Thursday, March 5, 2020

Trump said, “Obama ate my Coronavirus homework!”

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    The Cretin said that Obama was the cause of his lack of preparedness; but in fact, The Cretin significantly cut the budget from the CDC and epidemic preparedness. The Cretin is the reason why market volatility is riding a roller coaster of losses, and why nobody is believing a word this Moron-in-Chief says.
    It appears that the stock market had positively responded to Biden’s Super Tuesday success, but it was short lived once The Cretin opened his mouth and began blaming Obama for his own failures.
    An interesting data point that the Democrats need to share at rallies is that renewable energy sources are cheaper than oil per unit of energy electricity generated. Low cost renewable electricity out competes fossil fuel and nuclear plants and would ultimately lower consumer’s electric bills. The Democrats need to shout this from the bully pulpit.
    The Putz, *RUMP’s BullyBoy Bumpkin, formerly known as Pence, who is now wearing big boy pants as  the Coronavirus figurehead rowing a one-paddle raft through troubled waters, puffed his MAGA sex doll chest calling the Democratic Congress, the “Democrat Congress”. This is an insult to the Democratic party’s established and recognized name. So be it since he is the V.P. of the Republican White Nationalist party.
    COVID Donnie has allowed a bipartisan passage of a Health care-For-All bill giving the government $8.2B addressing the Coronavirus outbreak. Socialized medicine is good when the country is in a major health and epidemic crisis, but otherwise, not good enough the rest of time as they try to run away from its impact.
    Twenty-two schools closed in northern Washington state because of identified Coronavirus. This maybe just the beginning of community disruptions making it difficult for parents to care for their kids now stuck at home.
    Is The Putz making plans for this type of disruption? No doubt, his latex brain cannot wrap itself around such a community unraveling.
    The Democratic race to the White House saw Bloomberg and Warren drop out just days from each other. In Mike’s case we can all sing, “Can’t Buy Me Love” (The Beatles). We witnessed that no matter how much money one throws at a campaign, it cannot always buy a win.
    *RUMP told us that he had a “hunch” for lunch. It is a dunce hunch. The experts have assessed that the Coronavirus death rate is around 3.2%, yet the *RUMP’s dunce hunch belleved it to be much lower. It was rumored that while playing in his White House adult daycare center, he pulled out his trusty Magic 8 Ball. He asked, “Is the death rate 3.2%.” He rolled it and the answer that appeared in the Magic 8 Ball’s answer window read, “NO”. So, from that answer he came up with his dunce hunch public statement. He said, “It’s less than 1%.” This is our “stable genius’ at work.
    Seasonal flu kills far fewer than 1% globally, yet the Coronavirus has killed 3.2%.
    *RUMP told Hannity, “A lot of people have very mild cases’ and can recover “by, you know, sitting around and even going to work.”
    The Moron-in-Chief is implying that going to work with a Coronavirus is OK, when in fact, it is the worst thing one can do!! It is highly contagious and around 15% of people with the virus can become seriously ill and die!
    The Cretin decided to walk back his comment after being dope slapped by the professionals. He said, I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work.” He blames Democrats for spreading “disinformation”, when in fact, the origin of disinformation comes from The Cretin’s own mouth.
    On another topic, sicko Chief Justice John Roberts scolded Senator Chuck Schumer after calling out Kavanaugh and Gorsuch for saying, “watch out”. Yet Roberts was silent when The Cretin spewed vile remarks against the two women sitting on the court. Roberts is a sicko White Nationalist hypocrite kissing the ring of the idiot in the White House. “Trump would pay the price” if his Supreme Court stooges vote against the abortion-related case before them.
    It has been reported that the Coronavirus has mutated at least once. A second strain has been detected! A type “L” is more aggressive and another type is “S”, which is less aggressive.
    All The Cretin is able to say is that it is Obama’s fault. Once again, Barack Obama is the cause of all *RUMP’s troubles.

Here is an example of a Tiger Mom at work.

Here is an example of a Marshmellow Mom.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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