Tuesday, March 17, 2020

There Is A New Horror Movie--"The Devil Wears Trump"

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

     Dotard Donnie and Vice President Putz said, “We have the biggest and best package.” On Tuesday, they had another press conference. They had more specifics than yesterday. They spoke of a 15 day hunkering down policy, which began on Monday. “If you are sick, or anyone of your family members are sick, stay home.” That would obvious.
    The Dotard said that all the corporate leaders were “terrific, wonderful people.” He asked all construction companies to donate their N95 masks to their local hospitals. Apparently, The *RUMP budget cuts to essential emergency service stockpiles has forced this request for donations of their masks.
     Also, if you are on Medicare, then you can visit any doctor without penalty. There will be a request that restaurants only stay open for take-out service.
    An airline bailout of $15B has been offered, apparently without any strings attached, yet this administration has not yet decided on giving a cash subside to the newly unemployed, who have no saving or health care. “The Devil wears Trump”.

   Out of the nearly 3M people working for the Pentagon: soldiers and civilians, only 495 people have been tested for COVID19, thus far. This is mind-blowing!! The Cretin has cut so much from the budget, that test kits, and government labs are not equipped to meet the demand. Now, private labs have been authorized to do testing, weeks into this viral outbreak. The Devil Wears Trump.

    On Monday, COVID Donnie and Pinhead Pence held a press conference on their progress with the Coronavirus pandemic response. The Cretin said absolutely nothing specific to offer. He kept telling us that his team is doing a great job; a vaccine is on its way; they are working hard at solving the spread of the virus; etc. There was not a single specific mentioned by anyone on the so-called team. What was the use of having a press conference if they had nothing specific to offer us? It was shameful. The Cretin is a complete incompetent. When asked what he was telling his family and his young son, he rambled on for too long of an answer before he said that his son asked him how serious was this virus, and his answer was “It is very serious.”
    The reporters asked numerous specific questions, yet they did not get a single specific answer. This team knows absolutely nothing. They are a bunch of worthless idiots pretending to be experts.
    The stock markets loss of nearly 3000 points is serious. The DOW has now lost 30% of its value. When asked if we are in a recession or a recession is coming, of course, COVID Donnie said that he hopes we are not heading into a recession. Well, it is HERE already. He said that he was going to bail out the airline industry, because “it is not their fault”. Yet, all the working people that have been laid off this week and the coming weeks are not to be blamed for this pandemic, either; yet, Idiot-in-Chief said nothing about injecting the unemployed with instant cash to hold them over so they can survive. NO!!! He was more concerned with bailing out the airline industry and corporate owners with a payroll tax cut, which Wall Street realized that lower interest rates and a payroll tax cut means nothing to solve the coming economic catastrophe.
    During COVID Donnie’s press conference he told the U.S. governors to “Try getting it [ventilators and respirators] yourselves”, while stashed in the six double wide Walmart sized government warehouses scattered around the country, are these very supplies, and more, all charged up and waiting to be passed out.
    Devil Donnie has equipment available right now but he said,

 “…try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.”

WTF is going on?
The Virus President said,

“I’d rate [myself] it a 10. I think we’ve done a great job.”

    One might be concerned that the number of Three Musketeers bars he consumes at bedtime might be gooing up his brain cells causing irreparable harm to his cerebral blood flow. He doesn’t know what he is talking about nearly all the time.
    *RUMP wants to bail out industries, such as the airline industries, because of the viral epidemic. Haven’t the Republican White Nationalist Party learned anything from the 2008 economic collapse and the subsequent bail out of the financial industry, which was orchestrated by Lil’Boy Bush and his boys: Paulson, Bernanke, and others? They gave away the store: zero percent interest rates to the biggest too-big-to-fail bankstas, who in returned rewarded themselves with $50B in bonuses stolen from the bail out cash handouts.
    There were no new rules and restrictions in order to get the bail out cash, such as breaking up these banks into two separate institutions: one being a loan and deposit institution, and the other into becoming an investment brokerage institution. This didn’t happen. The Republican White Nationalist Party institution didn’t want to upset their reelection gravy train.
    Now we have history repeating itself, with the Republican White Nationalist Party, once again, in the midst of an economic and, also, a medical epidemic, under their watch.
            HECKUVA JOB, DONNIE!!!

    The Cretin’s big idea is to bail out the big too-big-to-fail public corporations without any strings attached.
    If these corporate executives want to borrow from you and me and all the other people who are now, or will be about to suffer from this virus, then there needs to be strings attached from the start.
   Let’s make sure that their smoke and mirror stock buyback games end. Stock buybacks only benefit the top executives who get to buy back the stock at a discount, which goes into their retirement accounts, or used to cash out for a nice beach house or Bentley. It also shows that the company’s bottom line is stronger boosting the stock price. Let’s end this for a long period of time. Also, how about ending paying out stockholder dividends for a period of time. Also, how about clawing back executive raises and bonuses they received for a period of time in the past, let’s say over the past several years. How about taking executive retirement and pension funds issued by the company and roll them into government backed bond securities, since they are asking for a government backed bond bail out. Doesn’t it make sense that these very executives fund, in part, their own near zero percent bail out?
    But of course, the Republican White Nationalist Party cabal, COVID Donnie and his coven of cretins, such as Moscow Mitch, and the others would object to such a realistic plan. These corporate executives are their gravy train to fund their reelection campaign accounts.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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