Sunday, December 23, 2018


The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    President Cretin used a really, really big word for him the other today but sadly he didn’t know or understand what it meant. He called Brett McGurk, the U.S. envoy to the coalition battling ISIS, a grandstander when he resigned his position following the resignation of General Mattis, who served in Cretin’s cabinet as his Secretary of Defense.
     Donnie- Donnie- Bo- Dummy used a big word, but President Grandstander (G.S.) is the master of ceremonies when it comes to grandstanding. This moron, or idiot, whichever on you choose, has been grandstanding his entire adult life. Tell me when he has NOT been the G.S. He just recently showed off those highly developed skills of G.S. when he met with his favorite two punk rockers of Congress—Chuck and Nancy to discuss his big, bestest and most beautiful of his presidential blunders, which he calls da’ Wall previously planned to be paid for by Mexico. But now, his base has been willing to pay for it, yet those not in his base are being forced to pay, as well.
    “All I need are millions and millions of steel slats. Dat’s all, Chuck and Nancy. But if you don’t pass my demand for doze slats, then I’ll happily and gleefully and jingly and proudly shut down the government. I’ll take all the credit for a shut down because I know bestest. I’m the bestest president EVER!”
    So, G.S. is Crestin’s signature trademark. Here’s what grandstanding means:
        “to conduct oneself or perform showily or ostentatiously
          in an attempt to impress onlookers.”
    Brett McGurk was acting on his moral principles. He didn’t believe that Cretin’s belief that ISIS is a “mission accomplished” operation and that a military withdrawal from Syria would result in the disappearance of ISIS as a regional and global threat. McGurk has principles! President Cretin has none.
    Cretin G.S.  B.S.ed all through the White Nationalist Party’s primary debates and campaign cycle, and then eventually on into the Oval Office. Since moving in and crapping and smearing his Trump Rump Dumps all over the floors and walls, he’s been G.S.
    Oh yes, don’t you remember all the wonderful grandstanding moments when he hooked up with his first B.F.F.---Kim Jung Un? Cretin was so full of his Trump Rump Dump Stuff when telling the world how great Kim was, and what a great time they had together, and that the nuclear threat was no more!
    The biggest G.S. B.S. comes when the Cretin tells us that the Mueller investigation is a “witch hunt”, essentially saying,
                     “I AM NOT A CROOK!”

    What most of us know is that the Grifter-Shyster-in-Chief is a “really, really HUGE” crook.

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