Monday, November 19, 2018

The Bizarre and Dangerous Man Called Mike Pence

Who is this guy calling himself Mike Pence- “A Christian, A Conservative, and Republican” in that order? So, where does he fit in being an American? It is no doubt fourth on his self-described list of who he is. Or, maybe it fits nowhere on his list. He came from Indiana. He served as an ideological extremist and failed governor who didn’t believe gay or transgender people deserve marriage rights, but loved his tax cuts. He created a firestorm by not believing transgender people to use the bathroom that matched their gender. This action caused entertainment events to disappear. He failed to revitalize the Third World city of Gary, which borders Chicago with a Lake Michigan shoreline. He also served as a senator and never wrote and passed a single bill with his name as the principle author. A career of incompetence has been his history.

With nowhere to go but further into oblivion, he hitched his mule to Donald Trump’s presidential wagon train. He used a plane owned by Trump during his 1988 senate campaign. He was tied to Trump back then, as he is now. He has become the blowhole of the White House’s Christian fanaticism traveling the country “wrapped in the flag, wearing his cross, and carrying a gun”. This is his message—White House nationalism, i.e., White Supremacy.

He has wanted to be president since his days in high school. He is a very delusional and dysfunctional person. He believes Jesus speaks directly to him instructing and laying out his political playbook: ‘become a mediocre Indiana governor; be a nobody senator; abort your Christian values and join the criminal, Russian asset and perverted Donald Trump’s electoral theft to the White House.

Pence has some very strange beliefs. For example, he will not have a professional lunch or dinner with a woman without his wife present; or, that being gay is a sin and such a person should undergo conversion therapy; or, being gay will lead to societal collapse; or, that cigarette smoking is not deadly (received tobacco campaign funds); or, that he did not want to know if there are gay or lesbian people in the military; or, that Planned Parenthood should be completely defunded (he authored a bill to do this, but failed); or, that there are different types of rape-forcible and otherwise; or, that he signed, as governor, Indiana’s Religious Freedom and Restoration Act, which became law; or, that he calls his wife “Mother”, as if they live in that little House on the Prairie; or, that he got all lathered up at Disney for the portrayal of women as part of the military in the film Mulan; or, that during his 1988 congressional race, which at the time was not illegal, that he had misused campaign funds to pay for his mortgage, car payment, groceries, and golf outings; or, he has attacked the press repeatedly; or, that he tried to create a state-run news service called JustIN when governor. He must have fantasized about having a Russian-like state-run propaganda machine.

Maybe Jesus has a bigger plan for Mike Pence, which might be to be given a Pink Slip along with Donnie the Dimwitted and open a Chick-Fil-A franchise.

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