Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Trump Has Been Infected With The M.OR.O.N-74 Viral Infection

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    Trump is infected. He is infected with the M.O.R.O.N-74 viral infection. The symptoms are serious and may last forever. It affects the brain and nervous system. It leaves the person stupid, foolhardy, inept, incompetent, craving chocolate bars late at night, and leaves the recipient unable to understand facts and reality. Apparently, he spread it throughout his family, especially Eric, Donnie Jr, and Ivanka, as well as their partners. Others may have caught it, too.
    Affected people, such as Congressmen Gaetz, Collins, and Meadow are now self-quarantining, but it won’t help. They also were in contact with a colleague at CPAC who was infected with both COVID-19 and MORON-74. They maybe infected forever with MORON-74. The Putz, formerly known as Pence, has been affected with MORON-74 for three years, more than likely. He may have caught it when he once served in the senate, and later as Indiana’s governor. He and his dumb-dumb crime boss have not been tested for COVID-19, showing the rest of us that they are above such testing, and are too insulated from the COVID-19 virus, and everything else the nation must deal with.
    H.H.S. chief Alex “Be-zar” Azar has no idea how many people have been tested for COVID-19. It appears he, too, has now been affected by M.O.R.O.N-74. It is spreading through the halls of the White House.
    Throughout Europe and South Korea there is robust testing for COVID-19, yet in the U.S. it is very slow. The Putz, in charge of Mission Accomplished Coronavirus and the accountability, preparedness, control, containment, and execution required, has no idea how many Americans have been tested, thus far. He is suffering from M.O.R.O.N-74.
    South Korea is testing 10,000 people per day. But here in the United States, such an aggressive approach to control the virus is falling flat on its MAGA hat. NPR reported on COVID-19 contact and spreading risk within the homeless and street population. These at-risk Americans can spread the virus throughout their community and beyond. This can make all of us vulnerable to catching this very contagious virus.
    The stock market is still reeling from uncertainty in the global markets and the president’s incompetence. Saudi Arabia has thrown an obstacle in the global downturn by breaking from OPEC rules and lowering the price of crude oil, which will lower prices at the pump, as well as oil company stock prices, and related industries. Putin has joined in by deciding to go after the United States’ Fracking industry by ramping up their drilling and distribution of natural gas and oil. This will result in an even greater glut of natural gas that we are already experiencing. This could actually cause Frackers and the related industries to shut down for good. What will happen to Pennsylvania’s Beaver County’s under construction Cracker plant owned by Shell once the natural gas and ethane byproduct begins to dry up? This is the biggest construction project in the state.
    COVID Donnie has bragged that the growth of our economy is because he is a “very stable genius” and a terrific, fantastic and YUUGE businessman. He says he is the “be-bestest” president ever!!! “The economy looks better than ever.” But in fact, the economy is now tanking, and it is on his watch. It can partially be blamed on his total incompetence and those incompetents that surround him.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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