Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Coronavirus Attacks The White House

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    It appears that Fed chairman Jerome Powell is reacting to the Idiot-in-Chief’s flailing arms over the spread of the Coronavirus by lowering interest rates. This is The Cretin’s effort to put more of the government’s cheaper cash into the hands of the wealthy who will not use it for their own businesses or to provide their employees when laid off in some sort of unemployment compensation when their businesses begin to slow or must shut down temporarily, or over the longer term because their customers are staying hunkered down in their homes.
    This lower interest rate cash will be used by the wealthy to gamble on Wall Street to buy stocks that begin to drop in value in order to buy low, and when the market is flooded with cash driving the DOW upward, these investing gamblers then sell their shares in just a day’s time making money off the crisis. Most average stock market investors saving for retirement cannot afford to gamble in this way. The Cretin is supporting the wealth class during a national crisis.
    This action is just the politicizing of this scary virus so the rich can make money off of it. Instead of The Cretin taking his “wall” monies and putting it into supplying the hospital and emergency medical community with protective gear, equipment, materials, and into increasing staffing requirements in preparation of this virus taking hold in communities, he pressures the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates and spew hate against Democrats, as well as minimizing the seriousness of this outbreak.
    Over the last 15 years, Congress, often controlled by Republican White Nationalists who don’t believe in science, failed to pass bills that would allow states, and communities to be prepared for viruses that morphs into epidemics, such as this Coronavirus. The states are underprepared for the needs required to address the costs incurred by communities in order to attack this current viral outbreak. A great many of these Republican White Nationalists in Congress don’t believe in science or the need to improve science research in this country. This underpreparedness has reached dire conditions. It has been reported that there is a 45% loss of funding by the states around the country.
    Florida, Washington state, California, Georgia are reporting COVID-19 cases. This is just the beginning. The Cretin’s moron in charge of HHS, Alex –Amateur—Azar sat before a Senate panel and told them that the country only has 30 million face masks for a country that needs 300 million to supply the population and health workers.
     It is important to know that high quality face masks can only be used for four hours at a time, and over time, the filters and materials degrade as a result of one’s moist breath breaking down the materials and need to be replaced. Also, the paper masks that one sees are totally ineffective from contacting the virus. Those paper masks are only good so the wearer can stop the spread to others, as well as from touching one’s face, which is a serious reason when contacting the virus.
    Dr. Boris Lushniak, a former U.S. Surgeon General, and now dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Maryland stated, “Once again we are not prepared.”
    The Cretin has spewed his idiocy when he told us that he wanted to attack the opioid crisis, yet there are health departments that have had to close because of being underfunded in spite of outbreaks of Hepatitis A, measles, and sexually transmitted diseases, as well as TB. According to the Big Cities Health Coalition, it can cost more than $2 million to address the staffing needs just to provide vaccinations in order to attack the measles outbreak in New York City. So, where is the funding for the opioid crisis? And now, we are anticipating a very serious viral outbreak while watching this corrupt White House approach this viral outbreak with blinders on.
    The Cretin has been shown to be a total failure to protect the country from the coming outbreak. It has been estimated that there is a near $700 million public health funding shortfall for 2020.
    As LilBoy Bush said, after the horrors of the 9/11 catastrophe, “Go shopping!”

The Cretin says,

 “The Coronavirus is a hoax created by Democrats”, and his idiot junior son saying, “Democrats want millions to die.”

    This is our president. This is how he responds to a crisis. He just cannot protect the nation from a crisis. He only cares about himself and his reelection campaign. He is a total failure!!

   “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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