Saturday, March 21, 2020

Donald Trump's "Crimson Contagion" Failure

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

John Lennon singing "Gimme Some Truth". So appropriate during a time when we have a psychotic, lying Cretin faking the roll of president.

    Here are some updated facts: the virus can live in the air between one to three hours. At home, if you raise the humidity to 40%, then that could help erode the virus. On cardboard, it can live for around 24 hours. On metal and plastic, the virus can live for up to 72 hours. If you get the virus, there is no documentation saying that you cannot get it again.
    What is happening with the Bogus COVID White House Task Force is that the medical experts have to body check COVID Donnie from misleading the public with his uninformed, idiotic comments. For example, the Malaria vaccine has no efficacy when applied to a virus, since Malaria is a bacteria. Devil Donnie keeps saying how he has hope that this drug will work. Hope doesn’t cut it, Donnie. Proof and efficacy is what is required. If you want Hope, then give her a call and ask her come visit you in the Oval Office. She can give you a piece of candy and tell you just to shut up.
    The Putz, formerly known as Pence, has never felt so important in his entire life. He can stand up and puff his chest and pretend to know about drugs, health, and science, when he doesn’t believe in science. Remember, he believes that Conversion Therapy can "cure" gayness.

     The New York Times printed an article, written by David Sanger called, “Before Virus Outbreak, a Cascade of Warnings Went Unheeded”.

    “Government exercises, including one last year, made clear that the U.S. was not ready for a pandemic like the coronavirus. But little was done.” This Trump White House coded these exercises with the name “Crimson Contagion”. These exercises were assessing, modeling and developing simulations exploring what would happen if a seriously bad flu virus swept the nation. This was conducted by Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services.
    The wake-up call announced that the nation was “underfunded, underprepared and uncoordinated.” The federal government’s emperor, King Donnie, was not ready for a seriously dangerous life or death virus, that had no vaccine or treatment protocol if it were to hit the streets of the nation from sea to shining sea. “A draft report was dated October 2019.” This report was to be kept secret from the public.
    Nobody in the Trump government had any idea who was in charge if such a scenario were to happen. They knew that hospitals would be under equipped, and had no idea what equipment and supplies would be needed. There was no federal government coordination between the states to figure out if schools were to close or stay open.
    In 2016, Obama had issued a comprehensive report detailing what they learned as they fought the Ebola disease. Later, in 2017, Obama had experts run a simulation detailing how they would respond if a pandemic were to hit us. It appears loud and clear that the Trump administration looked the other way. Trump just didn’t care. To him, everything was “Fake News”, and the media was evil and should be shut down.
    Trump’s people in the Department of Health and Human Services had run similar modeling laying out what would happen if a pandemic were to hit our cities.
    Judd Deere, a White House spokesman said, “Any suggestion that President Trump did not take the threat of COVID-19 seriously is false.” But we Americans no differently, even to this day.
    “Nobody ever thought of numbers like this.” Another lie spoken by Devil Donnie. He knew. The report written in 2019, made everyone aware that a serious outbreak would hurt Americans and that the virus beginning in China would eventually reach the United States.
    Sanger wrote that even George W. Bush understood the dangers of a pandemic and had his officials report on a possible biological attack and the risks of a pandemic. When H1N1 hit our shore, over 60 million people worldwide came down with the virus. 274,304 cases were hospitalized and 12,469 died. 
    Obama took Ebola seriously, as well, and created an Ebola Task Force coordinated by Ron Klain, Biden’s chief of staff.
    Once Trump became the guy in the White House, Lisa Monaco, Obama’s Homeland Security advisor, “arranged an extensive exercise for high-level incoming officials…gaming out the response to a deadly flu outbreak.” She said, “We modeled a new strain of flu…there is no vaccine, and you would get issues like nursing homes being …vulnerable, shortages of ventilators.” Her successor, Tom Bossert, was Trump’s guy to take over and Monaco thought he would do a good job. “But by the time the current crisis hit, all the leaders at the table…had been fired or moved on.” This was Trump’s failure. In 2018, Bolton fired Bossert leaving the preparedness process gutted out. This White House and those Brownshirts holding down the fort were responsible for this Idiot-in-Chief with his pants down when the COVID19 virus hit our shores. The budgets to handle this Trump pandemic left the nation empty handed. A former Air Force physician, Robert P. Kadlec “…recognized early that we had a big problem and we needed much bigger budgets to prepare,” said Richard Danzig, who worked with Mr. Kadlec at the Pentagon.
    The Trump’s “Crimson Contagion” exercises operated from January to August of 2019. After the results were in, Congress was briefed in December of that year. The results were dire for our country being ill-prepared to handle a serious viral outbreak—pandemic.
    From this article, one could conclude that the Trump administration was totally ill-equipped to lead the nation when hit with a viral pandemic. It all came true.
Trump is a lying incompetent, along with his Putz, who heads his task force.
    Devil Donnie dismissed repeated intelligence warnings that the Coronavirus was a very dangerous Black Swan event (an unexpected and devastating event) that will take down our economy and devastate people’s lives. He just didn’t care!!! When a psychopath is elected into the White House, then a person who has no empathy, no compassion, no feelings for others ends up making the wrong decisions for our safety and security. He violated the oath of the presidency he swore to uphold. Read the article HERE.

    It is time to get rid of these regressive, incompetent Republicans. They cannot lead the nation out of a pandemic. Very likely we are headed to a real economic recession, possible depression, worse than we experienced in 2008. Goldman Sachs predicts that beginning in April, GDP will be negative 24%! WOW! Remember when *RUMP gave us his prediction that our GDP by the end of his term would hit +6%.

                  Heckuva Job Donnie!!!

    You can read the article HERE.
   Here is an interesting article on why bats are a part of viral outbreaks. It has to do with climate change and human encroachment. Read it HERE.


Here is the Putz holding up a folder with the words "15 days to slow the spread". What is he talking about? 15 days to slow the spread between fiction and fact? The two talking heads in this picture are the worst morons to find their way into the West Wing and to tackle a serious pandemic.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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