Monday, March 2, 2020

A Coronavirus Under Prepared White House

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

    The Trump presidential campaign store where we can buy our MAGA hats and Space Force jammies and those Putin approved red ties, is now offering a Mike Pence sex doll featuring his blank expression, short cropped gray hair, empty stare, and stiff demeanor. It has a recorded message when you pull his cord, which says, “Smoking doesn’t kill”, Praying for Aids will be the cure”, Conversion therapy is the only option”, Coronavirus is a hoax”, “ I agree with Donnie Junior that Democrats want millions to die”, “He would have died anyway”, “The average American does not need to go out and buy a mask.”
    The Putz, formerly known as Pence, is controlling the coronavirus message. His crime boss with his hand behind his Putz sex doll is handling this early outbreak politically and not in the best interest of the people. *RUMP only cares about his reelection!
    He has his creepy Kudlow and others downplaying the early outbreak telling us that the economy is OK.
    The Cretin said,

“And again, when you have 15 people—and the 15 up in a couple of days is going to be down close to zero—that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”

The Putz prayed for the patients in his state when AIDs hit Indiana as governor, instead of acting responsibly to treat those people suffering from the disease.
    The CDC is underfunded and is slow to respond because of its lack of epidemic preparedness. The CDC’s head, Nancy Messonnier said,

“We are asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this will happen.”

In fact, the virus is just beginning and will be here for a long time.
    But *RUMP said,

 “Well, I don’t think it’s inevitable.” “It probably will, it possibly will. It could be at a very small level or it could be at a larger level. Whatever happens, we’re totally prepared.”

    The truth is America is UNDER PREPARED!! *RUMP is a chronic psychotic liar and he has his Brownshirts lie for him, as well.
    Mitt Romney said,

 “We’ve had SARS, MERS, Ebola. We should have stockpiled the kind of protective gear that our medical professionals will need and our citizens will need, and we haven’t …”

    *RUMP said The Putz “team is brilliant.” Laughable!!! This is a political move. *RUMP did not appoint a virus medical expert to head the preparedness team. He appointed The Putz instead, who is a full-blown science denier.
    Moody Analytics predicts a 40% chance that the virus will grow into a global pandemic that would indeed push the U.S. and the rest of the global economy into a recession. *RUMP said, “

Stock market starting to look very good to me!”

WHHAAAT? The U.S. stock market in just one week erased a year’s worth of gains!! So, what is The Idiot-in-Chief talking about? Larry Kudlow said,

“Our threat assessment is low and the economy is fundamentally sound.”

More political idiocy coming from the crime syndicate White House. There is a question whether the CDC’s coronavirus testing kits are accurate. One patient who was quarantined after returning from China had tested negative for the virus and was released. In only days following that release, he tested positive for the virus. He had exposed others once he was released and now the CDC must find those people. We haven’t been testing the required numbers of people as compared with other countries.
    The Putz appointed Dr. Debbie Birx to work as a coordinator for viral preparedness. She does not lead the team, but is only a member of the team. She did lead the government’s global response to HIV/AIDS in the past.
    *RUMP said,

“It’s going to disappear. One day—it’s like a miracle—it will disappear.” “And from our shores, we ---you know, it could get worse before it gets better. It could maybe go away. We’ll see what happens. Nobody really knows.”


    What the heck is this moron talking about? Does he have any coherent thoughts? Or, does he communicate using a stream of consciousness approach?
    Let’s hope this Moron disappears---like a miracle. And, the health experts are saying they do know what is going to happen. It’s going to spread and get worse. This virus is highly contagious, not like other viruses.
    Moron Mulvaney spoke at CPAC saying,

“We know how to handle this.”

Is this guy on crack? They don’t know how to handle this initial viral outbreak or the economy. All they tell us is that they will push the Fed to reduce rates, which won’t do anything to help this possible recession.

    “Our country is prepared for any circumstance…we’re prepared.”

    No one believes this Moron. No doubt, those freaks at CPAC don’t believe Mulvaney, either.
    This possible virus related recession is totally different from previous recessions, which were triggered by problems in the economy, and not pandemic related. Businesses won’t be borrowing money if they have to send their employees home because the public is hunkering down at home. This will slow consumer spending as consumers only venture out for their necessities, if those necessities are even available because the supply-chain is disrupted as workers, drivers, distributors, and suppliers stay home waiting out the viral storm. And then, there will be those people actually infected.
    Let’s hope for a miracle---that the virus outbreak is small and Trump gets defeated in November.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Trump holding up his latest coloring book accomplishment, while The Putz stands propped up in the background. "Look everybody. I did a good job. See. I'm busy doing presidentially stuff."

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