Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Trump Virus Debacle

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.


    COVID Donnie will be bailing out Boeing, commercial airliners, and hotel industries without any concessions as he sticks it to many Americans without paychecks, sick leave, or health care. The Republican White Nationalist Congress does not care about YOU!!! The Republican White Nationalist Congress calls this epidemic “Fake News”. These Congressional Cretins need to experience recall elections for their total incompetence and playing politics during the worst health care crisis we have seen in years. It is time for petitions to recall these losers!!!
    Demonic Donnie has been tweeting insults against Democrats, and calling the media’s reporting on the virus as “Fake News”. Many on FOX News are doing the same.
    The nation’s health care professionals are flying blind because COVID Donnie’s late start with testing and recognizing the seriousness of this viral outbreak, and the lack of testing kits, and the lack of data assembled together explaining how many people have been tested and where and how many have the virus and how sick are these people.
    One of COVID Donnie’s Brownshirts, Steve Moron Mnuchin has said that the country might see a jobless rate climbing to 20% as a result of the viral outbreak. He proposed a ONE TRILLION DOLLAR stimulus package. He tried to sell a cash infusion plan of $1,000.00 per month to Americans in the next two weeks, and another $1,000.00 by the end of May. He suggested $750B to be distributed from now to the end of May.    
    But in fact, our “Devil Wears Trump” guy in the White House wouldn’t sign a House bill sent to the Senate unless provisions to offer paid sick leave to laid off workers was scratched out of the bill. He also wanted to cut a 30 year old Family and Medical Leave Act, but Speaker Pelosi would have none of it!
    Now, you may not get paid sick leave or family leave if you lose your job to this viral epidemic because your business closed down. Only if you or your child, or someone you care for has COVID19 might you get financial support from the government. Extended leave doesn’t apply if you go beyond 10 days if your company has more than 500 employees; but, if your employer has less than 50 workers, then your boss must apply for hardship relief so you can get paid sick leave.
    These harmful changes were forced upon the  Congressional House Democrats bill, which much more comprehensive than what the Republican White Nationalists in Congress would support. COVID Donnie wouldn’t sign it unless there were more regressive changes. They are not interested in helping every working American who will be suffering from this crisis. Instead, they are more interested in bailing out the big mega corporations without a single concession. (A list of possible concessions were listed in a previous blogpost.)
    This lethal coronavirus is the worst ever seen and when the Idiot-in-the-White claims that a vaccine is on the way is a bunch of hooee. It is in the infancy stages of efficacy. It won’t be available for a year!!!! The *RUMP administration is still fiddling with their MAGA hats trying to figure out what to do.
    The number of people tested is minimal when compared to the 300 plus million population. Our health professionals don’t even have the most necessary and basic equipment, such as masks, eye wear, and gloves, to protect themselves. The government warehouses need to open their doors and shovel out every single bit of stockpiled equipment right now!!!
    It is predicted that once this virus peaks around August first, and migrates into the Southern hemisphere of the Americas, we will see a massive infection rate with huge numbers of sick and dying people. Those countries filled with very poor people and a poor quality hospital system will get hit hard!!! The virus will decimate these countries.
    At that point, possibly next winter, the COVID19 virus will rear its ugly head right back into the United States devastating our economy and health care system, once again, unless a vaccine that works is widely available for free!!! Yes free.
   If the virus returns without a vaccine in play, this nation will see abject poverty sweeping the nation as people find themselves unable to go back to work because businesses have shut down and just cannot stay open and return to viability.
   The regressive Republican White Nationalist Party must get the boot for good, and progressive programs must get implemented by Democrats, who have to take over the government for years to come. A complete overhaul of the corrupt capitalistic system must get revamped. The way Wall Street and the corporate stock programs operate must get a facelift by ending short term gains and payouts in favor of a more long term outlook. Stock buybacks must end, too. These companies that need to sell off stocks, then they need to deposit that cash into an emergency cash reserve fund. We must see a widely implemented public health insurance program—Medicare For All—to cover the large numbers of sick people without health care or are in possession of a failed insurance policy. There will need to be an expanded Medicaid program, and an Andrew Wang Peace Dividend monthly paycheck for Americans that qualify.
    COVID Donnie keeps telling Americans that we will be celebrating at some point soon once this virus is gone. This has to be the biggest lie he has ever told us. This virus will not go away before we get vaccinated against it. He is totally delusional and so are his Brownshirts on the task force. The stock market will not be soaring as he believes for a long time in the future. We are in a new normal, and that normal keeps changing, even for the worse.
    This ever-changing new normal is flying blind by COVID Donnie’s incompetent task force. They do not have a focused direction because they are not using a cohesive medical expert team.

    Watch the video in this link. Trump defends cutting his experts brought in by Obama to fill positions in the pandemic preparedness office. It is shocking!!

Here is a letter sent by retired Judge Dannenberg to Chief Justice Roberts condemning him for his incompetence. It is a must read--here.

Pandemic Donnie speaks---


“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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