, administration-the education secretary.
   These two governors, are playing the new on-line board game called “Secret Hitler” with each other along with the DeVos family and Studley, and others who insist on wanting to find which one of them is the real Hitler. They all want to be Hitler and then run as the WNP candidate in the 2020 presidential election.

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