Friday, March 20, 2020

Trump's Too Little, Too Late COVID19 Debacle

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    “The Devil Wears Donnie” clown show is proving to America that much of us don’t really matter. Why is it that the elite get their COVID19 testing before us? Why is it that NBA players and movie stars who are not showing symptoms, asymptomatic, get the testing done?
    Why is it that South Korea is so far more aggressive in tackling this deadly virus and further ahead in their testing and containment, than the United States is even though we both documented our first COVID19 case on the very same day?
    The Devil Donnie’s plan to give his cash subside of $1200.00 only applies to those of us who have an income tax liability, but if you don’t pay any taxes because your income is too low, you are shit outta luck. You then will get only $600.00. This is wealth inequality in your face during a time of crisis. This are YOUR Republican White Nationalist Party Congress fascists at work. This plan is not final. Let us hope that the Democrats dope slap their fascist colleagues into waking up to reality and understand that low income people matter as much as those who pay taxes.
    This is more of a reason to prepare for recall elections many of them from their government positions.
             It is too little, too late!!

    The Washington Post featured an article asking – what will America look like in the coming months and year? You can read it HERE.
    It is a dire projection. In our previous blogpost, a summary of what we may experience was detailed.
    Devil Donnie has been offering too little, too late. Hospitals are seriously at-risk of running out of supplies, and equipment. And, EVERYONE NEEDS TO GET TESTED!!
    In a small Italian town of 3,300 people  EVERYONE was tested—twice!! They found that one-half to three-fourths of those tested were asymptomatic!! YES! They showed no signs of the virus but in fact, had the virus in their blood. This is mind blowing!! The town had a military sentry controlling who was coming in and out. By identifying those who had COVID19 a plan for containment and hunkering down at home was enforced. Testing began in February when only 3% were actually infected with symptoms. By the time a second round of testing was done, 90% of all infections, with symptoms shown or not shown, had dropped. Read it HERE.
    Devil Donnie and his sidekick Pea-Brain Pence have done too little, too late!
    Now Republican White Nationalist Representative Moron Michael Cloud said, ‘Through a series of lies, blunders, and cover-ups, we are now dealing with a serious health and economic crisis.’ These actual words were edited to make you think he was talking about his “daddy”—COVID Donnie Trump, but no, he was talking about China. His opinion piece was saying we should be finished with China. (Read it HERE.)
    But, in fact, Moron Mike, we should be done with your daddy—Donald Dumb-Dumb Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    If it were not for his series of lies, blunders and cover-ups, this nation would have a better grip on this outbreak. Mikey wants to blame China when he should be blaming Trump for his too little, too late inactions.
    What is mentally wrong with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis? Is he DeStupid? Why hasn’t he closed every single beach, bar, and more? The young hedonists of Spring Break’s Outbreak of COVID19 is a disaster waiting to happen!!!
    Did this moron attend Trump University? Did he attend Trump’s Governor’s In-Training Day Camp for Idiots? Doesn’t DeStupid know there is a contagion on the loose?

    It is time for recall elections---America!!

    We have government officials selling their stock portfolios because of their insider information. Here are two that got caught. Republican White Nationalist Georgia Senator Kelly Loffler sold off millions of dollars in her stock portfolio on January 24. Republican White Nationalist Senator from North Carolina Richard Burr sold a million plus dollars of his stock portfolio, too. They were privy to insider government information and quickly sold off their Wall Street stocks.
    Martha Stewart spent time behind bars for insider trading. These two scum-bags need to be prosecuted by their state attorney generals.
    It is very clear---the Republican White Nationalist Congress MUST be voted out of office, along with The Putz, formerly known as Pence, who needs to be sent back to his gay conversion overnight camp somewhere in Indiana, and Devil Donnie, who needs to be sent back to the Mar-A-Lago day care center.

                 The COVID19 virus is actually the Trump Virus.
                                         *RUMP doesn't get it.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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