Thursday, November 29, 2018

President Trump Threatens Democrats If They Investigate Him

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

    Our Cretin-in-Chief is so damn scared of the Democratic Congress unmasking the Russian Asset American President that he is now foaming at the mouth. His rabies infection is flaring up with a massive outbreak.
    He is now threatening to declassify documents that he has been keeping hidden from the American people in his Space Force toy box. His threat is that he will “play tough” if Democrats decide to investigate the long playing Greek tragedy of Russian collusion by the Trump crime syndicate.
    Once again, our paranoid president believes that such an investigation is politically motivated and the real criminals are Crooked Hillary, Crazy Comey, and Colonel Mustard in the closet with the candlestick.
    The Idiot Asset President said, “I think that would help my campaign if they want to play tough, I will do it. They will see how devastating those pages are.” Then President Idiot Asset said, [Maybe] “It’s more powerful if I do it then [A more targeted time.]…because if we had done it already it would be yesterday’s news.”
    Is he joking or is he just really, really stupid? If there’s really incriminating stuff on Democrats, the Nationalist Party Congress members and pundits would never stop bleeding it for the next two years. So, Mr. Idiot President, release the damn documents, if there are any, or did your dog pee all over your homework? What the heck are you waiting for? Stop those Dems in their tracks! Cut them off at the pass. Derail their train. Freeze them out. Pull out the stops. Flush them out. Run ‘em off the rails!
    Stop bragging, boasting, bullshitting, bloviating, belching bravado and open up your Toys-R-Us toy chest and back up your threats.
    President Russian Asset said, “In the end I can always declassify if it proves necessary. Speed is very important to me---and everyone.”
    WOW Trump, are you singing that Doors lyric, “This is the end. This is the end my friend. This is the end.” There is no time to waste. Get ahead of it. Don’t wait. Show your cards. Lay out your hand. Drive it home. Don’t bogey this hole. If you’ve got some there-there, then prove it. Are you bluffing? If not, then put up or shut up!
    Oh no, big boy pants Donnie has his puffy shirt on and appears to be fluffing it up by saying, “If the Democrats think they are going to use Taxpayer Money [Check out those capital letters!] investigating us at the House level, then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all the leaks of Classified Information [OOOOH, more capital letters. Is he trying to make a point? Are we supposed to get scared?], and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play that game!”
    President Cretin, what are you rambling about? What does “And much else, at the Senate level” actually mean? Do you know what it means? It must be that puffy shirt talking.
 This guy is losing it. He’s really, really scared.
    It’s the job of Congress to uncover evidence if there was any Russian collusion involvement subverting our democracy by anyone within the Trump crime syndicate in order to get him elected. If Trump is some sort of “Manchurian Candidate”---President, then we all have a right to know. This is not just some Nixon burglars breaking into and office at the Watergate. This is the use of a foreign government, an adversary, war criminals in their own right, helping one of their own “Idiot Assets” (Read Malcolm Vance’s book, The Plot To Destroy Democracy) to become President of the United States.
    It doesn’t get any worse than this. And, if Trump and his crime syndicate political organization were involved in this conspiracy, then let the House Democrats investigate it, since the Nationalist Party has looked the other way. If you are innocent, then what is there to be afraid of? So why all the threats? If the Democrats come up short, while looking partisan, then the Nationalist Party will have plenty to throw up in their faces prior to the 2020 presidential and congressional races.
    So Donnie---what ARE you afraid of? You’ve surrounded yourself with fraudsters, liars, and thieves. You love liars. You are the LYIN’ KING! This is your very own Broadway production.
   Paul Manafort is hoping for a pardon because he lied for you and leaked the Mueller test questions to you after he memorized them after his own interviews and passed them on to you so you can get all the questions right, as you made reference to getting them all right. That answer is funny.
We know you were incapable of answering Mueller’s questions by yourself. Manafort was your bitch, and now, he’s hoping for a pardon, otherwise, he will likely die in prison. The food is horrible. And, the suits aren’t made of alligator skin, or whatever. He’s done his risk assessment analysis and is hoping for freedom, except it will only show that there was collusion—a quid-pro-quo between a couple of cretins. Not too good for the Nationalist Party. Their leader colluding with a federal prison convict.

    So Donnie, The Whole World Is Watching.

Update: As Michael Cohen was pleading guilty today, information about the Moscow Trump Tower deal came to the surface. What had unfolded was while Trump was campaigning for president, he was making promises to his voters to act on their behalf, to work to bring jobs back, to make their lives better, while at the same time he was trying to make a Trump Tower deal with Vladimir Putin giving him, at NO CHARGE, a $50 million dollar penthouse at the top of the Tower if everything would fall into place. He appeared to have owed Putin a big favor for something, which has yet to be unmasked. This secret deal with Putin, as Trump was campaigning To Make America Great Again, he was planning to work with Putin to become the Putin Poodle. It has been documented by Malcolm Vance in his book, The Plot to Destroy Democracy, that Trump had become what Vance refers to as an Idiot Asset. This is an asset that can be bought just by making the person feel good. All the person required was a good pat on the back. In Trump's case, it was to help Trump avoid bankruptcy by buying up empty Trump condos. Because Trump was is such financial straights, he was unable to get domestic bank financing. He was up against the wall. Putin's oligarchs came to the rescue. By buying Trump's properties, the oligarchs had a way to launder money making Trump his bitch. This story continues to unfold. Michael Cohen might have more to say about the Putin-Trump relationship.

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