Friday, December 28, 2018

President Trumps Loves To Play WIth His Own Poop

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    Donnie Demento told America that most of the federal workers who are not getting paid because of the government shutdown are Democrats. The Cretin had no proof of his loud mouthed claim, yet from what he said it appears that Cretin may be shutting down the government as an act of revenge against Democrats.
    Trump is so furious that his extremely ludicrous campaign pledge to build a big, beautiful wall, which he planned for Mexico to pay for has failed, and that he seeked revenge against Congressional Democrats by going after federal workers believing they are Democrats.
    Donnie Demento continues his temper tantrum stomping fit over his ridiculous fantasy of a wall along the southern border. Donnie just can’t be told “No”, otherwise, look out for a poop throwing tantrum. First, he wanted a wall; then he said he’d settle for steel slats; but now, he’s back on kicking for the wall, the biggest, most beautiful wall you have ever seen.
    The Cretin President told the press that he has heard from many federal shutdown workers that have said they want the wall and don't give up on the shutdown. Where did Cretin get his information? Prove it, Donnie Demento! More fake information from this idiot in the White House. If most of the workers are Democrats, it is doubtful that they want his ridiculous wall. They would rather see a more improved health care system for themselves and families. They would rather see a more stable stock market. They would rather see an improved federal taxation policy. They would rather see renewable energy embraced, and a more improved environment so their kids don't get toxic pollution diseases. More poop coming out of the mouth of this insane fool occupying the Oval Office! He does not make a bit of sense.
    No reasonable Democratic offer agrees with him. It has to be his way or no way. Just as he told the soldiers in Iraq that America is once again respected around the world, even though what he believes to be true is not so. The world actually realizes that there is no leadership coming from the White House. The world sees the Oval Office devolving into a state of chaos. What they see is the Cretin trying to surrounding himself with retired military to help design his agenda, as well as corporate predators using their power to redesign policy to favor other corporate predators who want to further destroy the environment, and shift away consumer protections toward building upon existing corporate greed. Sounds like what autocrats like Putin have done. The world sees that there is a failure of leadership within what was once known as the Republican Party, and is known today as the White Nationalist Party. 
    No matter where he goes, he is stepping in and leaving a trail of his own poop.

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