Friday, March 13, 2020

Should Trump Be Removed Due To Gross Incompetence?

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    There is an organized group of ‘Never Trump” people led by George Conway, Kellyanne Conway’s husband. They will vote for Biden. Now, we have a group of “Never Joe” Democrats. They are Bernie-or-Bust people who feel that Joe is too centrist and sees him as a guy who has early onset dementia. In fact, there are very likely hundreds of thousands, if not a million Americans working and living with such a diagnosis. Yes, Joe may be the next president, but there is absolutely no medical documentation that proves he has early onset dementia. Joe may be inadequate as a candidate, but Trump is a moronic, dangerous psychopath stacking the Supreme Court with right-wing extremists who believe that the 1950’s was a sweet spot in history where rapists and bigots and racists were all given a pass.
    Personally, there isn’t much of a choice. Even leftist Krystal Ball, a former MSNBC host said she will end up voting for Biden when it comes down to it.
    Bernie supporters are passionate, dedicated Americans who believe in real change for this country and understand that the system has failed serving only the 1%. Yes, we have a plutocracy/kleptocracy, whereby the rich are on the government sponsored gravy-train. A form of socialism for the rich. But, it is time to change the White House and the Senate in order to work for real change that benefits every American.
    Bernie’s “No Joe” supporters need to wake up and realize that an unbound psychopath believing that the press needs to be shut down, except for state T.V. Fox broadcasting, and only cronies deserve to run the country and all agencies and departments; and, the public schools need to be phased out; and, handouts to the rich are the most deserving; and, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security need to be phased out in favor of a stock market based system where the rich profiteers reap fees and bonuses from government funneled funds; and, the working classes pay the taxes; and, lots more money gets channeled into the gas, oil, and military industrialized industries. Is this what those Bernie-only voters want? If so, then they are Trump supporters!!!
    An unleashed Trump would usher in a stronger fascist, authoritarian form of government, which would be harder to dismantle if, and when a Democrat becomes president. A Republican White Nationalist Party will do some serious damage passing Trump supported legislation. Is this what the Bernie-only supporters want for their future? If so, then they, too, are morons and dangerous to democracy!!!
    Just look at what the sloven coven surrounding COVID Donnie are doing to hide the truth from the American public as the Coronavirus spreads rapidly throughout the nation. This is NOT a foreign virus. It is solidly breeding right here in the United States. The Fake News coming from the mouth of The Cretin as he lies to all of us about his failures surrounding COVID19. He tells us that all-is-well when only 7,288people have been tested, thus far. Just this past week, only 77 people have test this week. Read it here.
    The Cretin’s Sloven Coven get tested, even when not showing symptomology, while Americans with symptoms cannot get tested. We have learned that *RUMP and his Putz-Pence have been exposed.
     Some data published stated that a prolonged exposure to the virus makes one more at-risk to the virus than a brief, passing exposure. COVID Donnie and his Putz are dismissing their exposure to Coronavirus by saying, “I’m not concerned.” He is NOT concerned? WTF? He is either lying, again, or is just very stupid and irresponsible. It appears the entire West Wing has been exposed to the virus.
    Expansion of free testing, unemployment compensation, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security expansion, and other rollouts for working people are necessary, but the Republican White Nationalist Party does not support “socialism for the working stiffs.” They only support socialism for the wealth class.
    The markets are reeling from the Sloven Coven and COVID74 Donnie’s failures as it enters a Bear Market. All gains made during The Cretin’s time in office have been erased.
    COVID Donnie neither has the intelligence or the resolve to conquer this viral epidemic. His real capabilities have been shown to be that of a person who is unable to demonstrate any level of mastery, fortitude, and initiative to solve any sort of crisis, or anything else, for that matter.
    The Cretin just cannot take responsibility for anything that doesn't make him look good. He continues to blame Obama for the reasons he has failed to test, treat, and contain the Coronavirus when, in fact, this Idiot-in-Chief slashed funding to HLS, CDC, and other agencies that fund facilities that were able to lab test COVID-19 early and work on a treatment protocol and vaccine. He created his own debacle. It wasn't anyone else's fault but his own. This virus was identified by the White House but kept secret back in January of this year. They failed to act fast and responsibly. They knew it was coming but looked the other way. They continue to keep information from the public. Their authoritarian actions are in play as we speak. The White House is full of hacks, cronies, and inexperienced bootlickers and lickspittlers. 
    The Cretin imposed a travel ban of passengers coming from Europe, yet Britain is exempted. The reason why Britain is exempted is because he has golf courses in Britain and Ireland and Scotland. It is all about greed.
    If you think Joe Biden is an inadequate candidate, just look at the idiot we have in the White House, at this time. COVID Donnie is the most inadequate, incompetent, dangerous person to have ever sit in the Oval Office.

    If you want to read the platforms of both Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders read here.

Joe Biden explains his position on the Coronavirus. Read here.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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