Monday, March 9, 2020

COVID Donnie Tanks Stock Market Over 2000 Points In One Day!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

As of this day today, the market has tanked even more. The market has erased all gains that were acquired nearly two years ago. The markets are reacting to their total lack of confidence in COVID Donnie's response to the Coronavirus outbreak, the lack of preparedness, his Keystone Cops response to handling the outbreak and the economic downturn, as well as how the rest of the world is showing a health crisis. 

                 "Heckuva job, Donnie!"

     COVID Donnie has been losing control on the management and containment of the Coronavirus. At every turn he rejects, insults and ignores what the CDC or governors or experts recommend or do to protect and contain the virus from spreading across the nation.
    The CDC recommended that elderly travelers stay away from airplanes and cruise ships. The Putz, formerly known as Pence, had his spokesperson say, “Complete Fiction.”
    The White House and their lackeys continue to minimize the virus’ risk to people who are at-risk. Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of tropical medicine at Baylor College of Medicine said about the virus, “is like the angel of death for older individuals.”
    For people with vulnerable medical conditions, Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert said,

 “You ought to become a semi-hermit. You’ve got to really get serious in your personal life about social distancing, and in particular avoiding crowds of any kind. That includes avoiding essential commercial travel, crowded restaurants, large church services.”
    Yet The Cretin balks at all of these precautions. He called the governor of Washington “a snake” because he didn’t want to keep exposed people on the cruise ship parked at sea, but to quarantine them at a secure facility.
    These Republican White Nationalist scumbags, such as Congressman Matt Gaetz mocked America by wearing a military-style gas mask on the floor of the House of Representative even after one of his Florida continuants died from exposure to the virus.
    While The Cretin was speaking at CPAC, one participant was walking around infected with the Coronavirus. This is serious! The virus had infiltrated this dismissive crowd of clowns criticizing COVID-19.

    COVID Donnie spoke at The Latino Coalition and told all Americans to “go to work.”

    This is a reminder of when Lil’Boy Bush told Americans, following 9-11, to “Go Shopping.”

    It is now being reported that cases of the virus have spread to 30 states, affecting over 400 people with around 22 deaths.
    On a different note, The Cretin’s Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos’ brother, Erik Prince, the corporate mercenary guns-for-hire provider, has recuited spies to infiltrate various liberal and progressive groups so he could report back information about their work to the administration. One group, a teacher’s union that opposed DeVos’ educational agenda, was infiltrated by Prince. This is reminiscent of what Hitler, and other dictators, did against those he hated. The White House is following in this fascist footstep.
    In the book called Siege, by Michael Wolff, he described some insider information that seems a bit embarrassing. Trump once said that, “They say he [Pence] was the stupidest man in Congress.” He calls his wife “Mother”, which became a joke within the West Wing. Trump’s doctors prescribe him “uppers”—Ambien or Provigil. (This could describe The Cretin’s crazy behavior at his rallies, and at other times.) Also, he lies in his bed eating candy bars when he talks with his confidant, Sean Hannity. His favorite is Three Muskateers. Steve Bannon once said about Pence that “he doesn’t know where his half the time.”    
    It was reported in Michael Wolff’s book—“Siege”, that The Cretin once told a friend that,

 “I’m not a suck up. Trump doesn’t suck up. I wouldn’t be Trump if I sucked up.”

     But, in fact, he sucks up to dictators and authoritarians at every turn. He sucks up to Putin, as we have seen many times. COVID Donnie is applying this idiotic principle to managing COVID-19 because he believes that to accept and follow the recommendations of experts, as well as officials acting responsibly, it would seem to him as sucking up to facts. He doesn’t believe in facts under any condition.
    COVID Donnie ranted and railed over Admiral Dr. Jackson, his personal physician, who he wanted to appoint to a government position, but was sabotaged when information about his alleged drinking problem, which led to the sacking of his appointment. The plot to trash this appointment was secretly led by “Mother” Pence, who was active within the vice president’s office; and, was seeking revenge against *RUMP for outing a personal and private conversation she had with Dr. Jackson regarding a health concern she had and needed to discuss with him in private. This conversation was made public throughout the West Wing and was very embarrassing for her so she sought revenge.
    Apparently, Dumb Dumb Donnie didn’t know the coup came from within his very own West Wing. At some rallies, he railed and flailed about the attack against Dr. Jackson believing it came from outside his White House.
    It was reported by Michael Baker in the NYT (For Trump, Coronavirus Proves to Be an Enemy He Can’t Tweet Away),

“He [Trump] has expressed an astonishing lack of knowledge while at the same time claiming to be a medical savant. He has treated the crisis as a partisan battle, wearing his Keep America Great campaign cap to the CDC and calling the governor presiding over the state with the highest death toll a “snake””.

    The Cretin is facing the virus politically and not being straight with the American people. Politics not presidential is his game plan.
    The Cretin would rather play golf at Mar-A-Lago than show any humanity toward those who are sick from this contagious virus.
    He said,

We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House over our attack on the Coronavirus.”

     What is he talking about?? They failed to get a handle on this viral outbreak. When asked if he was worried, he said,

“No, I’m not concerned at all!” 

Here's COVID Donnie saying to us, "My next piece is called "Nothing can stop what's coming."

And, here he is holding up his new candy menu from which he can he can served in bed, or in the Oval Office Daycare Center.

    This Coronavirus outbreak is not about how bad it might get; or not. It is all about The Cretin in the White House showing he cares about making sure people are protected and safe and the president has their back. But he doesn’t.
     This is all about Melania’s infamous jacket slogan printed on the back, which read,

             “I don’t care. Do you?”

    COVID Donnie has now fueled his foul temper at Governor Cuomo of New York calling him “Fredo” because he declared a state of emergency resulting from the COVID-19 infecting New Yorkers.
    As The Cretin flails his failing frustrating fat fingers against officials who take this highly contagious virus seriously, he would rather play golf throwing insults from the sand traps like a 5th grade bully, than show Americans that he cares about them.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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