Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Trump Virus And It Could Kill 240,000 Americans!!!!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

    The Cretin is now trying to be presidential. He doesn’t know how to express empathy, or compassion, or to embrace the pain of others, or listen and process and then, relate to the American people. He is a classic case of clinical narcissism, and more than likely a true psychopath. The Devil Donnie just cannot keep himself from lying to the American people when truth is so needed. He keeps saying that the “problems are fixed”, when, in fact, they are not and are getting worse. He treats his daily press conferences as if he is in front of his campaign rally audiences. He is not. He cannot help himself from pretending. Now there is a petition to stop these pompous propaganda pep rally daily press briefs. In fact, they are not brief. If you want to sign a petition to end Trump's press conferences, you can sign up HERE.

 Hey  Cretin, these press conferences are NOT Mad Hatter MAGA rallies.
    In California, the ventilators shipped from the government’s warehouses were broken and needed repair, which took valuable, life saving time away from the patients who are suffering. Illinois Governor Pritzker requested N95 masks from the government but were instead sent the wrong ones. The Governor asked for 300,000 N95 masks but was sent surgical masks, instead. Was this done on purpose because when Democratic governors ask for equipment or supplies, Trump sends the wrong ones or broken ones?
    The Devil in the White House said, “that the COVID19 testing was better than any country in the world”. Disputing this was Governor of Maryland Larry Hogan, who said, the states are “flying blind” because of the lack of available tests. States cannot assess viral hot spots, infection and hospitalization rates. “There is nobody in American that’s prepared.”
This picture is of a line of cars waiting to get food from the Duquesne, PA food bank. This is called the Trump Crisis.


   The Cretin believes that a ceiling of 100,000 American deaths would be a success for his Titanic Coronavirus Task Force, but, in fact, the death rate may be doubling!!! Governor Cuomo is bracing for New York to expect the death rate increase. Currently, it is 1550 deaths. The country saw 830 deaths in one day!!! We have over 4000 deaths nationwide.
    COVID Donnie said, “I haven’t heard about testing for weeks.” What closet has he been hiding in?
    The W.H.O. came out and said that wearing a mask is not really helping contain or spread the virus. But this advice is more Trumpian than based in logic. The science is showing that around 1 in 4 people could be asymptomatic carriers of the virus. And, a portion of those people may within 10 or so days become symptomatic. Prior to that outbreak, those 25% are out and about touching many surfaces after contact with their own viral droplets. Upon touching a metal surface, that virus could be laying upon that surface being a contaminant for up to 72 hours.
    We learn now that one of the Three Stooges, Jared Kushner, once again steps into an ethics problem and a conflict-of-interest pile of poo!!! He coordinated his family’s business interests in the setting up of a coronavirus website for the government, which apparently never went on-line. Oscar Health did the work for free. Jared’s brother, Joshua, has a financial interest in this company and, at one time, Jared had a serious business holding in ownership of Oscar Health. “Oscar’s relationship with the Trump administration could breach federal law in two ways”, wrote Robinson Meyer for The Atlantic magazine.
    The Dumb-Ass in the White House told America that he would send extra ventilators to China. Hey Cretin, our hospitals don’t have what they are demanding from the government and you are already promising China what we don’t currently have available for our hospitals. Also, the U.S. government airlifted, from China, medical supplies that our hospitals need right now. Gowns, masks, and gloves are seriously lacking in our hospitals. So *RUMP asked China for an 80 ton shipment containing 130,000 N95 masks, 10 million gloves, and thousands of thermometers. This shipment was required because our government was unprepared for this pandemic and the stockpile was lacking. Only now, are domestic American manufacturing companies stepping up production, three months too late.
    Jack Ma, a Chinese billionaire and Mr. Li, another billionaire are sending 2 million masks, 500,000 test kits because COVID Donnie ignored the coming pandemic back in January 2019, and later, after our first outbreak hit our soil in January of 2020.

    If you want to know how COVID19 kills, then watch THIS.
             This will freak you F**KING OUT!!

Dr. Duc C. Vuong says we will hit a million cases of COVID19 in the country. YOU die from suffocation. We are headed toward 20,000 deaths if we hit a million cases of COVID19. 

If you want to see Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo talk about this president and his daily press briefings, then watch THIS.

If you want to see how a sneeze flies through the air, watch THIS.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Monday, March 30, 2020

Donald J. Trump Is One Of The Three Stooges In The White House, And More On The Trump Virus

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

Trump is the most incompetent and dangerous Cretin to have ever walked through the halls of the White House. He is worse than Herbert Hoover. He’s worse that Lil’BoyBush, who was the worst, at the time, in modern history. But now, *RUMP is the worst, and here is one reason.
 Laurie Garrett wrote in Foreign Policy, “Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response” back in January. YES! She wrote this remarkable piece in January. She was way ahead of the curve. Read it HERE.
She wrote, “ As it improvises its way through a public health crisis, the United States has never been less prepared for a pandemic.” IMPROVISING? Trump improvised a failed and foolhardy non-plan. “…the government rendered itself incapable. In 2018, the Trump administration fired the government’s entire pandemic response chain of command, including the White Hose management infrastructure.”
Clearly, Devil Donnie didn’t want experts defying his perverted, malformed ideas that the virus was a hoax; or, he wanted the virus to ravage the country.
    When Ebola became a pandemic Obama saw a disjointed U.S. pandemic infrastructure all vying for power. So he appointed an “epidemic czar” to pull it all together, and communicate with greater harmony and clarity. Trump fired them, no doubt, because of his psychotic hatred for everything Obama. Leaving the nation vulnerable to the whims of a man-childish, stupid wannabe crime boss.
    Obama “set up a permanent epidemic monitoring and command group inside the White House National Security Council (NSC)…and one in “the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).” They were to follow the lead of the NIH and the CDC, along with communications from the State Department.
   So, for Devil Donnie to blame Obama for “leaving me a mess” is pure Fake News perpetuated by Trump’s State T.V.—FOX News, The devil inside this man-child created his own deadly mess bringing about the need for, at a minimum, a $2T rescue package, and forcing the country to a screeching halt.
  When the Devil Donnie took office he gutted the government’s infrastructure leaving gapping holes in every department, while installing political hacks and cronies to run the department all of whom would “Kiss The Ring” of Humpty Dumpty in the Oval Office.
   Ron Klain, Obama’s epidemic czar had been warning for two years that the United States was in grave danger should a pandemic emerge” back in 2017. Bill Gates got involved warning the administration, as well.
    On January 29, 2020, three years after repeated serious warnings, Devil Donnie formed the Trump Titanic Task Force to address the pandemic headed by a useless moron---Mike-the Putz—Pence an anti-science imbecile.
    “In the absence of a formal structure, the government has resorted to improvisation.” The CDC was running of money for epidemic training, but the Republican White Nationalist Congress failed to vote for an infusion of cash. “Last year H.H.S. requested $2.58B, but Congress did not act.”
    Days following the Trump Titanic Task Force headed by Pence wearing a blindfold, the first two cases of COVID19 were confirmed in Chicago. This was a person-to-person contagion.
    The needed supplies, such as face masks and gloves were sold out in just days after the announcement. The country was found with its pants down.
   Wilbur Ross, a senile old coot acting as Commerce Secretary believed that because masks and gloves were sold out, a great opportunity to ramp up production was at hand, not understanding that, too, was Trump’s Fake News to the country.
   Then Pompous Pompeo opened up his clap-trap and said, “People should know that there are enormous efforts underway by the United States government to make sure that we do everything we can to protect the America people and reduce the risk all around the globe.” This is just another fool spewing Trump’s Fake News agenda. More lies and Fake News. Today the country is in near lock down because of total ineptitude of this administration.
    John Maulding wrote, “We Are Facing A Depression, Not A Recession.” He points out large increases in requests for unemployment insurance a 39% drop in the number of hourly workers, the country is facing a deflationary depression, along with the entire world. When factoring in all the lock downs it is apparent that we are in a widespread economic slowdown.
   The Cretin said, “Pelosi focused on impeachment. She didn’t focus on pandemics. She looked like a fool.” The fact is it’s Devil Donnie who ignored the pandemic threat. His Republican White Nationalist Congress voted against pandemic funding. The Devil in the White House needs to stop blaming everyone else. The governors are not to blame. Pelosi is not to blame. The people to blame are The Three Stooges: Trump, Pence and Kushner.

The fool is, in fact, Donald J. Trump. He and he alone has the power to protect the country from the pandemic and he looked the other way.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, March 29, 2020

More On The Trump Virus And The Three Stooges Running The Show

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

    The 3 Stooges: Trump, Pence, and Kushner are so incompetent that they just need to shut up and step back and let the real experts take charge, since this pandemic is getting more and more viral because of their failed plan. The Three Stooges are killing our first responders. Read it here.

            And The Three Stooges are killing innocent people. Read it here.

    Dr. Fauci says be prepared for more deaths. Dr. Birx is saying the rest of the country’s major cities need to brace for a New York City Trump Virus outbreak.
    Larry Chew-His-Kudlow, The Cretin’s National Economic Council director, a former FOX News hack, is now stuck in a swirling bathtub drain unable to pull himself out, is not capable of directing anything. This is what happens when you hire hacks to do are real job. The economy is headed toward a real recession. Forget about an Easter Surprise. And, a Go Back To Work card.
     The richest among us are making a ton of cash as they manipulate the market by buying collapsing stocks and then, selling in a day or two making lots of cash off everyone’s else’s pain.
    Is *RUMP channeling Herbert Hoover, who didn’t listen to the experts around him and pushed the economy into the Great Depression? Brit Hume is another horse’s ass. Getting the country back to work before the virus is under control would be a catastrophe waiting to happen. So, he believes, as well as the Lt. Governor of Texas, that the over 50 population should get back to work and those under 50 should stay locked down. That means that the over 50 crowd will be the only people flying in airplanes, working in half-empty office buildings, working in barely operating restaurants, and near empty department stores because the younger folks are at home staying in place. And, we just might see the over 50 crowd spreading the virus all over the nation because a portion of them would be carriers of the virus not exhibiting symptoms. A portion of them, because of pre-existing conditions, would come down with the virus needing hospitalization, ventilators and more. But, the hospitals would likely become overwhelmed by this influx of patients needing serious care.
    This example is the result of mediocre minds employed at FOX News. There must be some sort of brain disease spreading around the Bad News, the Fake News of FOX News. These two FOX News fraternity brothers, and others, are suffering from this brain disease causing a decline in rational thinking.
    There appears to be efforts to ramp up testing. A new blood test, developed in a lab in Telluride, Colorado, would identify blood antibodies in people allowing the doctors to separate people who had, currently have or didn’t contact COVID-19. Everyone in Telluride will get tested with this blood test in order to contain the virus in this small community.
    The Republican White Nationalist government, are anti-socialist, and are aligned with Market Leninism and fascism. But now, they are channeling, by force of course, FDR’s socialistic agenda as Americans were suffering from the Great Depression.
    A $2T survival package has been passed by the Congress. This just may be the beginning of putting the economy on life supports as Americans shelter in place. What we also need is a wealth tax to capture some of the profits made by the 1% who are making a ton of money gambling on the stock market, at this time. We may see a Medicare-For-All option to our health care system, at some point, and an increase to Social Security. We are hearing a form of “rent control” for people out of work. Andrew Yang’s Peace Time Dividend idea is now no longer an option. It is a reality. This cash infusion is necessary for a great many Americans to keep from ending up homeless and hungry and worse.

    It appears, socialism works!!!

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, March 28, 2020

More On The Trump Virus and His Failed Preparedness Plan For America

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    Devil Donnie cannot keep from needing lots of pats on the head and having the governor’s tell him that he is a good dog!! “I want them to be appreciative”, said The Good Dog. He seems to forget this viral contagion is now called The Trump Virus because he did absolutely nothing when it really, really mattered in order to contain this viral outbreak when the first American came down with this deadly contagion.
    The Putz, formerly known as Pence, the Big Dog’s Little Dog spend their time sniffing each other’s crotches when playing in the Oval Office Day Care Center. It is something no one in the West Wing wants to watch.
    The Putz told our state governor’s to “Don’t Call.” It is the responsibility and sworn job of the president of the United States to take command of his self-proclaimed role as our “Wartime President”. He swore during the inauguration to protect the country from any invader. He has failed miserably. And now, he wants a cookie and a pat on his orange mangy head. The Cretin wants THEM to “be appreciative”.


    You should be appreciative of your commanding officers—your governors for doing whatever they can to save the lives of their citizens from this deadly and debilitating virus. They need all the weapons and artillery and supplies they can get from their Commander-in-Chief to battle the invader, then to conquer the enemy. BUT NO, that is not how it is going!! You want them all to “kiss the ring” of the Country’s Crime Boss-in-Chief!
    You should be removed from the office immediately. No questions asked. Escorted out the door in shame.
    The governors want more ventilators and not your stingy, inadequate shipments. Governor Cuomo needs tens of thousands and not just 400.
     This country is now finding the virus in all 50 states. So, why is Dr. Deborah Birx lying for Devil Donnie? She seems to be good at patting the Big Donnie Dog on his ratty head; but why? Is she that deperate for a job? It appears she sold her soul to the Devil Donnie. At least Dr. Fauci has a soul.
    What’s this all about? It has to be a result of his damaged childhood ego, when his daddy kept telling him that he was never good enough; just a stupid kid. “You’ll never make it on your own, Kid.”
    He said, “I think we’ve done a great job for the state of Washington.” So, it’s not about saving lives; it is about getting his dog biscuits and a pat on his orange head. “Good Dog Donnie, Good Dog. Good Boy Donnie. Good Boy.”
     The Devil in the White House has to bad mouth the Democratic Governor Inslee, “a failed presidential candidate.” “He’s constantly tripping and I guess complaining.” Regarding the Democratic governor of Michigan, he said, “She has no idea what’s going on.”
    His Little Dog, Putz said, “I say, ‘don’t call the governor the governor of Washington; you’re wasting your time with him.”
    “Don’t call the woman in Michigan. [A full-blown misogynistic remark.] “It doesn’t make any difference what happens!” “If they don’t treat you right, I don’t call.” “We don’t like to see the complaints.” “We have done a job the likes of which nobody’s seen.”


    The governors have been requesting for weeks testing kits from the federal government and only now, those requests are being answered. The states are experiencing shortages of everything!! This is not The Apprentice, you stupid, stupid moron! You cannot fire Democratic governors and replace them with your own Republican White Nationalist stand-in contestants. That is a power you don’t have. This is how a deranged, mentally deficit sociopath behaves and thinks. He cannot escape his unwinding.
    Now he is ordering General Motors to make ventilators at the snap of his fat, disgusting fingers. GM had a YUUGE recall of their cars. Is this the company we want making critical ventilators? We need the top quality control, and not, GM’s lesser quality control protocols. It doesn’t work that way. GM is not Donnie junior, or Eric or Ivanka, his little Cretins. They respond to his heavy handed demands and cower to his crime boss needs. This request should have been done in 2019 using the Federal Military Production Act, created as a result of the Korean War, but you failed to come out of your alien pod. The hoops Americans must jump through in order to get tested for the virus is criminal. South Korea did the job right. They had a virus preparedness plan in place when it hit the peninsula. Donnie had his golf cart parked in place. *RUMP continues to see Democrats as his enemy.

    As Rachel Maddow said, “Sir----Get out of the way!!!”

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Friday, March 27, 2020

More On The Trump Virus and Is He Unraveling?

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth


 Stayin' Inside

    The Atlantic on-line article by Peter Wehner called “The President Is Trapped”, is an amazing article about Trump’s inescapable crisis commanded with full-blown incompetence. Read it HERE. He cannot con his way out of it. He is now face-to-face with his carnival blowhard persona.
    What is frustrating him beyond belief is that he cannot go on his Daddy-Needs-Love campaign tours. He needs his sociopathic ego fed by claps, cheers, hoots, and hollers by his Kool-aid drinking fan club waving their MAGA signs while wearing their creepy red hats. He needs an audience to fill his ego. This is where he is able to let his loose lips spew lies and propaganda with lots of cheers.
    As we witnessed with Governor Cuomo, the facts, truth, reassurance and intelligence does matter during a time of a devastating viral pandemic. But with the Devil Donnie telling us just the opposite with his lies, misinformation, and clownish behavior demonstrating volumes of distrust and a lack of honesty to Americans who are suffering with the virus, combating the virus, unemployed as a result of the virus and closing up shop because of the virus.
    Some people surrounding this carnival barker are willing to talk anonymously because they are freaked out by their boss’s incompetence.
    In the Atlantic article:
    “The coronavirus pandemic has created the conditions that can catalyze a destructive set of responses from an individual with Trump’s characterological defects and disordered personality.”

    “In the crisis we are deep in, “We need a chief executive whose judgment is not just sound, but exceptional.”

    Too bad we don’t have such a person in the Oval Office leading the country through this crisis. And, there’s no one on the Trump Titanic Task Force isn’t doing it, either. They are a bunch of suck-ups, especially Dr. Birx. Governor Cuomo is the one political figure who has stepped out in front of this crisis with credibility.
    Now The Cretin calls himself the “Wartime President” without any credibility. The emperor is wearing nothing but his Space Force diaper. He believes that through the Easter bunny’s magic dust the virus will disappear allowing the country “to get back on track”, which, more than likely, will see the viral contagion double and triple its infection rate nationwide.
    The problem with the Devil Donnie is that he cannot con a virus. He cannot lie and manipulate or swindle a virus. This is not some New York Deutsche Bank schmuck, or some poor, desperate carpet contractor needing a big job at one of *RUMP’s projects. This is a viral contagion killing people.
    This moron said, “If it were up to doctors, they many say…’Let’s shut down the entire world…This could create a much bigger problem than the problem that you start off with.”
    Had we shut down the entire country when the virus first reared its ugly head, and had we gone Full Monty by testing everyone, and yes EVERYONE, we then could have isolated/quarantined those who had the virus or who were carriers without symptoms for 4-6 weeks. At that point, we could have retested everyone again reducing the number of contagious people.
    The country could have begun to reopen slowly and steadily. So, now it is possible this contagion could be contained. But NO!!! That’s not how it went down---it was all Fake News, A HOAX, a conspiracy by Democrats to win the election. But had it happened this way, Trump would be a shoe-in in November. What a stupid, stupid moron with no intelligence or common sense. A fool like no other fool.
   Peter Wehner reported, “a former White House advisor who worked on past pandemics told me, “This fool will bring the death of thousands needlessly…But now our own president is undoing all that work and preaching recklessness. Rather than lead us in taking on a difficult challenge, he is dragging us toward failure and suffering. Beyond belief.”
    Peter Wehner said, “ Misinformation will cause the virus to increase its deadly spread. So as the crisis deepens—as the body count increases, hospitals are overwhelmed, and the economy contracts, perhaps dramatically---it’s reasonable to assume that the president will reach for tools he had used throughout his life: duplicity and denial. He will not allow facts that are at odds with his narrative to pierce his magnetic field of deception.”
    Wehner and others are essentially asking the question, what will happen if the way he has operated as a dishonest, sleazy “businessman” fails him and his ability to sell, using that term loosely, his base that he’s got it all under control and they see he doesn’t, and many of his MAGA wearers begin to toss them into their bonfires? He may become enraged as his paranoia escalates.
    No doubt, more chaos will ensue; Wall Street will see more crashing. The gains on the DOW will fall, again. And, more people will get sick.
    Wehner said, “…but in this case, the public is too afraid, the story is too big, and the carnage will be too great to be distracted from it.”

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, March 26, 2020

More On The Trump Virus and The Rescue Package Bill

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth


           Stayin' Inside

    What is going on in America? We are destined to have the most viral outbreaks in the entire world. Now, who is to blame for this? It is caused by Devil Donnie.
    What is going on when everyday home sewers are having to sew hospital and personal fabric masks because the necessary supply-chain was not notified and called to service back in 2019. Who is to blame for this. Devil Donnie is the reason for this failure. The call that was needed to make was to mobilize the Federal Military Production Act of 1950, and a call to action after the “Crimson Contagion” report was published and handed to the guy in the White House. But instead, COVID Donnie fired the “Crimson Contagion” team. Devil Donnie didn’t give a damn about the coming pandemic. He called it Fake News, a hoax, a conspiracy to win the 2020 election by Democrats. Well Dumb-Dumb here it is. No conspiracy. No hoax. Not Fake News. It’s real and it’s in your face. It will likely hit your base, as well. Louisiana will be ground zero for the virus outbreak in the South.
    COVID Donnie wants people to go back to work by Easter. Now, that is extremely insane as the pandemic expands. Who is to blame for this? Devil Donnie is to blame, yet The Cretin’s popularity appears to be climbing as their jobs disappear and their retirement savings evaporates. Yeah for Donald J. Trump!!! He’s like Mighty Mouse—he’s here to save the day---OFF.
    He asked the car companies to make the equipment needed for hospitals. The Cretin is picking and choosing who makes the needed supplies and equipment for the medical crisis. Automakers are now in the pipeline. Don't we want this equipment made by reliable manufacturers? So, why is Ford being asked to get involved? Didn't they just recall tens of thousands of their cars because of mechanical malfunctions. This is absurd!!! Does this make any sense to you?
    COVID Donnie decided to stop calling the virus the Chinese Virus, while Pompous Pompeo wants it called it the Wuhan Virus. But, in fact, it is actually the TRUMP VIRUS.
    Have you tried to get a COVID19 test? Forgetaboutit!!! You need a doctor’s authorization, an appointment, and must be in the network of the test site. At least here in Western Pennsylvania. HUH?
    No one will be going back to work soon, Donnie, unless everyone is tested. That’s right. EVERYONE needs to get tested so people feel they CAN go back to work, and feel safe to open up their businesses again.
    In Pittsburgh, on the UPMC hospital website they are bragging about developing a vaccine. SO WHAT! Hey morons! Unless you test everyone, yes everyone, what good is a vaccine. Test everyone in spite of one’s network and getting a doctor’s permission. Test everyone.
    There are idiots in Congress, who are multi-millionaires. How does that happen? Rick Scott of Florida, a true moronic fake patriot, who along with Lindsey Graham-Cracker and Timmy Scott, and Bennie Sasse believe giving people a financial lifeline breeds laziness. These “f-in” morons are the laziest people of all. They do very little, while swimming in the Senate’ swimming pool and working out in their gym, eating in the dining rooms, schmoozing wealthy donors and lobbyists, and the list goes on and on. They sit on their RUMPs doing nothing. Rick Scott made his millions by stealing it. His health care company Columbia/HCA “gave kickbacks to doctors so they would refer patients. Columbia/HCA made patients look sicker than they were, so Medicare would pay more. Columbia/HCA kept two sets of books” as reported by the Sun Sentinel. Read it HERE. Scott is a fraudster, not unlike Devil Donnie.
    He is a bona fide crook sitting in the Congress. Sounds like his daddy—COVID Donnie. Why aren’t these lazy Republican White Nationalists in the Congress demand more from their daddy in the White House? It is because they are damn lazy and support his Market Leninist agenda.
    $500B from the rescue bill will be placed in the hands of The Cretin, without oversight, to pass out to the states and his corporate elite supporters that supported him in the 2016 Electoral College delegate count. This is Market Leninism out in the open.
    If you want to read what is in this $2T rescue bill, you can find it HERE.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

More About The Trump Virus And Wish To Be Our Perpetual President

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

Just Gimme Some Truth!

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    It sounds like COVID Donnie is hoping to put on his Easter bunny suit, which apparently he had made for him by his New York City suit tailor, similarly to the one Ralphie received, then had to wear, from his aunt for Christmas, in the film A Christmas Story. It had big ears, puffy white fake buttons, and large fluffy floppy feet, all pink, he will wear for his big “mission accomplished” celebration day ("It's a beautiful time. A beautiful time.") declaring that the Chinese Virus had been beaten. I can hear him saying “We Won!” as he eats his jelly bean candies and those marshmellow yellow eggs, sitting in his stuffed chair situated in the Oval Office Day Care Center.
    Unfortunately, that won’t be happening. It looks like the United States will end up the country with the most COVID19 cases. This is why it is definitive that this virus must be called the Trump Virus!!!
    He told us that by summer the weather will begin to slow the virus down and kill it off. Is he nuts? If the hot sun was the panacea, then why is it so fierce in Iran where the desert heat is strong? A combination of summer heat and 40% humidity is a better combination. It sounds like the Deep South should be spared when summertime comes around. But until then, look out.
    If sun, heat, and humidity were the answer to killing off the virus, then why is Iran full of the virus? Then why does Florida, Peru, California filled with the virus? More of COVID Donnie’s lies.
   Honduras, a warm weather country, is experiencing an outbreak of the virus and there are only 40 ventilators for the entire healthcare system. Also, their crowded food markets are being bought out potentially spreading the virus, along with a scarcity of food.
    His inaction plan has been a total failure. Now, we are hearing that Ford, GM and other companies are attempting to retool in order to begin fulfilling the critically needed ventilators and other medical supplies that are not in the Federal Government’s supply warehouses, which at one time, were filled with supplies in case we were attacked or suffered another disaster, such as Katrina. They were drained, and previous presidents didn’t think filling these warehouses up was needed anymore because we now had big box stores to tap if needed. But, in fact, the big box stores didn’t have warehouses, either because it was too costly to stock up product when it could be delivered on a daily basis by trucking companies.
    The federal government was fully aware of what was required if the country came under attack by a pandemic virus. They assembled a team to develop an action plan. They called it the “Crimson Contagion”. This was a report detailing the worst case scenario and it was presented to COVID Donnie around April 2019. The team began its data collection filled with modeling and simulations in January of 2019. The dumb psychotic person who lives in the White House ignored it completely. At the end of last year, China reported to the W.H.O, while keeping it secret from their own population, that they were seeing the beginning of a serious deadly viral outbreak. A Chinese researcher who discovered this virus in Wuhan was silenced by the government, and later found dead. But we all know that they couldn’t hide it for very long.
    For decades, the federal government had in place the Federal Defense Production Act of 1950, which is a detailed roadmap giving the government officials the wherewithal to diagram a nationwide supply-chain of manufacturers, warehouses, suppliers, and logistical support to fill orders of the necessary supplies and equipment needed for a pandemic. Unfortunately, The Cretin has not activated this essential act to help supply hospitals, and our communities. They had basically a Rolodex of people and businesses that could connect with one another to work together to fill government orders immediately.
    COVID Donnie failed to put into action this Federal Defense Production Act, as well as the National Response Plan to get this mobilized when the first case of COVID19 was discovered in the United States.
    It has taken over three months before Dumb-Dumb Donnie considered enacting the FDPA, but then rejected the idea. Also, the National Response Plan links to and integrates other Federal interagency plans so as to coordinate a smooth and efficient and effective response to a disaster, in this case, a worldwide pandemic hitting our shores.
    Also, available to the president is the military’s logistics capabilities. The military has trained daily for decades on how to get supplies and equipment to any place in the United States with precision. In fact, the independent truckers hauling stuff around the country could have been taken over by the military had this idiot living in the White House taken action and declared a State of National Emergency once the first case of COVID19 was diagnosed. We could have had a 4-week lock down of everyone, at that time. Food, drugs, and other essential supplies needed by the people and hospitals throughout this country would have been delivered by the military and the National Guard. And, if private haulers were needed, the Federal Defense Production Act would have figured that out.
    But no; Devil Donnie wouldn’t have any of that. He had to dismiss the virus. Call it a hoax. Lambaste Democrats for creating it. Blame Obama. We heard it all. He really never got serious about it. And, still isn’t serious about it because it lies everyday about it. He attacked the press corp for questioning him about it. He dismissed questions about the fears Americans were feeling. He always made it about him. He bragged and showboated. He pretended he was conducting a political rally during the press conferences.
    One must wonder why did he behave this way? Could it have been a plan to delay or call off the November elections? Could he have created this chaos in order to screw up the election primary cycles, which in some cases, have called off the primary voting for Democratic candidates. By creating lots of balloting questions: mail-in ballots, in person voting, what do we do? By allowing the virus to cause chaos, people might be afraid to vote in person. Did Psycho Donnie plan this? Could this have been his diabolical plan to remain in the White House and avoid prosecution by the New York district courts?
    Had Devil Donnie stepped out in front of this virus, instituting the Federal Defense Production Act, and allowing the scientists, medical experts take charge of the pandemic, then he would have seen his approval ratings jump to 80% probably winning the 2020 presidential election by a landslide; but, this guy is so evil and sinister, but dumb as a piece of shit, that he did just the opposite. He would rather stay put in the White House by suspending the November election, or create such election chaos whereby voters might be too afraid to go to the polls for fear of catching the virus standing in long, tight lines.
    Now Governor Cuomo of New York is saying that he is sick and tired of COVID Donnie and his vice presidential Putz giving New York the middle finger, that he is acting more presidential than *RUMP.
    Since Biden appears to be missing in action and failing to show the country that he is more presidential than the Idiot-in-Chief, and if he continues to stand in the background, then the DNC conventioneers MUST decide to choose another more dynamic person to be the presidential Democratic candidate to run against The Cretin.

 Just a thought.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

More About The Trump Virus

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth!!!

COVID Donnie spoke that he wants to see people go back to work “very soon”. He ignores the advice of scientists, medical experts, epidemiologists, and chooses to mock and contradict their expertise.
This full-blown sociopath is totally incompetent. He said he wants to “relax social distancing next week” in spite of the virus expanding. Pennsylvania saw over 165 cases in just one day. This idiot is a danger to the country and that is why he is now known as COVID Donnie.
Once again, he said, “the cure must not be worse than the problem itself.” So, if you have cancer, a horrible disease, and receives chemotherapy, a real poison, on should consider refusing it because of the side effects of the cure is worse than the problem itself?
“We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.”

He is remarkably stupid and has no shame about it.

“America will again and soon be open for business, very soon, al lot sooner than 3 or 4 months, as somebody was suggesting. We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.”

This is now his catch phrase hoping that Kanya West will make a rap song from these idiotic words.
This fool said,  

“What’s the point of social distancing if 20% ignore the order”.

Hey *RUMP, let’s see the data on your 20%, if you believe this, then you are a real danger to the public. If you care this much, then do something about it; and, it’s not social distancing but, in fact, it is physical distancing. All those people sunning themselves on Florida beaches are not friends! They are not being social. It needs to be called physical distancing because that is what it is!!
Another on of *RUMP’s Brownshirts working in the White House believes that they are behind The Cretin’s fantasy. And then there is Larry -Chewing-his-Kudlow, a breed of cow known by another name said,

“The president is right.”

From what feedlot did he come from? Oh yeah, it was the FOX feedlot. He said,

“We are going to make some difficult trade off. At some point, you have to ask yourself whether the shutdown is doing more harm than good.”

What is going on with his brain? Has the virus made a home there? Are these White House feedlot grazers believing that going back to work is just fine as the virus expands its fury? This cow named Kudlow actually said that the virus in the U.S. is “contained” when that is a lie. Just look at Louisiana, Pennsylvania, New York, California, Idaho… He lied again when telling us that the contagion is “pretty close to air-tight.” What does air-tight actually mean? Is he saying that the genie is back in the bottle? If he rubs that bottle, it is very likely that a virus pops out and not Jeannie.
The data is showing that the virus is making younger people very sick—children and college-aged persons, and not just older folks, who can catch it from younger carriers.
Laura Ingra-ham-Hock believes that political hacks should be the mouthpiece on the frontline of the pandemic and not doctors, scientists, experts, who she believes should stay in the background “now or at the end of 15 days”.

Now we have Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick wants seniors to go out and work while those younger people stay locked down in order to keep the economy firing along on one cylinder, out of the 8 cylinder engine. He feels exposing the seniors to the virus is a good idea sacrificing their health so Texas can go back to work.
COVID Donnie continues to spew viral sputum by telling Americans that 50,000 could die from the flu, when in fact, it is half that number, while COVID19 may likely kill many more this season.

“We have a lot of people dying from the flu on top of everything else. It’s very bad. It looks like it could be over 50,000.”

Donnie pulls such B.S. out of his ass over and over again. The CDC said there are around 38 million flu illnesses and 390,000 hospitalizations. This is double trouble when COVID patients need beds.
More and more intelligent people are asking when will COVID Donnie develop a plan? Paul Krugman said,

“What’s killing business, what’s killing the average person emotionally is that they don’t feel there’s…a plan, that there’s an end date, there’s a strategy. That is what leadership is about. And that has been the real failure of this administration.”

COVID Donnie said,

“Our country wasn’t built to be shut down. This is not a country that was built for this. It was not built to be shut down. We’re not going to let the cure be worse than the problem.”

Once again he shows his grandiose ignorance. This was not a voluntary shut down but a necessary one.

“The country will soon be open for business.”

More B.S. blown out his ass! Dr. Deborah Birx, a deck hand on the Titanic Trump Task Force, just cannot stop kissing up the *RUMP.
Mike Putz’s, i.e. Pence, office staff tested positive for COVID19, yet Putz tested negative. How did that happen? Is he lying? Maybe he doesn’t have a blood supply.
Randy Dandy Paul, an arrogant S.O.B., got tested for the virus. Instead of laying low while waiting for the test results, which ended up being positive for the virus, he decided to contaminate the Senate gym and pool.

Trump claims if stopping coronavirus 'were up to the doctors' the world would be shut down 'for a couple of years'. He said,

"Don't forget the doctors. If it were up to the doctors they may say, 'Let's keep it shut down, let's shut down the entire world,' because again, you're up to almost 150 countries," Trump said. "'So let's shut down the entire world. And when we shut it down, that'd be wonderful, and let's keep it shut for a couple of years,' you know we can't do that."
"And you can't do that with a country especially the number one economy anywhere in the world, by far, number one economy in the world can't do that," Trump said. "Because well, it causes bigger problems than the original that's why I talk about the cure being worse than the problem. We can't have the cure be worse than the problem."

The CDC reported 33,404 COVID19 cases, and 400 deaths across all states.
Dr. Fauci, from the NIH, said,

“I cannot see that all of a sudden, next week or two weeks from now it’s going to be over. I think it’s going to be several weeks. When you think you’re maybe overacting, you probably are not acting as forcefully as you should. So as we’ve always said, we’ve got to try very much to stay ahead of the curve.

The Surgeon General, Jerome Adams said,

“ I want America to understand. This week it’s going to get bad.”

It is time to vote his idiot out of office and recall Randy Paul's last election.

Watch Don Lemon's  Trump appears to be wishing coronavirus away

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Monday, March 23, 2020

Donald Trump Owns The Chinese Virus

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

COVID Donnie keeps calling this virus the Chinese Virus, when in fact, it is actually the Trump Virus. This virus is running rampant in the United States without any real plan; therefore, this virus is in fact the Trump Virus.
Covid Donnie basically said that he doesn’t have a plan. He is flying blind. He continues to lie and use his smoke and mirror approach to everything in order to sell his bullshit to the American people.
There is no plan to make sure the unemployed American people and, small businesses, can stay afloat while in a shut down. He has no plan to make sure that those without health insurance, or who have inadequate health plans can get medical care. He has no plan.
He said,


What the heck is talking about? “The cure be worse than the problem”? What does that actually mean? Does he feel that helping people survive and stay afloat may be worse that the disease itself? He only cares about himself. He said he might bail out his Trump Organization with government funds. Is he saying that he has no cash reserves to keep his business afloat? No doubt, his golf clubs are shut down and his employees are laid off. He doesn’t care.
Let’s end this ridiculous phrase “social distancing”. We are actually physically distancing. We must continue our social interactions be it at a distance. We are not socializing at Costco. We are keeping a physical distancing. The Titanic Trump Task Force came up with this idiotic referencing to distancing.
Even Dr. Fauci, the Titanic’s infectious disease specialist, basically said that *RUMP is an idiot and he has to step out in front of the Idiot-in-Chief’s lies and misinformation. And he does!! Watch him on CNN.
This administration is telling us that they do not have a long term plan. After 15 days, they will look at what they will do next. They are leaving it up to the states, when governors are demanding the federal government step up their game plan.
This is insane!!! Is this how Tesla or GM or 3M or Comcast, for example, operates? They look at 15 day intervals to determine what they will do next? Or, do they have long term, or medium term plan to lay out all the possibilities they may encounter along the way? The Titanic Trump Task Force is being steered by his assistant moron, Mike Putz. No wonder we are headed toward an iceberg.
Moscow Mitch is having a problem making sure that people who do not pay taxes because their incomes are so small the same amount of cash that people who do pay taxes will receive from the government. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are fighting for the working class. Moscow Mitch is playing politics and is not concerned for the financially weakest population in our country.
*RUMP had his head up his RUMP when given the “Crimson Contagion” report, which would have made the nation much more prepared for this contagion. Now we are floundering.
Thomas Bossert, a former homeland security advisor, said,

“Sadly, the numbers now suggest the U.S. is poised to take the lead in coronavirus cases. It’s reasonable to plan the U.S. to top the list of countries with most cases in approximately 1 week. This does NOT make social intervention futile. It makes it imperative!”

With COVID Donnie’s lack of a plan—a medium to long term vision—why would small businesses want to reopen with such uncertainty? Why would their employees want to go back to work if they are not sure what the administration’s plan will be?
Idiot Lindsey Graham-cracker said,

 “ President’s best decision was stopping travel from China early on.”

 HUH? Graham-cracker is a total idiot, too. The best decision that should have been taken early on would have been to have a detailed and fully understandable medium and long term comprehensive plan to address the viral outbreak for our health care community and for our citizens who need medical and financial support, as well as shut down Wall Street until the country would stabilize and make sure that vital manufacturing of medical equipment and supplies keeps running.
But, it didn’t happen. All COVID Donnie has is to name call, and brag, play politics, and refer to the virus as the Chinese Virus. That’s all he’s got.

                                                    TheShalom Report
[Dear friends, These three outcries of the heart entered my in-box this week. They are pleas for us to learn from the crisis we are in. God forbid that we rejoice in this crisis; and God forbid that we learn nothing, turning our eyes, our ears, our hearts, our heads away.

The first of the three: Rabbi Tamara Cohen has written the following poetic midrash in the light of the Torah portion that is read tomorrow morning. It includes a passage about Moses' calling the people to assemble, and saying that their gifts to build the portable House of the Holy Presence to be carried in the Wilderness have been enough, and they should bring no more. Rabbi Cohen is the Chief of Innovation for Moving Traditions, a national organization focused on teens, gender, and Jewish identity where she spearheaded the creation of Tzelem, a group for transgender and non-binary teens. As an intern for The Shalom Center ten years ago, she wrote "Eicha for the Earth," a Book of Lamentations for Temple Earth.-- AW, ed.]

And they Assembled 

And Moses said dayam, enough.

Enough: enough.

Stop, withdraw,

bring/do/perform/gather    no more.

Let the silver glare of a silent sanctuary,

the gold blue of a plane-less sky

the garnet sheen of an empty concert hall

be our sacred offering,

meager gifts of absence from wise and less wise-hearted people.

Please God let our ceasing be enough.

Let our hospital beds be enough.

Let our slow awakening to the interconnectedness of every living being be enough

Let a pillar of stillness rest at the entrance to every home and prison.

Let this plague pass over us, enough of us.


Shabbat Shalom dear chaverim, far and wide,


[Kristin Flyntz wrote the following poetic letter from the Virus to us all. She is the Content Editorial Director for Ascensus. --  AW, ed]

STOP: An Imagined Letter from Covid-19 to Humans

Stop. Just stop.

It is no longer a request. It is a mandate.

We will help you.

We will bring the supersonic, high speed merry-go-round to a halt

We will stop

the planes

the trains

the schools

the malls

the meetings

the frenetic, furied rush of illusions and “obligations” that keep you from hearing our

single and shared beating heart,

the way we breathe together, in unison.

Our obligation is to each other,

As it has always been, even if, even though, you have forgotten.

We will interrupt this broadcast, the endless cacophonous broadcast of divisions and distractions,

to bring you this long-breaking news:

We are not well.

None of us; all of us are suffering.

Last year, the firestorms that scorched the lungs of the earth

did not give you pause.

Nor the typhoons in Africa,China, Japan.

Nor the fevered climates in Japan and India.

You have not been listening.

It is hard to listen when you are so busy all the time, hustling to uphold the comforts and conveniences that scaffold your lives.

But the foundation is giving way,

buckling under the weight of your needs and desires.

We will help you.

We will bring the firestorms to your body

We will bring the fever to your body

We will bring the burning, searing, and flooding to your lungs

that you might hear:

We are not well.

Despite what you might think or feel, we are not the enemy.

We are Messenger. We are Ally. We are a balancing force.

We are asking you:

To stop, to be still, to listen;

To move beyond your individual concerns and consider the concerns of all;

To be with your ignorance, to find your humility, to relinquish your thinking minds and travel deep into the mind of the heart;

To look up into the sky, streaked with fewer planes, and see it, to notice its condition: clear, smoky, smoggy, rainy? How much do you need it to be healthy so that you may also be healthy?

To look at a tree, and see it, to notice its condition: how does its health contribute to the health of the sky, to the air you need to be healthy?

To visit a river, and see it, to notice its condition: clear, clean, murky, polluted? How much do you need it to be healthy so that you may also be healthy?

How does its health contribute to the health of the tree, who contributes to the health of the sky, so that you may also be healthy?

Many are afraid now.

Do not demonize your fear, and also, do not let it rule you.

Instead, let it speak to you—in your stillness,

listen for its wisdom.

What might it be telling you about what is at work, at issue, at risk,

beyond the threats of personal inconvenience and illness?

As the health of a tree, a river, the sky tells you about quality of your own health,

what might the quality of your health tell you about the health of the rivers, the trees, the sky,

and all of us who share this planet with you?


Notice if you are resisting.

Notice what you are resisting.

Ask why.

Stop. Just stop..

Be still.


Ask us what we might teach you about illness and healing, about what might be required so that all may be well.

We will help you, if you listen.

     ------ Kristin Flyntz

[And this poem, "Lockdown," is by Richard Hendrick, OFM --  a Franciscan friar.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln