Tuesday, December 4, 2018

President Donald J. Trump Cannot Keep Out Of The Quick Sand

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

     Donald J. Fakenstein is like the school yard bully not able to grab the ball away from the other kids because they keep tossing it away out of his reach. The polls are saying the American people want the new Democratic majority to unmask President Fakenstein’s tax returns.
    Now, that Michael Cohen has implicated the President in directing him to pursue a Moscow Trump Tower deal while running for president, and at the same time being told by Putin that a deal would include the future Trump Tower penthouse be given to him, the president is ramping up his rage against Cohen, which might lead to a charge of witness tampering. Nice arm twisting move by Putin. It does look like Putin has Trump in a permanent head lock, while wrapping the Lyin’ King president in his leftover Soviet style gift paper.
    The world is seeing the unhinging of D.J. Fakenstein when he told one of the White House swamp lizards to “Get Me Outa Here!” during the last G-20 meeting. DJF has difficulty being around those larger-than-life world leaders when two of them have caused him to repeated soil his diapers.
    Another big headache for DJF is that he may be acting in a way that could cause him serious legal problems. It has been reported that the verbal quick sand might he stepped in is engulfing him with shouts that Trump may be engaged in witness tampering.
    Trump Tweeted out that one Mueller witness should get the full prison term, while another witness has been a good loyal Trump commando by keeping his lips sealed.
    He said of Roger Stone, a player in Trump’s crime syndicate, “[He] will not be forced by a rogue and out of control prosecutor to make up lies and stories about ‘President Trump.’” Interesting that our Cretin-In-Chief refers to himself in the first person. Then he continued to Tweet, “Nice to know that some person still have guts.” What is laughable is his  calling out Mueller as a liar, when DJF has lied over 6430 times since taking office, not including the lies prior to that day, Trump believes Mueller and the Democrats don’t want the truth, but only want lies. The President said, “The truth is very bad for the mission.”
   What is Trump talking about?  Was Trump talking out loud  saying that the truth unmasked by the investigation is bad for his own mission? Trump’s frenzied reactions to an investigation legally charged to find the truth is being twisted in its interpretation, as the only reliable truth spoken is Trump’s perverted and fabricated truth. Anything and everything else is a lie.
    What might be also freaking out the Fakenstein is that Michael Cohen is being investigated by a couple of attorneys general in New York State, as well as the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance.
    The federal law says that any effort to “influence, intimidate, or impede” a witness in a criminal proceeding could be viewed as witness tampering. It appears that Trump has acted in this way. We need to get to the bottom of Trump’s role and his crime syndicate’s role in Russia’s involvement to destroy our democracy in the 2016 election.

    The president just can’t seem to keep out of the quick sand in front of him. Since he is like a little boy who can’t keep his hands off of a hot stove, he cannot keep from stepping on the quick sand, which then, begins to suck him in. Every time he opens his out-of-control mouth that allows his mentally unstable, unfiltered and unrestrained thoughts to come gushing out, he shows the world that he is the most incompetent president the United States has ever elected.

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