Monday, December 24, 2018

Presidential Suck Up- Paul Ryan

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    Paul Ryan is finally leaving Congress. This Koch brother’s manufactured clone of an Ayn Rand fantasy boy toy will be taking his government pension and sign off saying, “And…that’s all folks.”
    Ryan known for his slithering, self-aggrandizing moral garbage, such as a Koch brothers plan to privatize social security tying it to Wall Street. And, how would that be doing now? On this current day of Christmas Eve, Wall Street lost the greatest points (dropping over 600 points) since the Great Recession concluding the year to be referred to as the Worstest Year in Ten Years. The plan programmed into Ryan’s tiny and simpleminded brain occurred when indoctrinated by the Kochs when taken into their secret underground lab where  old school Republicans are changed into White Nationalists and upon release are given a copy of Vladimir Lenin’s biography. Ryan was a willing and cooperative lab rat. He also wanted to do away with any or all government support programs for those with serious financial troubles, along with Medicaid and Medicare. Many of Trump’s “poorly educated” fall into this category.
    Ryan has been a real sleaze bag dressed in a dark suit. His last big warehouse sale purchase came in the form of his bill to allow any and all folks from Ireland to be granted easy to get visas so they can move to America in order to work and, at the same time, those of us in the U.S. can go and live in Ireland. Now, that part sounds like the better of the deal.
    Yet, all those dark skinned people, separated from their kids living in P.O.W type camps at the border waiting for a verdict regarding their asylum requests being reviewed by the Cretin administration, unless they are willing to work housekeeping at the Mar-A-Lago golf resort.
    Upon retirement, Ryan maybe offered either a caddy position at Mar-A-Lago or to continue his Trump lackey status by applying for the president’s personal valet vacancy. Shining the Cretin’s shoes as he has been doing as Speaker of the House may transition into a private sector job at the Pebble Beach county golf club.

    Ryan’s legacy will be distilled into just a few drops--- being the suck up to the worst president EVER who currently sits in the Oval Office, which is now called The President Day Care Center.

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