Sunday, December 16, 2018

Where Is The Trump Inaugural Committee's $107M?

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    There’s a big question surfacing from the quick sand within the depths of the Cretin’s Swamp!! The current question that is being asked is what happened to the $107M that flowed into President Cretin-Trump’s inaugural committee? There is some confusion regarding the committee’s accounting practices.
    Reports say that the Cretin contributed to the account of his own non-profit inaugural committee. It’s been reported by WNYC and ProPublica that the inaugural committee’s budget manager paid the Trump Organization for rooms, meals, and event spaces at Trump’s Washington Hotel.
    The financial con was allegedly directed by the Wicked Witch, Ivanka Trump, who was involved with negotiating the hotel rental costs that would be charged to the inaugural committee.
    The Trump crime family funneled inauguration campaign funds into their own slimy, greedy, and dirty fingers. The sleazy web of the Cretin family figured out how to make money off of their political win, a practice that has continued.
    What raised red flags is if Ivanka had directed the hotel to overcharge for the spaces used for events. The inaugural planner was concerned about these overcharges. There was fear of tax violations, which could be filed against the Trump Organization and its officers, as well as the committee.
    Now the Southern District of New York has opened a criminal investigation to determine if the Trump Organization and the inaugural committee engaged in fraud, ethics violations, and knowingly acceptance of funds from foreign governments and agents who illegally pushed money into the committee. Also, how does Ivanka Trump fit into all of this? It was reported that Trump’s inaugural committee raised twice as much as the Obama inaugural committee, which was the most expensive to-date.
    The IRS could investigate and issue fines, if a non-profit group was charged higher than market rates, and if there was undo pressure applied to charge more by a person with significant influence. The Trump cretins would qualify as such a person.
    So, why shouldn’t we be surprised?

    When will this corrupt crime family be expelled from Washington, DC, and be given orange jumpsuits?

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