Thursday, March 12, 2020

Trump's Coronavirus Coven Delivers A Message To The Country

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    Today Thursday, the stock market dropped over 9%!!!!! This drop is unprecedented. Last night COVID74 Donnie spoke to the American people. Deep in the anals of the White House COVID74 Donnie and his coven met to give him his orders. He read those orders before the country. He referred to the COVID19 virus as the “foreign” virus because he couldn’t remember the name of actual virus, which is the Coronavirus.
    Dumb Dumb Donnie sounded like a man under a spell, no doubt, placed upon him in the coven located deep in the bowels of the White House. He illustrated he has no feelings or compassion for the people of the country.
    His ideas is to force the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates, which will do absolutely nothing for the working people who many don’t have enough money to last a single week if they are laid off. It is all about giving cheap, and free money to the richest among us who can buy the stocks that have fallen far and are now bargains to be swept up, or falling real estate prices making the richest among us even richer. Also, a cut in payroll taxes will do nothing for workers living paycheck to paycheck.
    COVID Donnie is all about bailing out the cruise ship, airline, rental car, oil and gas industries over everyone else. He is all about a corporate bailout.
    The Idiot-in-Chief said, “Gas prices are coming down. This is like a big tax cut for consumers. I would not have expected it.” He thought this fall in gas prices was terrific. But, in fact, gas prices will be dropping because Americans will NOT be driving their cars if they are held up in a hospital, or at home recovering from the virus. Or, won’t be traveling, or will not be driving to sporting events or go on a vacation. A fall in gas prices will be helpful for those driving their short distances as needed.
    He is now following in the footsteps of Barack Obama when he bailed out the auto industry, yet this economic collapse is not the same. Obama’s bailout was a result of a failed financial industry running fast and loose with fake investments (loans, bonds and securities). This is all about a virus, and has no roots in a financial breakdown. This economic collapse was a result of a Black Swan event—an unexpected, comes-at-your-face-fast event, which this administration was ill-prepared because of his budget cuts.
    COVID74 Donnie has a plan for the 1% class and no one else. The nation is slow to measure up to the needs for testing, treatment, and containment. Germany is expecting 70% of its population getting infected.
    Angela Blanchard, president emerita of BakerRipley, is one of Houston’s leading experts on disasters. She has been a player in helping Houston recover from multiple disasters, and at Brown University now teaches graduate-level public policy courses on Disaster and Displacement. She says in the article linked here that everyone must expect to get the virus and be able to have enough supplies for thirty days as one hunkers down in place. She says that the Coronavirus is very contagious more so than the flu virus. It spreads three times more that the flu. One person can spread it to three people, and those three then can spread it to 9 people so and so. This is how an entire community gets infected. The flu doesn’t spread like this.


   Our Idiot-in-Chief focused his robot-like delivered presentation by saying that he will stop all flights from Europe entering the United States expect Britain. HUH? That was his focus. Incoming European flights was his concern, not that the virus has spread to over 40 states and thousands of people are infected. He didn’t seem to care that some states are declaring a state of emergency, or the need for FEMA’s help. He only seems to care about the 1%.
    This moron acting as president is so incompetent that he doesn’t know how to do the job, nor do those in his coven.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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