The Trumpty Dumpty Report
Just Gimme Some Truth
Stayin' Inside
This picture is of a line of cars waiting to get food from the Duquesne, PA food bank. This is called the Trump Crisis.
The Cretin believes that a ceiling of 100,000 American deaths would be a success for his Titanic Coronavirus Task Force, but, in fact, the death rate may be doubling!!! Governor Cuomo is bracing for New York to expect the death rate increase. Currently, it is 1550 deaths. The country saw 830 deaths in one day!!! We have over 4000 deaths nationwide.
In a time of deceit, telling the truth
is a revolutionary act- George Orwell
No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare
Let us not become the evil we despise.
Just Gimme Some Truth
Stayin' Inside
Cretin is now trying to be presidential. He doesn’t know how to express
empathy, or compassion, or to embrace the pain of others, or listen and process
and then, relate to the American people. He is a classic case of clinical
narcissism, and more than likely a true psychopath. The Devil Donnie just
cannot keep himself from lying to the American people when truth is so needed.
He keeps saying that the “problems are fixed”, when, in fact, they are not and
are getting worse. He treats his daily press conferences as if he is in front
of his campaign rally audiences. He is not. He cannot help himself from
pretending. Now there is a petition to stop these pompous propaganda pep rally
daily press briefs. In fact, they are not brief. If you want to sign a petition to end Trump's press conferences, you can sign up HERE.
Hey Cretin, these press conferences are NOT
Mad Hatter MAGA rallies.
California, the ventilators shipped from the government’s warehouses were broken
and needed repair, which took valuable, life saving time away from the
patients who are suffering. Illinois Governor Pritzker requested N95 masks from the government
but were instead sent the wrong ones. The Governor asked for 300,000 N95 masks
but was sent surgical masks, instead. Was this done on purpose because when
Democratic governors ask for equipment or supplies, Trump sends the wrong ones
or broken ones?
Devil in the White House said, “that the COVID19 testing was better
than any country in the world”. Disputing this was Governor
of Maryland Larry Hogan, who said, the states are “flying
blind” because of the lack of available tests. States cannot assess
viral hot spots, infection and hospitalization rates. “There
is nobody in American that’s prepared.”
This picture is of a line of cars waiting to get food from the Duquesne, PA food bank. This is called the Trump Crisis.
The Cretin believes that a ceiling of 100,000 American deaths would be a success for his Titanic Coronavirus Task Force, but, in fact, the death rate may be doubling!!! Governor Cuomo is bracing for New York to expect the death rate increase. Currently, it is 1550 deaths. The country saw 830 deaths in one day!!! We have over 4000 deaths nationwide.
COVID Donnie said, “I haven’t heard about testing for
weeks.” What closet has he been hiding in?
W.H.O. came out and said that wearing a mask is not really helping contain or
spread the virus. But this advice is more Trumpian than based in logic. The
science is showing that around 1 in 4 people could be asymptomatic carriers of
the virus. And, a portion of those people may within 10 or so days become
symptomatic. Prior to that outbreak, those 25% are out and about touching many
surfaces after contact with their own viral droplets. Upon touching a metal
surface, that virus could be laying upon that surface being a contaminant for
up to 72 hours.
learn now that one of the Three Stooges, Jared Kushner, once again steps into
an ethics problem and a conflict-of-interest pile of poo!!! He coordinated his
family’s business interests in the setting up of a coronavirus website for the
government, which apparently never went on-line. Oscar Health did the work for
free. Jared’s brother, Joshua, has a financial interest in this company and, at
one time, Jared had a serious business holding in ownership of Oscar Health. “Oscar’s
relationship with the Trump administration could breach federal law in two
ways”, wrote Robinson Meyer for The Atlantic magazine.
Dumb-Ass in the White House told America that he would send extra ventilators
to China. Hey Cretin, our hospitals don’t have what they are demanding from the
government and you are already promising China what we don’t currently have
available for our hospitals. Also, the U.S. government airlifted, from China,
medical supplies that our hospitals need right now. Gowns, masks, and gloves
are seriously lacking in our hospitals. So *RUMP asked China for an 80 ton
shipment containing 130,000 N95 masks, 10 million gloves, and thousands of
thermometers. This shipment was required because our government was unprepared
for this pandemic and the stockpile was lacking. Only now, are domestic
American manufacturing companies stepping up production, three months too late.
Jack Ma, a Chinese billionaire and Mr. Li, another billionaire are
sending 2 million masks, 500,000 test kits because COVID Donnie ignored the
coming pandemic back in January 2019, and later, after our first outbreak hit
our soil in January of 2020.
you want to know how COVID19 kills, then watch THIS.
This will freak you F**KING OUT!!
Dr. Duc C. Vuong says we will hit a million cases of COVID19 in the country. YOU die from suffocation. We are headed toward 20,000 deaths if we hit a million cases of COVID19.
This will freak you F**KING OUT!!
Dr. Duc C. Vuong says we will hit a million cases of COVID19 in the country. YOU die from suffocation. We are headed toward 20,000 deaths if we hit a million cases of COVID19.
If you want to see Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo talk about this
president and his daily press briefings, then watch THIS.
If you want to see how a sneeze flies through the air, watch
to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”
Abraham Lincoln