Thursday, March 26, 2020

More On The Trump Virus and The Rescue Package Bill

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth


           Stayin' Inside

    What is going on in America? We are destined to have the most viral outbreaks in the entire world. Now, who is to blame for this? It is caused by Devil Donnie.
    What is going on when everyday home sewers are having to sew hospital and personal fabric masks because the necessary supply-chain was not notified and called to service back in 2019. Who is to blame for this. Devil Donnie is the reason for this failure. The call that was needed to make was to mobilize the Federal Military Production Act of 1950, and a call to action after the “Crimson Contagion” report was published and handed to the guy in the White House. But instead, COVID Donnie fired the “Crimson Contagion” team. Devil Donnie didn’t give a damn about the coming pandemic. He called it Fake News, a hoax, a conspiracy to win the 2020 election by Democrats. Well Dumb-Dumb here it is. No conspiracy. No hoax. Not Fake News. It’s real and it’s in your face. It will likely hit your base, as well. Louisiana will be ground zero for the virus outbreak in the South.
    COVID Donnie wants people to go back to work by Easter. Now, that is extremely insane as the pandemic expands. Who is to blame for this? Devil Donnie is to blame, yet The Cretin’s popularity appears to be climbing as their jobs disappear and their retirement savings evaporates. Yeah for Donald J. Trump!!! He’s like Mighty Mouse—he’s here to save the day---OFF.
    He asked the car companies to make the equipment needed for hospitals. The Cretin is picking and choosing who makes the needed supplies and equipment for the medical crisis. Automakers are now in the pipeline. Don't we want this equipment made by reliable manufacturers? So, why is Ford being asked to get involved? Didn't they just recall tens of thousands of their cars because of mechanical malfunctions. This is absurd!!! Does this make any sense to you?
    COVID Donnie decided to stop calling the virus the Chinese Virus, while Pompous Pompeo wants it called it the Wuhan Virus. But, in fact, it is actually the TRUMP VIRUS.
    Have you tried to get a COVID19 test? Forgetaboutit!!! You need a doctor’s authorization, an appointment, and must be in the network of the test site. At least here in Western Pennsylvania. HUH?
    No one will be going back to work soon, Donnie, unless everyone is tested. That’s right. EVERYONE needs to get tested so people feel they CAN go back to work, and feel safe to open up their businesses again.
    In Pittsburgh, on the UPMC hospital website they are bragging about developing a vaccine. SO WHAT! Hey morons! Unless you test everyone, yes everyone, what good is a vaccine. Test everyone in spite of one’s network and getting a doctor’s permission. Test everyone.
    There are idiots in Congress, who are multi-millionaires. How does that happen? Rick Scott of Florida, a true moronic fake patriot, who along with Lindsey Graham-Cracker and Timmy Scott, and Bennie Sasse believe giving people a financial lifeline breeds laziness. These “f-in” morons are the laziest people of all. They do very little, while swimming in the Senate’ swimming pool and working out in their gym, eating in the dining rooms, schmoozing wealthy donors and lobbyists, and the list goes on and on. They sit on their RUMPs doing nothing. Rick Scott made his millions by stealing it. His health care company Columbia/HCA “gave kickbacks to doctors so they would refer patients. Columbia/HCA made patients look sicker than they were, so Medicare would pay more. Columbia/HCA kept two sets of books” as reported by the Sun Sentinel. Read it HERE. Scott is a fraudster, not unlike Devil Donnie.
    He is a bona fide crook sitting in the Congress. Sounds like his daddy—COVID Donnie. Why aren’t these lazy Republican White Nationalists in the Congress demand more from their daddy in the White House? It is because they are damn lazy and support his Market Leninist agenda.
    $500B from the rescue bill will be placed in the hands of The Cretin, without oversight, to pass out to the states and his corporate elite supporters that supported him in the 2016 Electoral College delegate count. This is Market Leninism out in the open.
    If you want to read what is in this $2T rescue bill, you can find it HERE.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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