Monday, November 19, 2018

What’s Next with Trump?

A Trump supporter said, “I didn’t vote for a Boy Scout. I wanted to vote for a person who would lead and bring freedom to the free world.” Sadly, this delusional supporter of a Russian asset and our president is blindly supporting autocracy instead of democracy, and has been misled through the Republican noise and propaganda machine. Although, this might be true because there are supporters of Trump who feel that if the Russians did interfere in our election, then they have no problem with it because it put their candidate in the White House. This is scary to know that we have Americans who are very willing to walk over the cliff, just as a lemming would, in order to elect a White Nationalist. Putin is laughing at such an American.

It is my view that Donald Trump was shot down over Russia and once captured, defected.

In 1933, Goebbels, Hitler’s vile sidekick, threatened the Jews. In the vein of Goebbels, Trump modified his playbook in order to threaten his opposition. Trump switched out the word Jews and replaced it with the 65-70% of Americans who do not support his draconian and autocratic agenda for America.

This is Trump’s altered quotation of Goebbels. ‘If the press still thinks it can intimidate the [Republican Trumpian agenda] with veiled threats, if they think they can evade my decrees, they should watch out! One day my patience will run out, and then [the Democrats] will find their impudent, lying traps unplugged.’

Brian Klass, wrote on 8-30-18, on DemocracyPost, “President Trump is an existential threat to American democracy. He has infected our politics with authoritarian populism. Thankfully, his version of the disease is a weak one—he’s an unpopular, undisciplined president who alienates persuadable independent voters by disgracing the office he holds.”

At an Evangelical Christian conservative rally, Trump told his congregants they were one vote away from “losing everything”. He told them that they should fear a “referendum” on losing their freedom of speech and religion. And, he suggested that his opposition were “violent people”. As I recall, trump was willing to pay legal fees to anyone at his rallies who tangled with anyone opposing The Great Leader under to roof of such a gathering.

Trump continued his Putin-esque hostility. He went on to raise his vile assault when he said, “…it’s a question that they will overturn everything that we’ve done and they will do it quickly and violently. And, violently. There is violence. When you look at Antifa-these are violent people.”

Trump’s autocratic psychopathy has him believing that the 65-70% of Americans opposing him are far-left fascists. That is just what an advocate of autocracy and Putinism would say. Striking fear in his supporters is just what Dr. Putin ordered.

In The Atlantic, Garrett Epps (8-10-16) wrote, “Unfortunately, the Supreme Court, in 1969, the court held that “mere advocacy-even of violence cannot be made criminal “except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.” This direction by Trump for violence has yet to be seen. He maybe walking a very fine line toward actually directing violence.

In addition to this fear by Trump feeling the breath of impeachment on his neck, he continues to Dog Whistle his White Nationalist base by challenging Hispanic citizens who were born along the Texas border and delivered by midwives if they are truly American citizens. The White House has put into question if those birth certificates are legitimate because these people were delivered by a midwife, who might have forged those documents. This came to light when a person holding such a birth certificate went to renew his passport and was denied.

Trump and his White Nationalists working for him in official capacities have winked to his White Nationalist base that he is beginning, subtly, to see if he can deport non-white citizens. He has begun to do this along U.S.-Mexico border communities.

He has his plan, even if it is faulty, to show a particular demographic within his base that he supports their White Nationalist agenda.

Trump’s Republican party is silent on this agenda. They have gone to the Dark Side of autocracy configured by Putin’s Russian asset. It appears that most of the Republicans in Congress will do anything to keep Democrats from taking their power away.

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