Friday, March 27, 2020

More On The Trump Virus and Is He Unraveling?

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth


 Stayin' Inside

    The Atlantic on-line article by Peter Wehner called “The President Is Trapped”, is an amazing article about Trump’s inescapable crisis commanded with full-blown incompetence. Read it HERE. He cannot con his way out of it. He is now face-to-face with his carnival blowhard persona.
    What is frustrating him beyond belief is that he cannot go on his Daddy-Needs-Love campaign tours. He needs his sociopathic ego fed by claps, cheers, hoots, and hollers by his Kool-aid drinking fan club waving their MAGA signs while wearing their creepy red hats. He needs an audience to fill his ego. This is where he is able to let his loose lips spew lies and propaganda with lots of cheers.
    As we witnessed with Governor Cuomo, the facts, truth, reassurance and intelligence does matter during a time of a devastating viral pandemic. But with the Devil Donnie telling us just the opposite with his lies, misinformation, and clownish behavior demonstrating volumes of distrust and a lack of honesty to Americans who are suffering with the virus, combating the virus, unemployed as a result of the virus and closing up shop because of the virus.
    Some people surrounding this carnival barker are willing to talk anonymously because they are freaked out by their boss’s incompetence.
    In the Atlantic article:
    “The coronavirus pandemic has created the conditions that can catalyze a destructive set of responses from an individual with Trump’s characterological defects and disordered personality.”

    “In the crisis we are deep in, “We need a chief executive whose judgment is not just sound, but exceptional.”

    Too bad we don’t have such a person in the Oval Office leading the country through this crisis. And, there’s no one on the Trump Titanic Task Force isn’t doing it, either. They are a bunch of suck-ups, especially Dr. Birx. Governor Cuomo is the one political figure who has stepped out in front of this crisis with credibility.
    Now The Cretin calls himself the “Wartime President” without any credibility. The emperor is wearing nothing but his Space Force diaper. He believes that through the Easter bunny’s magic dust the virus will disappear allowing the country “to get back on track”, which, more than likely, will see the viral contagion double and triple its infection rate nationwide.
    The problem with the Devil Donnie is that he cannot con a virus. He cannot lie and manipulate or swindle a virus. This is not some New York Deutsche Bank schmuck, or some poor, desperate carpet contractor needing a big job at one of *RUMP’s projects. This is a viral contagion killing people.
    This moron said, “If it were up to doctors, they many say…’Let’s shut down the entire world…This could create a much bigger problem than the problem that you start off with.”
    Had we shut down the entire country when the virus first reared its ugly head, and had we gone Full Monty by testing everyone, and yes EVERYONE, we then could have isolated/quarantined those who had the virus or who were carriers without symptoms for 4-6 weeks. At that point, we could have retested everyone again reducing the number of contagious people.
    The country could have begun to reopen slowly and steadily. So, now it is possible this contagion could be contained. But NO!!! That’s not how it went down---it was all Fake News, A HOAX, a conspiracy by Democrats to win the election. But had it happened this way, Trump would be a shoe-in in November. What a stupid, stupid moron with no intelligence or common sense. A fool like no other fool.
   Peter Wehner reported, “a former White House advisor who worked on past pandemics told me, “This fool will bring the death of thousands needlessly…But now our own president is undoing all that work and preaching recklessness. Rather than lead us in taking on a difficult challenge, he is dragging us toward failure and suffering. Beyond belief.”
    Peter Wehner said, “ Misinformation will cause the virus to increase its deadly spread. So as the crisis deepens—as the body count increases, hospitals are overwhelmed, and the economy contracts, perhaps dramatically---it’s reasonable to assume that the president will reach for tools he had used throughout his life: duplicity and denial. He will not allow facts that are at odds with his narrative to pierce his magnetic field of deception.”
    Wehner and others are essentially asking the question, what will happen if the way he has operated as a dishonest, sleazy “businessman” fails him and his ability to sell, using that term loosely, his base that he’s got it all under control and they see he doesn’t, and many of his MAGA wearers begin to toss them into their bonfires? He may become enraged as his paranoia escalates.
    No doubt, more chaos will ensue; Wall Street will see more crashing. The gains on the DOW will fall, again. And, more people will get sick.
    Wehner said, “…but in this case, the public is too afraid, the story is too big, and the carnage will be too great to be distracted from it.”

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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