Thursday, March 19, 2020

Donald Trump Gaslights America During A Crisis

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    Racist Donnie walked out to the press conference on Thursday calling the Coronavirus the Chinese Virus, when in fact, this virus is now The Trump Virus!!! A New York City hospital doctor said, The sky is falling!!!”
One entire family has been ravaged by COVID19. Three have now died in this family Read that story HERE.
    The Cretin in the White House spoke most incoherently during this press conference. He, at times, made no sense. He opened by blaming China for its slow uptake on getting a handle with the virus, when it was COVID Donnie who was slow in even believing that the viral outbreak was NOT a hoax or “Fake News”, or an overreaction by Democrats. IT was IN Fact, Devil Donnie who has caused the slow response to getting ahead of the virus, and we are still NOT ahead of this viral pandemic. This is Trump’s fault, America!!! As Michael Wolff describes in his book “Siege”, Trump has been a con man his entire life. He has lied, denied, and conned his way to his fortune. And, even now, in the face of a world pandemic he continues to lie, con, and deny to all of us.
    Don Lemon of CNN has a very powerful presentation of COVID Donnie’s incessant lying from the beginning of this viral pandemic until now. You must watch it!! This Moron-in-Chief is a total failure. He has an incompetent team. Now Jared Crazy Kushner has assembled his own “secret” virus task force so he can justify his own ridiculously incompetent presence in the White House. He is just one of the many fools who roam the halls of the West Wing trying to justify their existence.
    This viral outbreak is ravaging our economy and those who work in it and for those who are trying to save for retirement.
    China has now assembled data on who is the most susceptible to catching the virus based on blood type. You can read that HERE.
    COVID Donnie says that we are close to a vaccine. WE ARE NOT! He continues to “Gaslight” Americans into believing what he says is in fact true when in fact he is a bold faced liar. That is basically what Gaslighting means (to cause (a person) to doubt his or her sanity through the use of psychological manipulation.) This outbreak is going to get worse before it get better.
    We have young people thumbing their middle fingers at this virus as they frolic on the beaches in droves during Spring Break, which will be an extended Spring Break vacation, since many schools are closed indefinitely. They are crowding motels and beaches and restaurants, which will likely spread the virus amongst themselves, and then, bring it back to their hometowns.
    The purpose of locking down our lives is to help our hospital system from becoming overburdened, exposed and drained of supplies by sick people wanting care due to exposure.
    It is very hard to listen to Devil Donnie stand up before an audience of press reporters and lie day after day Gaslighting his orange head with lies, misinformation, and distortions, while bragging about what a terrific job, great job, fantastic job he is doing to solve this problem. He believes that it will be solved very soon in one breath and immediately in his next breath he says “maybe not”. What a complete twit, moron, cretin, imbecile, creep, kook, and the list goes on and on. What most describes him is the word Devil or Demon.
    What we hear on the Democrat’s progressive side are people complaining about how Joe Biden is just another corporate/capitalist toadie, and will take the country into a typically mainstream direction. What a bunch of whining complainers!!!
    We have a very dangerous, lying con man in the White House taking this virus outbreak in stride. For those people living on their savings, which was stashed in the stock market, are seeing their monthly budget withdrawals decimated as the market loses all its value that had accumulated over the last three years. And, it will continue to fall.
    We have a chance to change the corporate bail out system, at least in a small way, yet the Republican White Nationalist party looks the other way. In other words, Joe Biden doesn’t look so bad when compared to the cretins who are controlling government right now.


“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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