Wednesday, March 25, 2020

More About The Trump Virus And Wish To Be Our Perpetual President

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

Just Gimme Some Truth!

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    It sounds like COVID Donnie is hoping to put on his Easter bunny suit, which apparently he had made for him by his New York City suit tailor, similarly to the one Ralphie received, then had to wear, from his aunt for Christmas, in the film A Christmas Story. It had big ears, puffy white fake buttons, and large fluffy floppy feet, all pink, he will wear for his big “mission accomplished” celebration day ("It's a beautiful time. A beautiful time.") declaring that the Chinese Virus had been beaten. I can hear him saying “We Won!” as he eats his jelly bean candies and those marshmellow yellow eggs, sitting in his stuffed chair situated in the Oval Office Day Care Center.
    Unfortunately, that won’t be happening. It looks like the United States will end up the country with the most COVID19 cases. This is why it is definitive that this virus must be called the Trump Virus!!!
    He told us that by summer the weather will begin to slow the virus down and kill it off. Is he nuts? If the hot sun was the panacea, then why is it so fierce in Iran where the desert heat is strong? A combination of summer heat and 40% humidity is a better combination. It sounds like the Deep South should be spared when summertime comes around. But until then, look out.
    If sun, heat, and humidity were the answer to killing off the virus, then why is Iran full of the virus? Then why does Florida, Peru, California filled with the virus? More of COVID Donnie’s lies.
   Honduras, a warm weather country, is experiencing an outbreak of the virus and there are only 40 ventilators for the entire healthcare system. Also, their crowded food markets are being bought out potentially spreading the virus, along with a scarcity of food.
    His inaction plan has been a total failure. Now, we are hearing that Ford, GM and other companies are attempting to retool in order to begin fulfilling the critically needed ventilators and other medical supplies that are not in the Federal Government’s supply warehouses, which at one time, were filled with supplies in case we were attacked or suffered another disaster, such as Katrina. They were drained, and previous presidents didn’t think filling these warehouses up was needed anymore because we now had big box stores to tap if needed. But, in fact, the big box stores didn’t have warehouses, either because it was too costly to stock up product when it could be delivered on a daily basis by trucking companies.
    The federal government was fully aware of what was required if the country came under attack by a pandemic virus. They assembled a team to develop an action plan. They called it the “Crimson Contagion”. This was a report detailing the worst case scenario and it was presented to COVID Donnie around April 2019. The team began its data collection filled with modeling and simulations in January of 2019. The dumb psychotic person who lives in the White House ignored it completely. At the end of last year, China reported to the W.H.O, while keeping it secret from their own population, that they were seeing the beginning of a serious deadly viral outbreak. A Chinese researcher who discovered this virus in Wuhan was silenced by the government, and later found dead. But we all know that they couldn’t hide it for very long.
    For decades, the federal government had in place the Federal Defense Production Act of 1950, which is a detailed roadmap giving the government officials the wherewithal to diagram a nationwide supply-chain of manufacturers, warehouses, suppliers, and logistical support to fill orders of the necessary supplies and equipment needed for a pandemic. Unfortunately, The Cretin has not activated this essential act to help supply hospitals, and our communities. They had basically a Rolodex of people and businesses that could connect with one another to work together to fill government orders immediately.
    COVID Donnie failed to put into action this Federal Defense Production Act, as well as the National Response Plan to get this mobilized when the first case of COVID19 was discovered in the United States.
    It has taken over three months before Dumb-Dumb Donnie considered enacting the FDPA, but then rejected the idea. Also, the National Response Plan links to and integrates other Federal interagency plans so as to coordinate a smooth and efficient and effective response to a disaster, in this case, a worldwide pandemic hitting our shores.
    Also, available to the president is the military’s logistics capabilities. The military has trained daily for decades on how to get supplies and equipment to any place in the United States with precision. In fact, the independent truckers hauling stuff around the country could have been taken over by the military had this idiot living in the White House taken action and declared a State of National Emergency once the first case of COVID19 was diagnosed. We could have had a 4-week lock down of everyone, at that time. Food, drugs, and other essential supplies needed by the people and hospitals throughout this country would have been delivered by the military and the National Guard. And, if private haulers were needed, the Federal Defense Production Act would have figured that out.
    But no; Devil Donnie wouldn’t have any of that. He had to dismiss the virus. Call it a hoax. Lambaste Democrats for creating it. Blame Obama. We heard it all. He really never got serious about it. And, still isn’t serious about it because it lies everyday about it. He attacked the press corp for questioning him about it. He dismissed questions about the fears Americans were feeling. He always made it about him. He bragged and showboated. He pretended he was conducting a political rally during the press conferences.
    One must wonder why did he behave this way? Could it have been a plan to delay or call off the November elections? Could he have created this chaos in order to screw up the election primary cycles, which in some cases, have called off the primary voting for Democratic candidates. By creating lots of balloting questions: mail-in ballots, in person voting, what do we do? By allowing the virus to cause chaos, people might be afraid to vote in person. Did Psycho Donnie plan this? Could this have been his diabolical plan to remain in the White House and avoid prosecution by the New York district courts?
    Had Devil Donnie stepped out in front of this virus, instituting the Federal Defense Production Act, and allowing the scientists, medical experts take charge of the pandemic, then he would have seen his approval ratings jump to 80% probably winning the 2020 presidential election by a landslide; but, this guy is so evil and sinister, but dumb as a piece of shit, that he did just the opposite. He would rather stay put in the White House by suspending the November election, or create such election chaos whereby voters might be too afraid to go to the polls for fear of catching the virus standing in long, tight lines.
    Now Governor Cuomo of New York is saying that he is sick and tired of COVID Donnie and his vice presidential Putz giving New York the middle finger, that he is acting more presidential than *RUMP.
    Since Biden appears to be missing in action and failing to show the country that he is more presidential than the Idiot-in-Chief, and if he continues to stand in the background, then the DNC conventioneers MUST decide to choose another more dynamic person to be the presidential Democratic candidate to run against The Cretin.

 Just a thought.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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