Monday, December 10, 2018

Trump's "Smocking Gun"

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

President Trump, there is no “Smocking Gun”. 
We have the dumbest president ever. He cannot even read his own Tweets before sending them.

1.   A secret agreement, for fraudulent or treacherous   
purposes; conspiracy.
2.   Law. A secret understanding between two or more
 Persons to gain something illegally, to defraud
 another of his or her rights, or to appear as
 adversaries through an agreement.

    It is clear that members of the Trump crime syndicate had engaged in collusion to secretly take Russian information and to use Russian operatives to discredit Trump’s opposition, i.e., Hillary Clinton, in order to become the U.S. president.
    We know that there was a secret meeting at Trump Tower to obtain information passed through a Russian spy connected to Putin to leverage Trump against Clinton. We know that Roger Stone, a Trump “advisor”, connected with his Russian contacts in order to obtain “dirt” on Clinton.
    We know that Trump publicly called out to Russian hackers during the campaign to release the 30,000 Clinton emails. Very soon thereafter Trump’s wet dream came true and his Crooked Hillary’s email communications came spilling out.
    We know that Trump publicly told voters that he had no business deals with Russia, when in fact, he and Michael Cohen were in talks with Russians to build a Moscow Trump Tower that needed approval from Putin. Now we are hearing Randie Paul stating that such a secret deal is OK. What might one call it if the deal were to have gone through and in return, Trump gave Putin a free $50M penthouse as a thank you? Quid Pro Quo?
    We know that Michael Cohen, who was Trump’s attorney and “fixer”, was offering to Russians a secret seat at Trump’s table.
    We know that Paul Manafort took a job as Trump’s campaign manager without pay, while owing millions of dollars to Russians. Manafort was using his relationship with Trump as currency for Russians to secretly meet with Trump in order to settle his debts away from the eyes of voters.
    We know Trump’s sons: Dumb and Dumber, were in communication with Russian operatives, without notifying the Justice Department. Emin Agalarov, and billionaire Aras Agalarov, who had business dealings with Trump, wanted to talk with their American duo dupes in that infamous Trump Tower 2016 meeting. A British music publlcist, Robert Goldstone, also connected to the Agalarovs, was also a part of this connection to deliver dirt on Trump’s favorite nemesis, Crooked Hillary.
    We know that Dumb and Dumber’s Big Daddy paid Michael Cohen to pay off two women the Cheeto Head had affairs with and paid to suppress these sex scandal stories while he was running for president. Such payments could be seen as campaign finance violations subjecting the president to a felony indictment.
    These events clearly illustrate the effort and desire for members of the Trump crime syndicate to collude with Russian operatives, in secret, to gain control over voters. For anyone to believe the Lyin’ King Trump didn’t know what was happening has been drinking too much of Trump’s Secret Sauce.

    Collusion occurred. An indictment or conviction is another matter. Nevertheless, collusion with Russians, an adversarial foreign power, in secret, to gain power, degrade our democracy and manipulate voters clearly seems to have happened. What is just as disgusting is how complicit nearly all members of the White Nationalist Party, formerly known as Republicans, have been in this conspiracy to defraud America.

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